mzswizz - I am so sorry that AF has caught you.
brunette - if you are still bleeding you wouldn't be ovulating. You need at least a week of no bleeding to be able to ovulate. And definitely don't dtd while you're still actively bleeding. It can lead to infection as it means your cervix is still open. Our hormones do whacky things to us during a miscarriage. I've gotten stretchy stuff during my m/c's as well. Sometimes I get it during AF as well. Since your loss was quite early I'm sure it won't take long for your body to get back to normal. You might even be able to ovulate at your regular point in the cycle. I hope the bleeding stops soon.
mariahsmom - it is hard after a loss even when being pregnant again. Time doesn't really heal in that it doesn't make the loss any less of a loss. But Time does have a way of giving us new things to be happy about that eventually take the sting out of our grief. It took me several years to be able to discuss my first angel without crying and that was well after my first rainbow was born. I still tear up talking about my other angels as well. Our rainbows can never replace what we lost. They're something new and offer solace. Once this baby is safe in your arms you will be able to smile again. I can promise you that.