*****May Bluebells 2012 ***** So far 23 Pink 17 Blue and 12 Yellow!!!

I first found hb at 9+2 then 9+6 then 10+3 I have a rule of only trying for 5 minutes though and there's so much room to hide at the moment it doesn't worry me!

I *think* I felt the baby move once at 10 weeks exactly, I can't decide if I did or not but we were at the cinema watching paranormal activity 3 and I jumped at something, then a few seconds later I felt this little flick sort of thing, I mean I know what Movement feels like and that's exacty what It felt like!! I was so shocked though, DH said though it might be something to do with my getting an adrenaline rush and the baby getting it too makin it do a big movement and that's why I felt it!
I know he is moving though because when I have the Doppler on he floats off and I have to chase him around lol!

How true is that heart rate thing? My son was always at the higher end but that might be explained by the fact he pretty much never kept still and was constantly kicking and wriggling! in my gut I think this is a girl but I don't really want one, I'm scared of having a girl! Before my little boy I never even thought about having ahoy I always pictured myself with just girls, but I'm worried that a girl won't be anywhere near as cool as he is! He's so funny and cute I can't imagine girls being as good! Im scared it will gross me out if they burp or fart but when jess does it it's funny! I know I'm being silly and I'll love whatever we get but I don't like any girl clothes or nursery stuff either! They will have to be dressed in blue lol! xx
KKA: Kendra has the right of it. You have 50% more blood than usual and that puts a strain on your system easier. Changing positions quickly can make you feel faint. Just take it easy and drink tons of water too!

Ugh. I have been SO nauseous all weekend. I usually just gag but I've rushed to the bathroom at least 3 times thinking I would surely vomit. Nothing though. Even once I just dry heaved over and over which was horrible! I sure hope this goes away soon but it only seems to be getting worse at the moment. :sick:

I get the head rush thing too when I stand or sit up too fast my vision goes black for a few seconds and I can just hear pounding in my ears I have to hold onto the nearest thing so I don't go over, I just try to get up more slowly now but it's not always possible with a toddler sometimes you have to be fast haha :haha:

I spent most of yesterday throwing up! :( tablets did not work at all yesterday was even sick in traffic center carpark with a woman waiting to pull in the space haha, I had the door open and was hanging our the car! :dohh:
Hey ladies have any of you experienced this?? When ever I get up from sitting and laying I get dizzy and a really bad headache, they both last only like 15 seconds but are annoying. Have any of you experienced this???

I get this all the time.... I have to sit up and get up slowly or everything goes black and I feel like I'm going to pass out.
I'm scared of having a girl! Before my little boy I never even thought about having ahoy I always pictured myself with just girls, but I'm worried that a girl won't be anywhere near as cool as he is! He's so funny and cute I can't imagine girls being as good! Im scared it will gross me out if they burp or fart but when jess does it it's funny! I know I'm being silly and I'll love whatever we get but I don't like any girl clothes or nursery stuff either! They will have to be dressed in blue lol! xx

This is kinda how I am too! I am just so happy I don't get to choose. It took me about an hour after I first found I was having a boy to be excited at all. I just needed to process that it wasn't a girl first I suppose. Then I got so excited and have never looked back. Once I find out with this one I expect I'll react the same way.

KKA: Kendra has the right of it. You have 50% more blood than usual and that puts a strain on your system easier. Changing positions quickly can make you feel faint. Just take it easy and drink tons of water too!

Ugh. I have been SO nauseous all weekend. I usually just gag but I've rushed to the bathroom at least 3 times thinking I would surely vomit. Nothing though. Even once I just dry heaved over and over which was horrible! I sure hope this goes away soon but it only seems to be getting worse at the moment. :sick:

I get the head rush thing too when I stand or sit up too fast my vision goes black for a few seconds and I can just hear pounding in my ears I have to hold onto the nearest thing so I don't go over, I just try to get up more slowly now but it's not always possible with a toddler sometimes you have to be fast haha :haha:

Yeah! I have to jump up and run after DS pretty fast. It's scary when you lose your vision and hearing because of the pounding in the ears. I try to slowly move in his direction if I suspect he might do something naughty but it doesn't always work. :haha:
vespersonicca - I think that's it is, I always knew jess was a boy but when it was confirmed I remember walking round the shops looking at girls clothes and being sad haha, I was soon excited again though! Maybe my brain is just setting be up so I'm happy if I get another boy though! I know really I won't care but boys are what I'm used to and iv let go of the looking at pink stuff now and I love all the robots and dinosaur stuff haha x
^^^^^ I'm the same Boothh! I have 2 boys and and everyone , even the sonographer presumes I want a girl but I know boys!! I love blue and hoodies and tractors and diggers lol. I won't know what to do with pink!!!!;)
I have to admit though, I do have a little box of girl stuff that I've picked up used over the past couple years. :blush: I figure I can always give it away if I don't get a girl but part of me wants both. For purely financial/space reasons, another boy would be ideal. I can squeeze them in the same bedroom for longer than if I have a girl now. I really don't want to move anytime soon since I love our neighborhood. If we need something bigger than what we have now though, we will need to find another area since it's too expensive here. :(
We are in the middle of moving (into my grandads while we look for a bigger house!) I'm considering having an early gender scan because if we have another boy we can get away with just a big second bedroom, if it's a girl we will need 3 rooms! I dont has any girl things but I did make my son wear a leopard outfit which DH always hated and said was too girly! I have kept that haha, I threw or gave away all my baby stuff, besides my pliko travel system but I don't want to use it again because the carseat was too heavy! And I didn't like it as the pushchair bit! I think I will sell and put the money towards a new one :) I already have a cot and crib so that's a good saving!
Who's on fb?

