(Panting....breathing hard....and WOOSAHHHHHHing at the same time....wheeewwww, just finish reading.....so here we go
Kat s: You are so right, it's definitely getting his immune system built up for schooling and being around other children. But is it ok if i ask my cousin(the mom of the child who has a cold) to come over here and buy his cold remedies and soothe him back to good health since she's ok with spreading germs

Sorry about that awful nurse....sometimes although I know it's not right but u want some people who have no clue to experience what we have to go through and then maybe they'll understand our sadness and be a bit more compassionate! Silly lady, and what a field to be working in with that type of attitude, it's bad enough we have to deal with our own problems but now we got to add people like her to our problematic bucket list.....ummmm I rather not, knowing me I'll tell her myself that's she has awful customer service then tell her boss, my money has to be worth something right? That acupuncture looks soothing actually (I know, I'm so weird). Kat S you do whatever u need to do for your babies, you deserve it, and those babies are waiting for you!! You'll be a great mom look at all that you're doing now, just imagine how much love you'll have when you get your rainbow babies(sss with many s on the end) bc FX for twins!!
Mowat: Sorry you're going through the motions and don't feel bad for expressing how you feel, it's normal, we're here for you!! And it definitely sounds like your food as in breakfast lunch and dinner has turned into a pill buffet

I hope you're at least drinking some water to add to this delicious meal. Don't worry, those vitamins are good for you and your health and will give your baby a great start too...so eat away! O and yea it's hard trying to NOT try when you really want to so bad because maybe this is the time we'll get prego is always running through our heads if we don't try. It's your decision but I know whatever happens (getting a BFP) your body will work with you!! Never limit your dreams bc of one setback....Go for it
Pinkcasi: Sorry to hear that your OH is putting you through the ringer, like you need anymore stress added on. I would be very upset too bc he had to learn his lesson at the cost of someone even him could've gotten hurt or even worse...death. He needs to be here for y'all bc he will be superman in that little girls eyes. I hope he learned his lesson for I know in his heart he means good for his family, sometimes we just make bad decisions and can't see them ourselves or even hear the person whose yelling what's right and wrong in our ear. It's best we learn from our own mistakes. But sorry it had to be at the cost if you losing transportation. The pros and cons of this is he may learn his lesson from you having the poont(fart) face when u have to call a taxi. Sorry Pink, but try to relax and enjoy the rest of your 7 weeks it's really all about you and your precious little girl!!
Left wondering: 22 weeks!! WOWSERS you're moving extra fast, I wonder is it because we can't slow down your process by watching your ticker move everyday to see what fruit you are today. What symptons if any are you having? Such as when you go to sleep or any weight gain?
Sweetz: You are awesome, did I tell you I am definitely your biggest fan...ok ok ok well 2nd Because I know Xander don't play about his mommy!!
Tricia: Welcome to Team Blue!!!! It's so awesome if you're not into having to do hair everyday but brush it

(I wonder of this make me sound lazy) You deserve him, now sit back and get ready for his arrival, he'll be here sooner then you think! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Starry: How Awesome

Now stop worrying and talk to your rainbow baby that's snuggling in ya!!! That is great news, now the next scan will be gender, O how I'm so excited for you ...I think I'm humming and singing again....doooo dooop dee doop....I'm a tune box.
Eswemba: Glad to hear AF is being lenient this time, hey and that's definitely awesome great news!! Do you think your weight loss may have something to do with your AF being kind this time? O this is a beginning to a fresh start, so gear up and get ready, it's yours for the taking
Lisalee: O Nooo, you're going back to work

(trust me I'm so happy for you, it's just the stay at home mom in me is a tad but jealous....in the happiest way possible) You have a life, whereas mine is all about Asking DS, "Why haven't you had a bowel movement yet?, I'm waiting Mister!" And he'd even be looking at me like, "Lady, you definitely need a hobby, finding joy in cleaning my poop!" Have a great day, I will miss you posting everyday but I do understand.
Tamzing: I love your attitude!! You so belong here if I haven't stressed it before! Where are you in your cycle now?
Eyemom: Sorry you're feeling so blue but what a dollbaby you have to try and make mommy feel better, they are so perfect it's almost scary that they can make us feel better when it suppose to be the other way around. Give her a kiss for me because she brought my spirits up too.
Ttc moon: India definitely sounds great over there for those IUI's and IVF, those prices are great! FX for you this cycle!
Mackjess: Don't you worry, I'm sure you lost a bit of weight after giving birth to your prince. That definitely counts for something!
MamaTex: Sky is turning 2 months!! Awesome! When they told me time fly...it really does!!! If it's not raining and has a bit if sun out i know she will appreciate it. Everyone needs fresh air outside, especially you! Sometimes it can feel as if the walls are closing in being stuck in the home all day. Enjoy your day out you and Ms. Sky! HIIII

Sky !!
Hi Garfie

What you up to ma'am...I hope planning to take what's yours from that DH of yours
Wheeeew, breathing hard, that was really a workout, the strongest part on my body should be my thumb from tapping all day on my iPhone....I definitely have a da da da daaaaaahhh "THE SUPER THUMB!"
If I forgot anyone ...O can't forget my BNB PREGO WITH ME BUDDY ...Hi Bamagurl
Ok now, if I forgot anyone apologies. I had a lot to catch up on sorry for being MIA, my DS still has the nasty horrible cold but I guess we're making progress, he's nose is running clear rather then being congested most if the day. He is so keeping me busy....he is officially a professional crawler. He dosent want me to pick him up, he'll rather follow me by crawling. And I vacuum daily but he stills find ways to embarrass me by finding little tiny things that I would never see and picking it up as if saying," Lady you're not on your job, so just because of this, I'm going to eat it with lint and all!"

I got him crawling on video and it is perfect I can't wait until he gets older and I'll give these videos to him so he can see how perfect and special he is to me. I couldn't ask for anything more then to be his mom I am so grateful, to my father in heaven. Good Day Ladies!!