Emily is random, sometimes sleeps through for up to 12 hours and sometimes wakes for a feeding. I know she wakes, or think I know, for hunger because other times I hear her wake and stir but she self settles. When she does wake it tends to only be 1-2 times, she tends to eat and go back down fairly well. She's gotten a lot better at putting herself to sleep if laid down sleepy or if she wakes when i lay her down. If she is upset and laid down it is pretty much guaranteed to not work. She is learning to self soothe but can't deescalate herself.
During the day she feeds an average of around every 2 hours from start to start but that varies a lot. In the evening she typically cluster feeds, off and on the breast, or awhile.
We leave Thursday for our trip to visit my family so I have a feeling this is all about to be shot to hell... god help us! I will have limited Internet for the first week or so so don't be surprised if I am not on here as often.
I was just thinking that 1 week today is the day I found out I was pregnant and today has been 1 year in our house.. Crazy how fast time flies.
I think that more and more as I watch my lil man grow and learn new things each day. Even though he's only 3 1/2 months he already fits in 6 month clothing !!
I had a big accomplishment today!! The weather here was kind of crappy so I knew a lot of people wouldn't be out so I took my first walk with Carson and my 2 large dogs! My rotti sucks on a leash but is fantastic off leash.. But in town she has to stay leashed all the time. My shepherd is fantastic on the leash but can become aggressive if approached by an off leash dog.. Both dogs were excited to be out since they haven't really been out since Carson was born.. I had to constantly work with them and give directions.. Carson was supposed to be taking his cat nap but instead he laughed the entire time as I talked to the dogs and have commands. Over all it was very successful. I was very proud of myself
So we're still struggling a LOT with Hayden…I feel like she's getting worse every few days. She's still waking in the night and crying without end so we've stopped pick up/put down as it just wasn't getting anywhere. Last night we've started to jut feed her when she wakes and put her back down. She went to sleep without TOO much trouble both times. During the day she's cranky and temperamental. She wants to chew on stuff and gets upset while chewing on it. Like she's angry about something. She keeps crying to be fed but when I latch her she just keeps coming on and off the boob. She shrieks loudly when we don't respond to her crying and sounds like she's being boiled alive. This evening, when I was doing the final feed for night time, she bit me - several times! I yelped in pain and pulled her off, then shouted NO. I re-latched her and she just did it again. So I stopped the feed and DH changed her diaper and put her into her sleep sac. We tried the feed again and she bit me yet again. So I yelped, pulled her off and said NO firmly and we put her in her crib. She cried for like 15 minutes and now seems to be asleep.
I'm heartbroken. She's only 4 months 1 week old and I really wanted to breastfeed her till at least 6 months but she's becoming unbearable. The latching, unlatching and pulling on my nipple was bad enough but now she's biting I'm just so sad…I don't understand what we're doing wrong that she's being so difficult.