I think I just got a +OPK on CD 12! So maybe an O on CD13 or 14? This is my second month using OPKs, first with the Wondfo ICs. I have been using them since CD7 in the afternoon at about 4 or 5pm after a 3hr hold. I hope that's okay. Last month I used Target Up and Up brand, which requesting FMU. I have a couple of those left, so I may use one of those in the morning and a Wondfo tomorrow afternoon.
CD13/14 ovulation would be amazing! Since MC they've been CD19,19,17, 24 (on soy iso) and now this month... I have been having EWCM for 6 days now, which is wierd, but yesterday and today I had A LOT, rather uncomfortable actually, but I'm not complaining.
Any advice on the Wondfo OPKs?