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march babies


pregnant with twins
Aug 16, 2012
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having twins due March 15. Its my first pregnancy and im looking for a buddy!
Hey thatch! Congrats!! I'm due in march also! I'll be your buddie :) when in march are you due? I'm due 3/12/13
my due date is 3/15/13 only three days after you, but with twins they say they will most likely come early! id love to be your buddy! it will be great to have someone to talk to who is at the same stage of pregnancy as me. Its my first pregnancy and i have no idea what to expect!
That is so exciting!! Wow twins what a blessing! How many weeks are you? Have you been feeling sick at all the last several weeks? What have your symptoms been? I am still nausueated but it's getting better! 13 weeks today :) how far along we're you in your ultrasound pic?
They really are! I was really shocked when i found out though! I have had very bad morning sickness since the beginning of my pregnancy. I have hyperemisis and ended up passing out and going to the hospital yesterday because of it so not a very good week for me :nope: They hooked me up to an IV and gave me nausea medicine so now the symptoms im left with today are headaches, fatigue, and a sore body :thumbup: Im kinda confused on how exactly far along i am cause people keep telling me differently, somewhere between the 12 and 13 week marks. In the photo i was at 9wk4d. I have my next appointment on monday and so excited to see my babies again!
Oh gosh I'm so sorry :( I hear hypermesis is awful :( I hope you feel better! I didn't have it to that degree but I did get so sick and dehydrated that I ended up in the hospital at 6 weeks on IV and nausea medicine. You get to enjoy double blessings!!! It's so exciting to see baby/babies on the ultrasound! Totally amazing I was just in awe! This is my 2nd . I was really young with my first an don't remember much, other than I wasn't sick like this lol! Did you get my friend request? I dunno how to upload pics on here or I would upload my ultrasound pic from last week. Let me know when u go to your next ultrasound and keep in touch :) its fun to have a friend who is in the same stage of pregnancy as u! Hope u get to feeling better very soon! Hugs!
:( going to the hospital isnt fun but sounds like you are doing good now. yeah its really miserable but the medicine from the doctors works miracles and im feeling much better. With hyperemesis im told the morning sickness ends at around 18 weeks instead of the usual 12-13 so hopefully i just have to wait till then and then i wont have to worry about it anymore. How old were you when you had your first and how old are you now? I LOVE seeing my babies move around on ultrasound and with twins I get an ultrasound every doctors appointment so im very happy about that! Ive been counting down to my second appointment and get to see them and its on monday! eventually ill be going in every two weeks because they like to keep a very close eye on twins. How do appointments work with one baby cause i know they dont watch them as closely? Uploading pictures to this site is very confusing. It took me awhile to figure it out and now i dont even remember how i did it. With my next pictures im going to try and figure it out again and if i do ill try and let you know how. I did get your reguest thank you :)
I hate that you are so sick :( are you on zofran for vomiting? That's what they put me on but it made me awfully constipated :( it got so bad I stopped taking it. I would rather vomit than be constipated for a week at a time. It was so bad I ha to do an enema a few times a
Week :( I was 20 when I got pregnant with my son and 21 when he was born . I'm now 30 will be almost 31 when baby comes this time. What about you? I go to the doc every 4 weeks. With a single it's every 4 weeks until 28 weeks. At 28 weeks it's 2 times a month then every week the last 4-6 weeks. I have never known anyone who has had twins but I hear they usually come a little earlier than singles. That's exciting to go to the doc more and u will get to see them more often! I get excited whenever I go to the doc :) are you seeing an OB or Midwife? Have you thought about a birthplan ? I will try to figure out how to upload my pics I hope I can figure it out lol! :) hope you have a great day! Talk to u soon!
Hi girls, I'm due 28th march :) its baby #1 and were soooo excited!! Can't wait to meet the bubba!! Xxx
I hate that you are so sick :( are you on zofran for vomiting? That's what they put me on but it made me awfully constipated :( it got so bad I stopped taking it. I would rather vomit than be constipated for a week at a time. It was so bad I ha to do an enema a few times a
Week :( I was 20 when I got pregnant with my son and 21 when he was born . I'm now 30 will be almost 31 when baby comes this time. What about you? I go to the doc every 4 weeks. With a single it's every 4 weeks until 28 weeks. At 28 weeks it's 2 times a month then every week the last 4-6 weeks. I have never known anyone who has had twins but I hear they usually come a little earlier than singles. That's exciting to go to the doc more and u will get to see them more often! I get excited whenever I go to the doc :) are you seeing an OB or Midwife? Have you thought about a birthplan ? I will try to figure out how to upload my pics I hope I can figure it out lol! :) hope you have a great day! Talk to u soon!

oh my gosh! that sounds awful :( The ER gave me some medicine, i dont know what it is and it was for only two days. Im starting to feel sick again so I will be getting something else from OB today. Im young, i was nineteen when i got pregnant but turned 20 a month ago. Sometimes i get weird looks from people when i tell them im pregnant but once i let them know im married and its a planned pregnancy they dont seem to mind about my age anymore. Did you get any negative reactions when you were first pregnant? Im just seeing an OB. I dont really understand what a midwife does differently. No one i know has had one so havent really thought about ever getting one myself. Do you have a preference for what gender your baby is? My husband and i dont care but i have a feeling we are having girls and he has a feeling they are boys, so in a few weeks we will find out who's right. Are you going to find out the gender or are you going to wait? I hope you figure out how to upload pictures cause i love to see other peoples ultrasounds!
Hi girls, I'm due 28th march :) its baby #1 and were soooo excited!! Can't wait to meet the bubba!! Xxx

congratulations! its my first too, well first and second! it IS so exciting, isnt it!
Hi angel and thatch.

I'm 12+1 :) my edd is 28thmarch.

It is exciting, I can't stop thinking about the day we get to meet our baby, I just wish it would hurry up!!

For the first few weeks I've been quite sick, had a lot of nausea and dizziness but it's starting to get better now!! :)

I get my scan next Thursday 20th sept. have you had yours yet?
Yey :) I had my first scan on the 4th sept was meant to be 12 weeks 2 days but got dated back 10 days :( its normal though as I had irregular periods and the same happened with my son, my next scan is 18th (Tuesday) for the nt as they couldn't check before as baby was too small, I've also had dizziness and nausea and also of constipation and tiredness, it seems to be clearing up slowly though thank god xx
Ooh it's soo exciting!! :)

I can't wait for my scan next week, I think they will do NT then for me too because I'll be over 13 weeks by then. I had a private scan at 8 weeks so we saw the little bean and the dates were about right.

My nausea had been getting better but today I feel the worst I have done for a while! The heartburn has been getting me for the past week or so, somebody told me it means the baby will have a full head of hair :) probably an old wives tale but OH is very hairy so who knows!

Good luck for the scan, make sure you post a pic :) I'll post mine Thursday too
Aww, I've been getting a lot of heartburn too same as I did with my son and he come out with loads of hair lol I will defo keep you updated hun and will post my pic asap Tuesday, my appointment isn't till 3.20 though so will prob be in the evening x
Ooh maybe it's not just an old wives tale then :) I can't wait to meet him/her!

Ok thanks hun, my scan is at 11.10am on Thursday so I'll post it when I've finished work, probably in the evening too.

Did you find the gaviscon helped you? I have it and it seems to be better for a few minutes and then it's back!

I'm drinking milk like its going out of fashion :D xxx
Haven't tried gaviscon I usually drink milk lol it usually works x

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