March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Starry, how's it going with your parents? Crossing all my fingers and toes for a fantastic scan on Tuesday! Glad you're feeling better/more human.

Pink, adorable girl stuff you got there! I have to say, I still love buying clothes for my 2.5 yo wayyyy too much. You'll have so much fun.

garfie, if it makes you feel any better, I start to think it's a chore after about 3 days, haha. Oh that's bad. :blush: That is a pretty wild OPK. At least to have had so many like that! I tried to consult Dr. Google about what could cause that, and I think I'm not smart enough to figure it out. You did your part best anyone could! It'd be cool if the timing worked out somehow!

ES, sooo sorry about the BFN. That would have been cool if it had worked out on your anniversary. I tested once on Christmas day and that didn't work out either. Buuut happy anniversary! :happydance: Sorry your hubs is being screwed over by the government, but it sounds like you had a lovely day. Any day involving cake pops has to be good!

AFM: Man, I haven't been to the fair in years. Now I want some fair food! :haha: I pretty much quit processed meat so I don't know if I could fully enjoy a corn dog, but it's basically required eating at the fair as far as I'm concerned. And a root beer. And cotton candy. And a caramel apple. Hmm, except for the corn dog, those are all sweets. Hmm....

Testing again tomorrow. Not holding my breath because the negative signs are outweighing the positive ones now (and I think I've only seen positive signs because I wanted to).
Just a quick pop in to say hi, never don't fret everything is making me cry at the moment, happy sad it really doesn't matter, I cry at Jeremy Kyle for goodness sakes lol

Good luck starry for tomorrow.

Thanks for all the nice things about my baby clothes it's been so nice washing them all and ironing all the tiny things.

Love to all, sorry it's short xxx
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, everyone! I'm looking forward to my turkey dinner tonight. Hope the evening sickness holds off long enough for me to enjoy it.

ESwemba - sorry about the bfn. Hope your anniversary is loads of fun and enjoy your pumpkin carving.

eyemom - I hope you are having a sneaky bfp but I understand wanting to prepare yourself for an unwanted outcome. Crossing my fingers for you.

Mowat - I hope you figure out your cycles and that you ovulate soon. Waiting for our bodies to return to normal after a loss is such a pain.

Mama - I hope you find out your GD is gone for good.
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving everyone :) ( tbh I didn't realise there was one lol ) I'm getting an education on here lol. ! Hopefully you get to enjoy your dinner :) oh and the very very best of wishes for your scan tommrow xxxxxxx
The scale at the gym said 199.6.......IM OFFICIALLY UNDER 200 lbs!!! :happydance: 40 lbs in 10 months is not bad at all!

Also, CD 22 and no AF. I'm guessing I'm about 10 DPO. I'm going to stockpile $$ store tests today. I didn't test today because I didn't have any tests. I'm also now convinced that the cramps I have starting at least a week before AF is actually bladder pain, related to a condition called Interstitial Cystitis. They can't really do anything about it, but if that's what is causing pain and pressure, I'm more ok with that than thinking my uterus is contracting starting 3DPO. Next time I see my doc, I'm going to bring it up.
Hi ladies.


Another BFN this morning. Not sure what else to expect since we've had 16 cycles of failure in spite of DH's supersperm. Why should it work out now?

Today I went to visit a friend (about an hour away) who has a little girl about 6 mos younger than DD and another new baby girl. I've been sort of dreading this visit for the last few weeks, even though I really wanted to see her and the new baby and give our girls a chance to play. But it's kind of hard too since her girls are almost exactly 2 years apart and mine would have been pretty much exactly two years apart also (it's harder to be around baby girls because in my heart my angel was a girl). And all this coming off a BFN. But surprisingly it was fine and a really nice visit and I even held the baby and wasn't emotional.

The drive home sucked though but that's another story. :dohh:

Anyway, I'm considering this cycle done. If I were gonna get a bfp I would have gotten it this morning. Now to wait on the witch and get in one more cycle (maybe two) before we talk with the Dr about what's next.

