:wave:Hello Everyone! May I join?
I am pregnant, my due date is March 6th (My birthday is March 20!). I've had an ultrasound and baby seemed to be doing great. I lost a son at 14w 6d in January and I had him cremated.
It was the scariest, most heart wrenching thing i've ever done threw. I went to my 4th month appointment, and there was no heartbeat.
I had seen him on the ultrasound just a few weeks before and he was happy go' lucky, bouncing around and everything so seeing him laying inside of my body lifeless with hardly any body heat just killed me inside. I still cry over losing him, and I still very much so miss him.
This is hopefully are rainbow baby! We are very excited at the hopes of having a newborn in our arms after a 2nd trimester loss.
To those who might be having a miscarriage right now, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Either way, If you need anyone to talk to, please know that you can talk to me. I am on babyandbump at least once a day.