March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

Happy New Year everyone

May 2014 bring us all health and happiness and our rainbows

I hope you all get your bfps soon

I have my scan on Saturday at 6+3 and I'm so scared. Anyone know what I can expect so early? It's private and their scan machine is great.

Why are you scared? Is there anything going on that is causing you to be alarmed?
i will O tomorrow due to timed cycles and medicine. Had my u/s today and it was perfect. 3 perfectly mature follies. one on the left and two on the right, measuring 23mm, 22mm, and 20mm. Perfect lining too. got my trigger shot, now we just wait. If not luck this cycle, next cycle we are doing IUI!!! :happydance:
That sounds soooo perfect! Good luck!
i will O tomorrow due to timed cycles and medicine. Had my u/s today and it was perfect. 3 perfectly mature follies. one on the left and two on the right, measuring 23mm, 22mm, and 20mm. Perfect lining too. got my trigger shot, now we just wait. If not luck this cycle, next cycle we are doing IUI!!! :happydance:

Yay! That's exciting. I know that scan gave you the extra burst of enthusiasm. It sounds very promising that this cycle will be your cycle; I mean why not? Lol...

How long are your cycles? O on CD15 sounds like a 29-30 day?
I wish I could have faked my sickness. :nope: Unfortunately, with strep throat you can easily tell I am sick. My voice changes and I can't stop coughing. I get this once a year so he knows when I am really sick. Its okay though, I got the antibiotics and by tonight I shouldn't be contagious, or at least that is what I am going to tell my DH. :haha:

I guess we don't need to BD every night, but that is what we did the last time I got pregnant. There is nothing wrong with my DH, but I just have a hard time getting pregnant. So I figured it would give us the best chance possible if we BD every night. I am sure my endometrosis haven't came back so soon, but at the same time I am a bit paranoid. It did take me 5 months after my last surgery to get pregnant, so it might take as long after my D&C. :shrug:
Happy New Year everyone

May 2014 bring us all health and happiness and our rainbows

I hope you all get your bfps soon

I have my scan on Saturday at 6+3 and I'm so scared. Anyone know what I can expect so early? It's private and their scan machine is great.

Why are you scared? Is there anything going on that is causing you to be alarmed?

I'm just really nervous, last time I had a scan with my MC all I saw was an empty sac and it was heartbreaking I'm so scared for it to go wrong.

Not had any bleeding and the nausea has kicked in and have sore boobs etc

I've booked a load of early scans to try and help me relax but finding to hard to chill
Calitronagrl if you don't mind my asking, what were your endo symptoms leading up to your diagnosis? It's something I'm always paranoid about, but I'm paranoid about a lot of things with no real basis other than I wonder about everything since I can't seem to get pg anymore!
I wish I could have faked my sickness. :nope: Unfortunately, with strep throat you can easily tell I am sick. My voice changes and I can't stop coughing. I get this once a year so he knows when I am really sick. Its okay though, I got the antibiotics and by tonight I shouldn't be contagious, or at least that is what I am going to tell my DH. :haha:

I guess we don't need to BD every night, but that is what we did the last time I got pregnant. There is nothing wrong with my DH, but I just have a hard time getting pregnant. So I figured it would give us the best chance possible if we BD every night. I am sure my endometrosis haven't came back so soon, but at the same time I am a bit paranoid. It did take me 5 months after my last surgery to get pregnant, so it might take as long after my D&C. :shrug:

Oh I definitely understand. I would feel the same way. You've had a difficult journey. We all have so I understand that you want to give yourself the best chance of conceiving!

For me, my fear is more so once I am pregnant! I lost my daughter so late (6months) so I do not have the luxury of being calm when ppl say I am "in the safe zone" after 12weeks. I am that 1% and that shit sucks :cry: So you and I will worry together through this journey!
Happy New Year everyone

May 2014 bring us all health and happiness and our rainbows

I hope you all get your bfps soon

I have my scan on Saturday at 6+3 and I'm so scared. Anyone know what I can expect so early? It's private and their scan machine is great.

Why are you scared? Is there anything going on that is causing you to be alarmed?

I'm just really nervous, last time I had a scan with my MC all I saw was an empty sac and it was heartbreaking I'm so scared for it to go wrong.

Not had any bleeding and the nausea has kicked in and have sore boobs etc

I've booked a load of early scans to try and help me relax but finding to hard to chill

Now I definitely understand where you are coming from. The first scan I had with my daughter at 4weeks, there was only a sac and I was so disappointed but the doc said it was normal. And until my preterm labor she was perfect. I had a short cervix & an infection which caused my preterm labor....

