******March Lambs******~105 new arrivals~

Hey girls sorry i havent been on in a while. My parents were meant to come for 2 weeks (starting saturday) but sadly my dad has pneumonia. He is recovering well but he just couldnt get the "all clear" to fly but my mom is here. So all my time is spent showing off the area and the baby. SHe never has visited in the 4 years i lived here so there is much to do. Just popping in while she is in the shower.

Hunter is having a crazy growth spurt and i am feeding constantly. He is also not sleeping well at all and in order for him to sleep at night we have to hold him. We never contemplated co-sleeping before but are thinking about it now. Not sure what we will do.

I dont know if you girls remember but i said my sister had a genetic disorder that made it nearly impossible to conceive (mthfr) but she announced yesterday (easter) that she is 12 and a half weeks pregnant :) So we are all hoping the baby survives the pregnancy and she has a healthy pregnancy/labour as she is at very very high risk.

Hope all you girls still waiting have LO soon! lots and lots of :dust: to you all
So, seeing as it's no longer March, I thought I'd have a quick update on the Lambs

Lamb #106 - girl friday due 18th March - Harry born 27th March
Lamb #107 - loopylin due 20th March - Deegan born 31st March
Lamb #108 - Fran_Cesca due 22nd March - Robyn born 19th March (I think)
Lamb #109 - lizzieandzara due 22nd March - Zara born 28th March
Lamb #110 - mamato2more due 29th March - Peter & Kallen born 29th March
Lamb #111 - greenlady due 31st March - Flora born 1st April
Lamb #112 - Luna due 14th March - Euan born 1st March
Lamb #113 - hopeforamirac due 22nd March - Baby Girl born 2nd April
Lamb #114 - Emx due 29th March - Lani born 2nd April
Lamb #115 - Mendy due 30th March - Tatiana born 31st March

Lambs who were being born (waters broke/contractions etc) according to last post:
ethan amelia - waters broke 29th March
OULINA - CS booked for 31st March

Inductions booked:
carly j - 27th March
LisaO80 - 2nd April
30thMarch2010 - 3rd April
Hattie80 - 4th April
Ready2Go - 8th April

Sweeps booked/done:
CocoaOne - 5th April
gnomette - 5th April
mummydee - 6th April
Laura12355 - 6th April

Congratulations to Emx and Mendy! :Flower:
well done on keeping up the list Beck, thats ace!
Hey girls sorry i havent been on in a while. My parents were meant to come for 2 weeks (starting saturday) but sadly my dad has pneumonia. He is recovering well but he just couldnt get the "all clear" to fly but my mom is here. So all my time is spent showing off the area and the baby. SHe never has visited in the 4 years i lived here so there is much to do. Just popping in while she is in the shower.

Hunter is having a crazy growth spurt and i am feeding constantly. He is also not sleeping well at all and in order for him to sleep at night we have to hold him. We never contemplated co-sleeping before but are thinking about it now. Not sure what we will do.

I dont know if you girls remember but i said my sister had a genetic disorder that made it nearly impossible to conceive (mthfr) but she announced yesterday (easter) that she is 12 and a half weeks pregnant :) So we are all hoping the baby survives the pregnancy and she has a healthy pregnancy/labour as she is at very very high risk.

Hope all you girls still waiting have LO soon! lots and lots of :dust: to you all

sorry to hear your dad didnt make it over, sure you are enjoying your time with your mum tho!

great news about your sister, sending her all the luck in the world with her pregnancy, hope everything works out for her.

with regards to the putting hunter down thing - as hard as it is, you'll have to do it at some point or you'll end up making a rod for your own back. I have a friend who never put her LO down and ended up having a hellish first 6 months as her baby wanted to be constantly held and cuddled - she wouldnt put him down even whilst she had a shower she had to find someone else to hold him. I know it sounds harsh, but I think the sooner you do it, the sooner he will learn to adapt to it. It'll be hell for a few days, but worth it in the end!
Great news about your sister hun! And sorry to hear about your dad :hugs:

