He did, but I believe he meant if it continued into the next cycle. I can't very well use temps b/c most of the time, my temps stay above the cover line until after AF, then they gradually go the rest of the way down.
Also, except for Saturday morning, I haven't been temping at the correct time due to vacation. So I can set an alarm for tomorrow (yuck, should have gone to bed on time, lol), but I don't have many good days to go on. :-/
(Sorry if I'm sounding like a broken record, I can't keep track of what I've said in what thread.) I asked my Dr when I got the Rx how he thinks I should determine CD1 since usually it is pretty obvious, but occasionally not so much (but it's never been as hard to tell as now!). He said to count CD1 as when I "need protection." I don't know, maybe I have a low threshold for "needing protection," but as far as I'm concerned, I've needed protection off and on throughout this cycle! Unless he considers "needing protection" having to have something or I'd bleed through my clothes!?!?? I was home all day due to weather. I'm finding myself halfway wishing I hadn't put a pad on just to see if I REALLY "needed protection" or not. That's so gross but it's just so confusing. I mean (TMI) there was a fair bit of blood but not like a heavy day. It's ALWAYS on TP, sometimes a little, a couple of times a LOT (like I was sure the heavy stuff was coming). But then on the pad(s) it's not a lot for an entire day.
I'm wondering if this cycle I just had a weak follie and didn't have enough progesterone to sustain anything. I just hope it's an isolated incident and not a sign of things to come???? Really hoping this Clomid does the trick!