So DH has supersperm, my TSH and prolactin were normal, tubes were clear and uterus looked normal. I ovulate on my own every month with normal cycle length and good LP length. Dr said next would be meds or maybe IUIs. Any tests I should ask for first before investing in stuff like that?
I just ordered a couple of bottles of Fertilaid for Women. I figure what do I have to lose. Except about $55. :-/
Thanks Never! We are getting the family photos done next month for our Christmas cards. ALL of our friends have had kids, for awhile, and they've ALL done the little santa outfit and wore red for their 1st Xmas. Finn looks really dashing in Navy blue. I'm thinking about doing a sweater set in navy for him, and the husband and I wear navy polos and jeans? Or I might wear a sweater myself, and the husband has a really nice checked long sleeve shirt that looks good with jeans. Do you think xmas photos have to be so xmas themed? It will say it on the card and all that.

And congrats on your weigh in ES. I'm at 193 now, just starting to work on the baby weight. I want to get down to 150 before I try again. I weighed about 170 when I got prego this time, and it was really rough on me. I'm thinking the extra weight loss might help. I hope we both reach our goals.

I so hope Finn gets a sibling some day. I feel so blessed to have him and I really hope we have time and are able to give him a little brother or sister. I'll be almost 37 by the time we can really start trying again so I'm a bit nervous about maybe having trouble. I really want to be in shape and healthy as I can to help my chances of still being fertile and able to carry a baby again.
ES- congrats on the weight loss!

Eyemom- Sorry about the BFN but on to the next month!! I hear of people testing their FSH. Have you tested your levels?

Mackjess- adorable baby pic!!

Hi to everyone else. Slow day. :)
Hi everyone! Hoping it's OK for me to hop on and join this thread. D&C Sept 20th @ 12 weeks - recovery went splendidly, all things considered.. positive ovulation test exactly 14 days after and back to TTC. Fingers crossed for a BFP this month BUT even if it's doesn't come and AF shows her face instead, will be happy to know my body is back into its groove and try again next cycle! :)

I am a very optimistic person, received that first BFP on cycle #2 of trying so fingers crossed that this MC was just a quick blip in the road to motherhood. Loving these forums and all the support!
Oh my goodness the pain! What is going on... Either this is the worst ovulation ever or I'm about to have AF super early and it's going to be super bad! Just do something already body!
Hey ladies....tried to catch up but it is very late and I am very tired. I will try again in the AM. Just wanted to pop in and let y'all know I am still trucking along. I am taking these antibiotics like a boss...and the reglan right along with it LOL ES...I was told a gluten free diet helps a lot...but EWW!! haha I like taking care of myself, but I also like taste and not cardboard. ;) I am keeping myself busy these days with little craft things here and there. Since I can't TTC this month, I am making Xan's costume and painting his room with all sorts of cool stuff. I am in the process of making his name in graffiti art on the wall by his door. Next is the minions in the baseball jerseys. I gotta keep myself busy or I will get frustrated, ya know? Well, I need to take a :shower: but I will leave y'all with a couple pictures...bc well....that is how we roll over here! :)

1381073_244600542359562_147121997_n.jpg Xan playing peek-a-boo instead of taking a nap. 1396628_244421275710822_1712852460_n.jpg One of the minions I drew for his wall
1378210_244870555665894_1673840644_n.jpg Xan's new graffiti art in his room (Red Sox logo going in other white circle)

Just a kick-butt quote I live by these days
Hi ladies!!

Mackjess: Yes ma'am that blue definitely is so cuuute on him. And how awesome is that I've been planning our Christmas pictures since the first day I had DS, but I couldn't figure out the color scheme bc like you said, everyone is doing the famous red white and black, Although DS looks goods in red I just want to do alittle different, but I think you doing blue is totally fine it's your picture and it's original and you're right the card will still say Christmas on it and blue is on the Christmas color list too. Have fun with it, everyone dosent have to do the classic I'm thinking of Green but I don't look to good in green but we'll figure it out before time. Good luck on whatever you choose but remember to have fun! And you're never to old to have you another butbi can understand ab time of your body working against you, but I'm sure you'll be bk in the running in no time!