I know there is nothing no one can say or do to get you to stop worrying. The moment you hold that baby in your arms, I know you will finally breath. At least that's how I am going to be. When you lose a baby, we are robbed of the beauty of being pregnant because all we do is worry! It sucks but you are not alone.
Calitronagrl if you don't mind my asking, what were your endo symptoms leading up to your diagnosis? It's something I'm always paranoid about, but I'm paranoid about a lot of things with no real basis other than I wonder about everything since I can't seem to get pg anymore!

Don't mind at all. I was always having sharp pains on my lower right side of my abdomen. It wasn't a constant pain like all the time, but more than once a week it would happen. Sometimes the pain would last for more than 5 minutes and it would be so strong that it would make me stop and bend over for a sec. Kinda like a muscle spasm. Towards my last surgery to have it removed, the pain was starting to shoot down my right leg into my knee.
Another sign was me just not getting pregnant. My DH and I were together for 3 years at that point in time, and not once did I get pregnant. So that was another red flag that I might have had it.
My first Gyno did a pelvic exam, an ultrasound and then a Laparoscopic surgery and found nothing. The second Gyno did the same, but during the ultrasound he realized I was feeling discomfort when he went to the right side to look at my ovary. He did the Laparoscopic surgery again and found the endometrosis. He cauterize it off and it wasn't until 5 months after I finally did get pregnant.
I wish I could have faked my sickness. :nope: Unfortunately, with strep throat you can easily tell I am sick. My voice changes and I can't stop coughing. I get this once a year so he knows when I am really sick. Its okay though, I got the antibiotics and by tonight I shouldn't be contagious, or at least that is what I am going to tell my DH. :haha:

I guess we don't need to BD every night, but that is what we did the last time I got pregnant. There is nothing wrong with my DH, but I just have a hard time getting pregnant. So I figured it would give us the best chance possible if we BD every night. I am sure my endometrosis haven't came back so soon, but at the same time I am a bit paranoid. It did take me 5 months after my last surgery to get pregnant, so it might take as long after my D&C. :shrug:

Oh I definitely understand. I would feel the same way. You've had a difficult journey. We all have so I understand that you want to give yourself the best chance of conceiving!

For me, my fear is more so once I am pregnant! I lost my daughter so late (6months) so I do not have the luxury of being calm when ppl say I am "in the safe zone" after 12weeks. I am that 1% and that shit sucks :cry: So you and I will worry together through this journey!

:hugs: You definitely have gone through a difficult journey. I wouldn't even know how I would feel if I was in your situation. You are definitely a one tough lady. We just have to try and stay positive and know that one day we will get our little miracles. At least now the doctors know what our situations are and maybe they will have a better plan for us when that next time comes around?
Thanks for sharing. Sorry for what you've been though. :hugs: I have mild aches from time to time but a lot of it I wonder if it's because I'm looking for something at this point. Sounds like in your experience it'll really get your attention.
Hmmm, cd4 here and I've been having weird cramping off and on. Was incredibly bad this afternoon, and I thought I might be getting flu, but the pain feels more uterus-y. Sorry if tmi, but some diarrhea this afternoon too. Wonder what's going on now? Happy New Year everyone!
Thanks for sharing. Sorry for what you've been though. :hugs: I have mild aches from time to time but a lot of it I wonder if it's because I'm looking for something at this point. Sounds like in your experience it'll really get your attention.

No problem. For every woman with endometrosis is different. Some women feel pains and others don't. For me I had a mild case of it, but I am one of those lucky few that can feel everything going on down there. :blush:
For instance, I can feel me ovulating right now. I have read stories where women will have an extreme case of it and not have any symptoms at all. The only way to determine if you truly have it is by having the laparoscopic surgery. If you are concerned about it, then I would just say something to your doctor and he will let you know whether or not if he recommends doing so.
I think after a year of trying and nothing is happening and there are no other signs of infertility then it wouldn't hurt to entertain the idea. The doctors will do a pelvic exam and an ultrasound to rule all other explanations out before recommending on doing the surgery since it does have its risks. They rarely happen like all other surgeries, but it does happen.
They will even test your SO to make sure there is nothing wrong with him as well. That is the steps they took with me and once they realize there was really nothing else was wrong they did the surgery and found the endometrosis and a cyst on my right ovary. They were even able to check my fallopian tubes to ensure they weren't blocked in any way.
Thanks :) we've done most of the other things you mentioned. I get the impression my dr likes to keep things minimally invasive as much as he can. But I guess I don't know as I've never flat out asked him about it. I'm excited to try the clomid but now I'm worried, being unexplained, that we're just trying stuff that's doomed to fail.

