Hi ladies, just got my bfp this morning with my second (already got a little girl aged 17months). Feeling all kinds of emotions.
Grinned from ear to ear when I saw the test. Feeling excited but a bit nervous.
Pregnancy was ok just the usual heartburn, up all night going to the toilet and a few leg cramps but worked out I wasn't drinking enough water.
Labour started the day before my due date. Went downhill from there. Labour started at night and with every contraction I had to stand up, after being awake all day and standing up all night I was knackered. Had planned a home birth but the hospital didn't have the staff to send out and I was in no position to argue. Skip forward and 27 hours after labour started LO was born by emcs, I only ever got to 3-4 cm.
Not sure which way to go, try for calm water home birth again, or the other extreme of a planned c section.
Also I will be calling to midwife tomorrow,I can't remember what appointments I get. When is the booking in appointment- the first time I go or another time???? God I hope it's I different mitie to the one I got in labour, she won't remember me but I'll still be sooooo embarrassed after last time!