March/April BFP's who's going for it!! NEW LADIES COME JOIN IN!!

eyemom - glad things are OK with baby. I had a massive SCH with my son's pregnancy and that was very stressful. Glad yours is small. Try to avoid Dr Google on this one. It won't be helpful, trust me. There is a terrific support group thread for SCH in the Pregnancy Group & Discussion Forum. I practically lived on that thread while I was pregnant with DS. And as big as mine was, it did resolve on its own too.

I will say that I did come across one medical journal study on the internet that showed that sCH does increase the risks for certain things, the odds of having a healthy, full-term baby are nearly identical to a normal pregnancy. I think it's down to 94% vs 98% or something like that. I found it very encouraging. My son certainly was full term and healthy.

brunette - what are your upcoming blood tests for? Is it OK if you do get pregnant this month or did the doctor tell you not to try?
Thanks so much Starry. Yeah I have seen a number of things that are really encouraging, and some things that are really scary. I did post in that thread you mentioned earlier, so I'll be following that. I wish I knew how small is "small," but it's on my list of questions for my Dr. And I guess mine is small now, but it could get bigger before it gets smaller? That's great that yours resolved. Can I ask what your restrictions were when yours was diagnosed?
I was on bed rest and had to stay home from work (I was full time at the time) as I had lots of bleeding. It was like a moderate period with the occasional gush (filling the toilet and small clots). I could get up to go the bathroom or get a drink but I noticed that even sitting up increased the blood flow so I was lying down most of the time. It also just hurt way too much to sit up. I even ate lying down. I was going to be taken off bed rest around 14 weeks which was over the holidays so I went maternity shopping and at the end of the day I had another huge gush so was written off of work for the rest of the pregnancy.

I ended up with a partial placenta abruption so was on modified bed rest until it healed into scar tissue at about 26 weeks when I could return to normal activity. I was seeing a high risk specialist alongside my regular OB and the specialist was always reassuring me that the odds were in my favour. I was also forbidden from driving or even riding in a car unless absolutely necessary. But my SCH was large.

I also had uterine notching which meant the blood flow to the parts of the placenta that were still working was compromised.

There is a reason our DS is our "miracle rainbow".
Wow! So glad you got your beautiful happy ending.

I wish I knew the measurements of mine, but I don't know. The bleeding was just over the course of a few hours, at least Saturday's incident. And it was a teeny tiny bit. Like little streaks in mucus. I put on a pad for "just in case," but I didn't really even need a pantyliner. Today I'm mildly crampy, but I don't know if that's uterine expansion, the fact that I had my cervix checked yesterday, or the SCH.

I have read online about bed rest, which really terrifies me. Because I will somehow do whatever I must because this baby's health is paramount. But I'm self-employed. I have no time-off benefits, even after baby is here. Whatever time I take off work is however much time I think I can go without an income. DH works, but we can't make it on his income alone. My student loans alone are $1200 a month. I guess I'd put them in deferment if I had to. As it is now though, I think they are just going to tell me to "take it easy." Which is hard, but I'll do it. Just praying I can resume normal activity at some point because my house is a total wreck (like I'm sure no one here is fathoming how bad it really is) and I'm finally motivated to work on it. It's just stressful.

Also scared that it's an active bleed and getting bigger. And it's good that I'm not bleeding a lot...or is it? Is it worse if all the blood collects inside and gets in the way?
Eye I'm so glad everything is ok. I speak to a girl who has that. Hers was quite big. She bled a lot. She's now due in a couple of weeks :)

Starry I've already had 8 lots of bloods done for Karyotyping etc, those results should be back in about 4 weeks. Today's bloods are for progesterone.

The Doctor who confirmed our last miscarriage wanted us to take a 12 week break, we aren't up for that. When we went to the hospital to start testing the new Doctor never mentioned taking a break. We decided that we could handle a 6 week break but somehow it never happened and we accidentally ended up having unprotected sex the day before and the day of ovulation this month. I've had no symptoms and my chart does t look like one of my BFP charts so should be ok!
I was on bed rest and had to stay home from work (I was full time at the time) as I had lots of bleeding. It was like a moderate period with the occasional gush (filling the toilet and small clots). I could get up to go the bathroom or get a drink but I noticed that even sitting up increased the blood flow so I was lying down most of the time. It also just hurt way too much to sit up. I even ate lying down. I was going to be taken off bed rest around 14 weeks which was over the holidays so I went maternity shopping and at the end of the day I had another huge gush so was written off of work for the rest of the pregnancy.

