Oh, don't get me wrong ... the crazy bit is my DH's opinion, not mine. It's why I brought it up to him in the first place. The only thing I agree with is that we'll probably just end up referring to our bean as 'the baby'. That said, I'm still quietly hoping that we'll come up with something, just to make him/her feel a little more personal and 'ours'. Everyone in the family will refer to this child as 'the baby', and once the news is out it will no longer be our thing ... a name for the bubs could fix that. But hey ho, we'll see if DH changes his mind.
Jaffetaluna, I love it! A lot of creativity in that one, think most people would just have gone with Jaffette
Not getting much information out of my DH. I asked him when he wants to start buying things (had hoped maybe the answer would have been 'as soon as the scan shows everything is ok'), but he doesn't know. Same for 'how will we tell your mum?'. As no excitement over the scan in August either ... argh! I brought it up 3 times yesterday, thinking that maybe he didn't hear me the other times. But nah, he just doesn't seem too bothered.
At least he's excited about the scan coming up on Monday =)
Did anyone else get information brochures with their paperwork, explaining the tests and risks? I'm not entirely sure which tests we will/won't do. I don't think we'll go for the early downs syndrome test, as I'm very much of the believe we'll keep the child anyway no matter what. But DH wants the later Down Syndrome test to prepare us, just in case.