I don't know what to make of that, mowat. But happy new year to you too!
Hey everyone goodness a lot has happened, I've just managed to get some time to myself so I'm having a bath how long the peace will last is anyone's guess.

Starry I'm loosing track of my days Thursday omg that's tomorrow isn't it,
?! Can't wait you're finding out the gender aren't you? I want to guess girl as this thread needs more girlies but I'm kinda leaning towards boy, it doesn't matter tho does it as long as they're healthy and course they will be!
Everyone else good luck well done, loving the positive attitude es, this deffo has to be your year!
Hope you all had great nights last night, I fed through midnight and was in bed by 12.30 lol were so rock!
i will O tomorrow due to timed cycles and medicine. Had my u/s today and it was perfect. 3 perfectly mature follies. one on the left and two on the right, measuring 23mm, 22mm, and 20mm. Perfect lining too. got my trigger shot, now we just wait. If not luck this cycle, next cycle we are doing IUI!!! :happydance:

Yay! That's exciting. I know that scan gave you the extra burst of enthusiasm. It sounds very promising that this cycle will be your cycle; I mean why not? Lol...

How long are your cycles? O on CD15 sounds like a 29-30 day?

I know, right?! :-)

I'm a 28-dayer, sometimes 29. I O based on whatever day my trigger is due to the fertility meds. It's so crazy. One month they had me take the femara days 3-7 so i got my trigger on day 12 and o'd on cd13 because you O around 36 hours later so the last 2 cycles i've taken the femara days 5-9 which means i trigger on cd14, making me O on cd15. I still get my period roughly on cd28 or 29. It's crazy how right on time everything is even while taking the progesterone up until AF.
i will O tomorrow due to timed cycles and medicine. Had my u/s today and it was perfect. 3 perfectly mature follies. one on the left and two on the right, measuring 23mm, 22mm, and 20mm. Perfect lining too. got my trigger shot, now we just wait. If not luck this cycle, next cycle we are doing IUI!!! :happydance:
That sounds soooo perfect! Good luck!

your chart is still looking good. now it needs to start going up and up instead of back down. :-)
Happy New Year everyone

May 2014 bring us all health and happiness and our rainbows

I hope you all get your bfps soon

I have my scan on Saturday at 6+3 and I'm so scared. Anyone know what I can expect so early? It's private and their scan machine is great.

Week 6 – Gestational Age (Fetal age 4 weeks)

5 ½ to 6 ½ weeks is usually a very good time to detect either a fetal pole or even a fetal heart beat by vaginal ultrasound. The fetal pole is the first visible sign of a developing embryo. This pole structure actually has some curve to it with the embryo’s head at one end and what looks like a tail at the other end. The fetal pole now allows for crown to rump measurements (CRL) to be taken, so that pregnancy dating can be a bit more accurate. The fetal pole may be seen at a crown-rump length (CRL) of 2-4mm, and the heartbeat may be seen as a regular flutter when the CRL has reached 5mm.

If a vaginal ultrasound is done and no fetal pole or cardiac activity is seen, another ultrasound scan should be done in 3-7 days. Due to the fact that pregnancy dating can be wrong, it would be much too early at this point to make a clear diagnosis on the outcome of the pregnancy.

Week 7 – Gestational Age (Fetal Age 5 weeks)

Generally from 6 ½ -7 weeks is the time when a heartbeat can be detected and viability can be assessed. A normal heartbeat at 6-7 weeks would be 90-110 beats per minute. The presence of an embryonic heartbeat is an assuring sign of the health of the pregnancy. Once a heartbeat is detected, the chance of the pregnancy continuing ranges from 70-90% dependent on what type of ultrasound is used. If the embryo is less than 5mm CRL, it is possible for it to be healthy without showing a heartbeat, though a follow up scan in 5-7 days should show cardiac activity.

If your doctor is concerned about miscarriage, blighted ovum, or ectopic pregnancy, the gestational sac and fetal pole (if visible) will be measured to determine what type of development should be seen. The guideline is that if the gestational sac measures >16-18mm with no fetal pole or the fetal pole measures 5mm with no heartbeat (by vaginal ultrasound), then a diagnosis of miscarriage or blighted ovum is made. If the fetal pole is too small to take an accurate measurement, then a repeat scan should be done in 3-5 days. If there is absence of a fetal pole, then further testing should be done to rule out the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy.

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