holy cow, ladies, just had to control my temper at work.
i was heating up my lunch in the microwave when a co-worker comes in (a middle aged lady who isn't exactly thin) and says, "you look a lot bigger. did you eat a lot over the christmas holidays?" (mind you, i am not friends with this woman - we simply work at the same large company)
i stood there, with my mouth gaping open in shock. i calmly said, "actually, i haven't gained any weight since my doctor's appointment on december 21st, where he told me that i have gained the perfect amount of weight for being 22 weeks pregnant. i'm sure the BABY is just GROWING."
since when is it okay to comment on anyone's weight, regardless of whether or not they are pregnant? it infuriates me that people think that once a woman becomes pregnant, they have free reign to touch you without permission, say cruel things about your body, tell you disgusting birth horror stories, and warn you that you'll never have time to yourself again.
seriously? i'm pregnant, not mentally incapacitated. mind your own business!
sorry, ladies, i had to rant for a minute! the nerve of her!