March babies, our time has finally come!

Well a snow storm just started here, maybe that will bring this little guy out lol. I was born in a blizzard, so my mother has been saying for months Aaron would arrive in a storm as pay back:haha: Fingers crossed

FX'ed for you!
We just had storms yesterday and the day before.. tornado warnings, thunderstorm watches, hard wind gusts, etc.
Didn't help her come out :shrug:
Well the storm doesn't seem to be working lol. But its not over yet so who knows. Probably just as well though, it would be a good hour and a half drive to the hospital in snow.

How are the rest of the March mommies feeling today? I'm having a bad day:cry: So tired and uncomfortable, I didn't even get dressed today. OH got home from work and when he asked how I was, I burst into tears for no reason (and I'm not usually one to cry). Just feeling sorry for myself I guess:shrug:
Jeegirl I was the exact same today. When my husband came home from work he gave me a hug and I started crying LOL. I felt so emotional today. I feel like she's never going to come out:cry:
Jeegirl I was the exact same today. When my husband came home from work he gave me a hug and I started crying LOL. I felt so emotional today. I feel like she's never going to come out:cry:

Not that I want anyone crying, but I'm glad I'm not alone :hugs:. Surely they will come soon. Maybe the tears are a big hormone rush before labour starts, thats what I'm going to tell myself anyway:haha:

I have been feeling a lot of pressure today, but no pains. Any progress at all for you?
I was thinking the same, maybe some hormone surge before labor. I haven't felt this emotional in a while.

I have been having a lot of Braxton hicks but that's nothing really new. I started drinking raspberry leaf tea again since I had forgot about it for a few weeks. It makes my Braxton hicks more noticeable so at least I feel like that's doing something. Also been inserting epo at night and taking it orally. Although my cervix is already mushy (word midwife uses) it's only 30% effaced. Wonder why it hasn't made any progress. Hopefully when I go to my appointment on. Wednesday it'll show at least some progress , doubt it though as it's been the same since 37 weeks.:shrug:

How're you feeling? Any contractions or anything yet?
I'm glad we're not alone waiting on our babies.. Maybe they'll be born the same day.

Fingers crossed things start for you both soon :hugs: xx
Hi, just a quickie to say I had my little girl on the 31st, so 5 days late. I went to the hospital on the 28th for reduced movements and they made me stay in to be induced. So after a 12 hour labour (only 2 without an epidural!) I was 9.5 cm dilated but she was back to back and had her head pointing up so no turning her. C section it was! 8lb, 55cm long (tall baby!) Little girl - Abigail Sarah. Feeling not bad considering but had a bad.night with no sleep last night.

Good luck to everyone left, waiting is agony but so worth it. Try and have something to do every day.

See you in the parenting section!
Hope the remainin march mummies have their babies very soon... X
hi ladies just got around to writing my birth story and thought i would share!

jeepgirl && lilly how are you guys doing?
hi ladies just got around to writing my birth story and thought i would share!

jeepgirl && lilly how are you guys doing?

Congrats hun :hugs:

JeepGirl had her baby boy the other day.. and I'm still waiting.. :shrug:
Lilly are you hanging in there? Labour dust coming your way :dust:

If it makes you feel better I had no warning it was coming on. OH and I :sex:, 20 mins later my water broke and within 5min contractions started at 4mins apart. If LO had of been face down and I didn't have to have the section, the doctors said I would have had him about 7hrs from the 1st contractions. At the hospital they were all suprised this was my 1st.

I will write the full story when I get home, we are still in the hospital.
Congrats again JeepGirl!!! :happydance::happydance:
Hope you get to go home soon :hugs:

How're you and your little man doing?

I'm still waiting..and waiting...and waiting.........:shrug:
Been having more BH's the past couple days and they're more intense than the usual ones I'd get.. but i think it's the Red Raspberry Leaf tea.. cause I quit drinking it for a couple weeks and I just started again .
Aaron is doing fantastic, breast feeding like a champ :happydance:

I'm recovering slower than I would have liked. His head was so stuck they had a hard time getting him out of the birth canal and my uterus tore on both sides when they got him out. So there is a lot of swelling and extra stiches in there. I'm upset that because of that, there is no chance of ever having a VBAC. But in the end LO and I are safe and healthy and thats all the matters

Must be painful :hugs:

At least he's here safe now though :hugs:
Ronnie Steven was born yesterday at 6.06am weighing 8lb 15oz.

i had just posted on fb that i had midwife the next day as baby was so stubborn lol. then i went to bed & contractions started half hour later & he came into the world 7 hours later. he was back to back and turned half way at delivery so it was not an easy birth but worth every second of the pain. i have a 2nd degree tear but its not as painful as i imagined it to be, i just have to lean forwards when i have a wee lol!
Ronnie Steven was born yesterday at 6.06am weighing 8lb 15oz.

i had just posted on fb that i had midwife the next day as baby was so stubborn lol. then i went to bed & contractions started half hour later & he came into the world 7 hours later. he was back to back and turned half way at delivery so it was not an easy birth but worth every second of the pain. i have a 2nd degree tear but its not as painful as i imagined it to be, i just have to lean forwards when i have a wee lol!

Congrats hun, I have been stalking you this last week lol, I cant believe it thats all of us now hun, we have our little bubbas. So pleased for you. xxx
Sorry I haven't updated yet! Lucy June was born 25 March, at home, in water, weighing 8 and a half pounds. Unfortunately I had to transfer to hospital after the birth due to a PPH, but all is fine and Lucy had the perfect entrance to the world that I wanted for her.

First two weeks have been full-on! What a rollercoaster! But I think I may be slowly emerging from the fog, and she is absolutely lovely.

Sending all the best to those still waiting! xxx
Birth Story coming soon I guess, but Leo Oliver (M) was born via emergency c - section 3rd April at 4:12am (Mothers Day). Weighing a massive 9lbs. Mother and baby doing well, came home yesterday evening!

It was eventful to say the least!

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