I ended up with a partial placenta abruption so was on modified bed rest until it healed into scar tissue at about 26 weeks when I could return to normal activity. I was seeing a high risk specialist alongside my regular OB and the specialist was always reassuring me that the odds were in my favour. I was also forbidden from driving or even riding in a car unless absolutely necessary. But my SCH was large.

I also had uterine notching which meant the blood flow to the parts of the placenta that were still working was compromised.

There is a reason our DS is our "miracle rainbow".

Wow that's soo scary but I'm glad you had a successful ending. I had a friend who had one and it didn't end well so I see why you call it your miracle baby. I hear often that they resolve on their own so your story is living proof that there is not always a horrible ending :hugs: Dr. Google will leave you to believe THE WORST!
Hey ladies. Sorry I've been MIA lately. Feels selfish, but lil update on me....

Yesterday morning we had a bit of a scare. Spotted a tiny bit of blood on underwear and one time a tiny streak on TP. (I actually wonder if there wasn't a little in my underwear on Thursday too, but if there was, it was really scant and my underwear was kind of dark beige in color, so I couldn't tell for sure.) Anyway, I cancelled my afternoon patients and phoned the nurse on call. Apparently the Dr's notes say that, at this stage in pregnancy, if bleeding occurs, I need to be seen within 24 hours. Since these things have to happen over the weekend, that meant a trip to the ER. In the time I was at the hospital, no more bleeding happened. Got an ultrasound, and thank God we were able to see a perfect baby with a perfect heartbeat. They did diagnose a small subchorionic hemorrhage though. The ER Dr said basically for me it means don't take up Crossfit or weight lifting, and don't lift more than 25 lbs, but it is higher risk (how much higher I can't get a clear answer from Dr Google). I will hopefully find out more when I can discuss with my obgyn's office on Monday. Apparently these things can resolve on their own, so that is what we are hoping and praying for.

Fx'd that everything is okay!!!

Eye I'm so glad everything is ok. I speak to a girl who has that. Hers was quite big. She bled a lot. She's now due in a couple of weeks :)

Starry I've already had 8 lots of bloods done for Karyotyping etc, those results should be back in about 4 weeks. Today's bloods are for progesterone.

The Doctor who confirmed our last miscarriage wanted us to take a 12 week break, we aren't up for that. When we went to the hospital to start testing the new Doctor never mentioned taking a break. We decided that we could handle a 6 week break but somehow it never happened and we accidentally ended up having unprotected sex the day before and the day of ovulation this month. I've had no symptoms and my chart does t look like one of my BFP charts so should be ok!

Fx'd you get whatever result you are looking for brunette. I wonder why the other doctor didn't mention a break??

Eyemom - Sorry to hear you had a scare. The fact baby looked great with a heartbeat is fab. I'm sure it will resolve itself. x

Mariahs Mom- When are you finding out the gender?!

I find out on the 15th :happydance: So excited!!!

What are you hoping for????

Nothing new here, except I am having good progression on my OPK's so hopefully O is soon!! Dh has been the one to initiate BD for the past few days and he's been sticking to every other day, which I'm proud of him for that. Today is a big stressful day for him, he tests for his next rank so I have my Fx'd for him lol.
I was on bed rest and had to stay home from work (I was full time at the time) as I had lots of bleeding. It was like a moderate period with the occasional gush (filling the toilet and small clots). I could get up to go the bathroom or get a drink but I noticed that even sitting up increased the blood flow so I was lying down most of the time. It also just hurt way too much to sit up. I even ate lying down. I was going to be taken off bed rest around 14 weeks which was over the holidays so I went maternity shopping and at the end of the day I had another huge gush so was written off of work for the rest of the pregnancy.

I ended up with a partial placenta abruption so was on modified bed rest until it healed into scar tissue at about 26 weeks when I could return to normal activity. I was seeing a high risk specialist alongside my regular OB and the specialist was always reassuring me that the odds were in my favour. I was also forbidden from driving or even riding in a car unless absolutely necessary. But my SCH was large.

I also had uterine notching which meant the blood flow to the parts of the placenta that were still working was compromised.

There is a reason our DS is our "miracle rainbow".

Wow that's soo scary but I'm glad you had a successful ending. I had a friend who had one and it didn't end well so I see why you call it your miracle baby. I hear often that they resolve on their own so your story is living proof that there is not always a horrible ending :hugs: Dr. Google will leave you to believe THE WORST!