Mowat: Sorry about your body playing games with you, if it only wasn't attached to your brain I would tell you to give it a good butt cutting to get it bk on track but unfortunately you'll feel it :nope:

Eswemba: YAYYY How awesome to be under 200lbs. I am so honestly jealous of you(in the happiest way possible) I was just telling my cousin how I dream to get back down to my pre prego and pre m/c weight. I ate myself into obsession of wanting a baby until I no longer paid attention to me on the outside I was just working and exercising to get prego. O the joy of now fighting temptation of the only foods that make you happy.....#everything that's bad for ya#

Sweetz: hahahahahA...Xan is soooo cute looking over his crib!! That picture made my day. Now I'm in the picture taking mood! I live your wall art, that is so cool and creative, unlike mine I just have DS name spelled out on the bare wall with his 1 day old foot print hanging under it. Stay busy Sweetz and definitely take care of yourself bc you're #1 priority to Xander. No rushing to TTC, we'll still be here lord Willing:hugs:

Tamzing: Hi :hi: and Soo so sorry you had to join us under these circumstances but we are here to root you up ma'am!! Sounds like you bounced back perfectly, I love that attitude and motivation!! My FX for you!!

AFM: wasn't the best. My son cousin gave him a horrible cold. He's congested. He's barely eating his solids, he's fussing and crying non stop when he wasn't sleeping. I'm so mad at her mom bc she knew her daughter had an awful cold and thought it was funny when I told her that her child have my son a cold and he's just getting over a cold 2 weeks ago, I'm pissed bc he's so sick and I'm doing everything I can do but the sound of his chest rattling and him trying to breathe is driving me into insomnia that's y I'm still awake @ 1:37am. I just hope and pray he gets better bc the doctor told me to bring him in if it dosent get better...and I think I may just do that.

Hi to all the ladies! :hi:
Welcome tamzing.I am so sorry to hear about your MC and D&C.I hope you get lucky very soon.FX'd for you.

nevergivingup - It is really horrible when kids are not well.I do not have real time experience on this but I can imagine.Please take good care.Have you been to doctor yet?Please keep us updated.

Mowat - :hugs: I hope your pain eases soon.Our bodies are so unpredictable sometimes!

Sweetz - I loved your pics.Thanks for sharing.How Xan is doing?

Eyemom - :hugs: Sorry for your BFN dear.Wish you better luck in next cycle.

ES- You must be feeling great after shedding some weight.Very well done!

AFM - TWW for me.Could not time our BD well this time.Hubby was too stressed to do anything.We did double IUI (thursday and friday).I just hope that works.Had 2 mature eggs (19mm) and one mid size (15mm).And linin was 1cm.But doc was not happy with the linin as it was not tri is kind of patchy.
I had a great time this weekend.Celebrated Dussera Festival!FX'ed for myself.

How you all are doing?
Welcome tamzing.I am so sorry to hear about your MC and D&C.I hope you get lucky very soon.FX'd for you.

nevergivingup - It is really horrible when kids are not well.I do not have real time experience on this but I can imagine.Please take good care.Have you been to doctor yet?Please keep us updated.

Mowat - :hugs: I hope your pain eases soon.Our bodies are so unpredictable sometimes!

Sweetz - I loved your pics.Thanks for sharing.How Xan is doing?

Eyemom - :hugs: Sorry for your BFN dear.Wish you better luck in next cycle.

ES- You must be feeling great after shedding some weight.Very well done!

AFM - TWW for me.Could not time our BD well this time.Hubby was too stressed to do anything.We did double IUI (thursday and friday).I just hope that works.Had 2 mature eggs (19mm) and one mid size (15mm).And linin was 1cm.But doc was not happy with the linin as it was not tri is kind of patchy.
I had a great time this weekend.Celebrated Dussera Festival!FX'ed for myself.

How you all are doing?

Good luck, I hope this cycle works for you!
I have my 20 week ultrasound in just a few short hours! I cannot wait for confirmation that baby is doing well, and of course the gender!
All the best Tricia, Can't wait to see your scan pics.
Did you guess the gender yet?any expectation from your or DH?
Never, I hope your son feels better soon! I'm actually 10 lbs under the weight I was when I got pregnant, but I have more to lose. I love losing the weight!

Tricia, good luck at your scan! I hope baby is cooperative so you can find out the gender.

Mowat, ouch! That sounds painful! I hope its ovulation rather than AF.

TTCMoon, good luck this cycle!

Kat, how are you?

Welcome tamzing!

Eyemom, how's it going?

Everyone else.....hi!

AFM, woke up to a BFN, slightly more cramping, and a mild headache. I'm pretty sure miss AF is planning her arrival.

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