LOL..... jtink.... You honestly sound just like me! I'm so happy I'm not the only woman to hate it. The people around me make me feel like a monster. All they ever talk about is how GREAT it was & how much the LOVED being pregnant. All I think as I'm fighting the urge to roll my eyes & call "BULLSHIT" is "either you are lying your ass off or your are completely NUTS. There is nothing great about what is going on with my body."
The discharge that happens 5 seconds after going pee, the cramping that feels like my monthly is going to start any minute, the pokes & prods, the sharp shooting pains through my vjay jay, my huge heavy boobs, my gut that's killing my back, the fact that if I sit down in the tub to take a warm bath it takes a miracle to get me out of it, rolling over from one side to the other in bed takes 3 minutes only to find that it's just as uncomfortable as where I was, the fact that in the last week I've had acid reflux so bad I have almost vomited on dh 3 times in the middle of the night & barely made it out of bed & to the bathroom in time to hit the toilet.....
Sorry for all the complaining. But I can't voice it to anyone else because "THEIR PREGNANCIES WERE MAGICAL, PERFECT & I'M JUST UNGRATEFUL"....