I did lose a twin with that pregnancy but I have no way of knowing if the SCH caused it or not. The twin didn't show up on my very early scans and I only know it existed because I held it in my hands and the following scan showed an empty sac. I'm actually guessing it was the result of a bad egg and had something wrong with it. My other lost pregnancies had SCHs as well but those babies also had slow growth and low heart beats. I have long cycles and I've read those can increase the likelihood of m/c due to poor egg quality. My running theory is the cycle I conceived DS I had had a double ovulation and DS was the result of the second egg that was still younger and fresher while the twin was from the older, poorer egg.

After my d&c last spring I looked up all sorts of natural ways to improve egg quality so took extra folic acid and fish oil for the 3 months prior to conceiving. Seems it did the trick.

dsemcho - hope you ovulate soon and that you're able to get your sticky bfp!

brunette - good luck with the tests. My GP had told us to wait 2 to 3 months after each m/c to start TTC again but we always ignored that as it takes me that long to get through my first cycle or two. My OB back in my home province only ever said to wait for first AF so that's all I have ever done.
My own Doctor has never said we needed to wait. He said they only ask you to wait for one AF incase you fall pregnant that month so they can date that pregnancy. He said your body won't get pregnant if it isn't ready.
Hey ladies, thanks for being here for me when I've needed it, but this seems to be more of a pregnancy conversation than TTC. It's hard on me since I'm still trying for my rainbow. So I think I'm going to move on, but I'm SO happy for all of y'all!
(I'm not bitter at ALL and am glad y'all are so close! Im just having a rough time since we still don't have a baby to show for all of the losses and it's been over a year)
I wish you all the best!
Sorry you feel like you have to move on. There are still a few ladies working on their rainbows here but I totally get how you feel.

Sometimes I think we should start a new thread/pregnancy group for the ladies that have got pregnant but at the same time seems a shame to split a lovely group of people and I love checking in.

*hugs* Wishing you the best and hoping you get your BFP soon xxx
Hey ladies, thanks for being here for me when I've needed it, but this seems to be more of a pregnancy conversation than TTC. It's hard on me since I'm still trying for my rainbow. So I think I'm going to move on, but I'm SO happy for all of y'all!
(I'm not bitter at ALL and am glad y'all are so close! Im just having a rough time since we still don't have a baby to show for all of the losses and it's been over a year)
I wish you all the best!

Leah I'm still here and still trying for my rainbow :(

Hope your ok :hugs: I feel you on the rough time. I'm just so fed up and angry. :cry:
Hi LeahLou. So sorry. I felt the same way in the several months I was in this thread (which I joined after several months of ttc) before my BFP. Sorry to contribute to the way you're feeling. :cry: Really wishing you the best. :hugs: :hugs:
I just know I can be so hurt and angry like you brunette and I don't want to take it out on y'all. But maybe it would be a good idea to make a pregnancy thread and check in on the TTC.
Thanks ladies.
I'm still working on mine also. But I like getting to see the ladies get theirs after so long of trying.
Well I will stop posting in here as much. So sorry to have been so insensetive to anyone.

Good luck on your journeys and thank you so much for all the support and love ladies xx
I'm still here too. I don't mind seeing all you other ladies getting your BFP's, glad that it is happening for you. Onto next cycle for me, hoping for a new baby for the new year lol!!
Hi Ladies

I personally haven't got a problem with hearing about when you get your BFPs and beyond - and I'm probably a very old timer compared to some of you:haha:

If I'm having an off day and I don't want to hear about your updates - I just skim over the posts and then go back to them when I am feeling happier/content/confident:flower:

I can't help reading them mainly and I would say it's encouraging seeing most of you reach your goals and I still have a bit of hope that one day soon it will be me:winkwink:

I remember when Never set this forum up - and one by one ladies have gone on to have their rainbows/little ones so maybe this is a lucky thread so I for one am hanging around (for now) and watching you all get fat:haha:


I definitely had times where I had to take a break from this thread. I totally get the feeling. I don't think it was like this as much when I joined the thread originally. It's encouraging to a point to see ladies conceiving their rainbows, but after months of it, you just feel more and more left behind.

But you all are part of my bnb family, even when I couldn't always bear to be here, I couldn't stay away. Maybe that's why I'm still selfishly here now. I'll keep the baby talk to a minimum, but I'm still cheering everyone on. :hugs:

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