it says to have a moderately filled bladder what the hell does that mean lol! oh so theres not much between us then you looking forward to the scan i cant wait!
how are you feeling? xxx
I was told to empty mine once I got there, I guess it depends on the scan you have, I was fit for bursting on the way there and whilst waiting and was then told I needed an empty bladder for an internal lol, typical.
Hi Randomxx
Where in Scotland are you from? I'm also from Scotland. I live in Fife. Got my first midwife app tomorrow but no mention of a viability scan etc. I'm 6+1 approx today
Hope you're all well xx
Glad your not feeling to bad ive been fine tho ive had a cpl of off days i seem to be sick if i eat anything with cheese or cream tho im fine drinking milk! im looking forward to the sunday now cant waitxxx