tanikit- thats how mine goes. i dont feel rushed but i have all these questions that if i dont write them i forget to ask. i usually go over all my questions i have been thinking of with DH before i leave. i have to remember to take his paternity leave paper work in today.
with the scan getting my OB concerned due to low fluid, minimal movements, and erratic heart beats, then having a non-stress test on top of that i completely forgot. now i have to go in every week for scans and non-stress tests, as of this week if anything goes wrong she will induce immediately. hopefully he will be ok. i have sat on my butt and drank plenty of water just as she asked.
2nd time- it cant hurt to call or get checked out. i was told if baby starts to move a ton it could be in distress, just like with lack of movements.
cathryn- i bet you are engaged. they say its less likely to engage til labor with subsequent pregnancies, but not as rare as some think. my baby was almost completely engaged at 30 weeks which surprised me. he even feels lower now, like he is gonna fall out. i have so much pressure lower down i want to cry sometimes