No advice about Hunter - hope you figure out something that works soon x x
Wren sleeps 'well' at night in her little crib beside us but as soon as day hits she doesn't want to be put down for more than 5 minutes which was a nightmare as I couldn't get a thing done. On Thursday evening me and the OH decided to focus on getting her in her crib, we kept putting her in and once she would start to get upset we would pick her up and settle her, as soon as she was calm and near sleep we would lay her in her crib again, we did this over and over and over again but it seems our hard work has paid off as she has started sleeping in her crib in the day!! I can now shower, eat lunch and feel like I am not loosing my mind! We still have issues but they are getting much better and now I feel happier that my baby can settle herself and sleep soundly in her bed, we were just worried that we would end up with a baby that wanted to be held all the time which is nice to start with but would be hard work as they got older.
anyone who's breastfeeding or expressing having a rough go? i find i am just so exhausted and my nipples are so sore. i am so frustrated and am trying not to give up but i am almost at my breaking point. i am expressing exclusively instead of bfing.
fitzbaby, i had a really bad patch with my breastfeeding but it seems to have settled now and my nipples are coping alot better with the aid of nipple shields, I know how rough it can be mentally as well as physically but it does get easier as they get older and settled into a routine.
I just have to get properly going with the breastfeeding and then i can work on the sleeping habits of Elliott who currently is co-sleeping to get him to sleep otherwise we have to put him in his carseat and swing it or take him for a drive to get him to sleep
So, seeing as it's no longer March, I thought I'd have a quick update on the Lambs

Lamb #106 - girl friday due 18th March - Harry born 27th March
Lamb #107 - loopylin due 20th March - Deegan born 31st March
Lamb #108 - Fran_Cesca due 22nd March - Robyn born 19th March (I think)
Lamb #109 - lizzieandzara due 22nd March - Zara born 28th March
Lamb #110 - mamato2more due 29th March - Peter & Kallen born 29th March
Lamb #111 - greenlady due 31st March - Flora born 1st April
Lamb #112 - Luna due 14th March - Euan born 1st March
Lamb #113 - hopeforamirac due 22nd March - Baby Girl born 2nd April
Lamb #114 - Emx due 29th March - Lani born 2nd April
Lamb #115 - Mendy due 30th March - Tatiana born 31st March
Lamb #116 - ethan amelia due 27th March - Isabelle born 31st March

Lambs who were being born (waters broke/contractions etc) according to last post:
OULINA - CS booked for 31st March

Inductions booked:
carly j - 27th March
LisaO80 - 2nd April
30thMarch2010 - 3rd April
Hattie80 - 4th April
Ready2Go - 8th April

Sweeps booked/done:
CocoaOne - 5th April
gnomette - 5th April
mummydee - 6th April
Laura12355 - 6th April

Congratulations to ethan amelia :Flower:
congrats all new mommies!!
:dust: to all the ones still waiting. Here's hopin something happens soon!
well as i posted in the babyclub thread I got some sleep last night and more important Elliott got some sleep , alot of it in fact which is a miricle and hopefully will mean we have a better day today than we have had caus hes been getting nowhere near 16 hours sleep out of every 24 hes been getting more like 6-7 which has left him overtired and grumpy so we tried letting him Cry it out in his crib, ( yes i know its not a popular choice for a baby his age but it worked with ds and for my mother with all 5 of her children and I trust my mothers advice and Elliott is big enough to handle it ) and we got him to sleep for 5 1/2 hours solid then he woke for a feed and was back asleep in under an hour and a half and didnt object to being put into his crib again which is something that he hasnt allowed us to do without waking up since birth, so im a happy mummy
well... just got back ... im a mommy now ! :happydance: my little princess was born on the 31st of march... everything was perfect!! she is perfect !! i cant stop looking at her kissing her...it crazy!!! i love her sooooo much!!


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well... just got back ... im a mommy now ! :happydance: my little princess was born on the 31st of march... everything was perfect!! she is perfect !! i cant stop looking at her kissing her...it crazy!!! i love her sooooo much!!

She's gorgeous, and she looks heaps like you from what I can see! Congrats on your wee girl :) xx
hi girls

250am here and cant sleep as having painful contractions... just starting to time them, but knackered as didnt get to sleep til gone midnight so having a cup of sweet tea with them. also lost massive amounts of blood tinged mucus and having diarohhea.

keep them crossed please!
***** BECKI HAS HAD HER BABY!!! **************

no details yet (see quick post on overdue lambs thread!) I knew she'd beat me!!

congratulations darling, cant wait to hear more! xxxx
hi girls

250am here and cant sleep as having painful contractions... just starting to time them, but knackered as didnt get to sleep til gone midnight so having a cup of sweet tea with them. also lost massive amounts of blood tinged mucus and having diarohhea.

keep them crossed please!

:yipee:!!! Yay, not long then now hun! Becki won't have beaten you by much :D xx So pleased for the both of you.

Sounds like the sweep worked nicely!! x :dance: And congrats to Becki!!
cheers hon, contractions irregular (anywhere from 6-12 mins apart right now) but having to breathe thru them, very strong... and lasting around 1min! :) never thought i would be happy to be in pain lol

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