My mother says "Diana, you would be LOST without your cell phone, and Facebook" lol so yes... I do have Facebook :) if you'd like to search me, it's Diana McPherson from Ontario, Canada
I'm Nic Dickson. If you can't find me I'll go on the laptop and post a link xx
Hey, how are you all?
I've been really rough :nope: Came home from work last Monday and been signed off work since. I get really dizzy and sick when ever I stand up or walk.
Been to doctors and had blood tests and ruled loads out and they don't know what it is. Doctor said its basically a symptom of this pregnancy that just have to wait for it to go.. :cry: I've been so worried about the baby but heard heartbeat on the doppler a couple of times so I know everything is ok hopefully.
Doctor is trying to get hold of midwife for her to come and see me, incase she can suggest something, but I doubt it.
Don't know what I'm going to do about work, if I'm off much longer they'd probably sack me :growlmad:
Trying not to stress about everything but its hard not to.
Got the scan on Wednesday, really can't wait at all... hoping it will make me feel better about things.

I was just reading back on some of the posts I've missed and it's so funny how you all are about having boys.. I'm the exact opposite.. I'm scared at the thought of having a boy.. I wouldn't know where to start or what to do!! I'm from a family of girls.. and just.. well what do you do with boy bits? Lol...

I'm on facebook too.. https://www.facebook.com/ElleEdwards84
Feel free to add me :flower:
Although we still haven't announced on FB or to everyone yet..will be doing in next week :happydance:

Hope everyone is well
Sorry you've been feeling unwell, Work can't sack you though, They would be in so much trouble.
I like girls, I have 2 goddaughters and 6 neices but I find girls can be really whiny and sullen whereas boys are easily pleased :rofl: My sons can end up hurt and they soon get over it! Serioulsy I'll be happy with whatever I get xx
Sorry you've been feeling unwell, Work can't sack you though, They would be in so much trouble.
I like girls, I have 2 goddaughters and 6 neices but I find girls can be really whiny and sullen whereas boys are easily pleased :rofl: My sons can end up hurt and they soon get over it! Serioulsy I'll be happy with whatever I get xx

Thanks :flower:
I'm not on a contract though and only started beginning of last month... I dunno.. I know they can't. Just doesn't feel very secure and I'm not comfortable telling them I'm pregnant yet. But I may have to now.

Lol, I do know what you mean, boys seem to just keep going and aren't bothered... I would love to have a boy as my OH would love one, but just the thought is daunting. Unchartered territory for me :dohh:
Sorry you've been feeling unwell, Work can't sack you though, They would be in so much trouble.
I like girls, I have 2 goddaughters and 6 neices but I find girls can be really whiny and sullen whereas boys are easily pleased :rofl: My sons can end up hurt and they soon get over it! Serioulsy I'll be happy with whatever I get xx

Thanks :flower:
I'm not on a contract though and only started beginning of last month... I dunno.. I know they can't. Just doesn't feel very secure and I'm not comfortable telling them I'm pregnant yet. But I may have to now.

Lol, I do know what you mean, boys seem to just keep going and aren't bothered... I would love to have a boy as my OH would love one, but just the thought is daunting. Unchartered territory for me :dohh:

Ah, so it's quite stressful being new into a role! I would be worrying too and you dont need to tell them yet.:hugs:
My husband wants a girl, as does my eldest son... my youngest doesnt want a baby at all :haha: He just says "not now" :haha: I think we'll go for no. 4 if this is a boy as hubby really wants a daughter, but no more than 4 !!!
Sorry you've been feeling unwell, Work can't sack you though, They would be in so much trouble.
I like girls, I have 2 goddaughters and 6 neices but I find girls can be really whiny and sullen whereas boys are easily pleased :rofl: My sons can end up hurt and they soon get over it! Serioulsy I'll be happy with whatever I get xx

Thanks :flower:
I'm not on a contract though and only started beginning of last month... I dunno.. I know they can't. Just doesn't feel very secure and I'm not comfortable telling them I'm pregnant yet. But I may have to now.

Lol, I do know what you mean, boys seem to just keep going and aren't bothered... I would love to have a boy as my OH would love one, but just the thought is daunting. Unchartered territory for me :dohh:

Ah, so it's quite stressful being new into a role! I would be worrying too and you dont need to tell them yet.:hugs:
My husband wants a girl, as does my eldest son... my youngest doesnt want a baby at all :haha: He just says "not now" :haha: I think we'll go for no. 4 if this is a boy as hubby really wants a daughter, but no more than 4 !!!

Yeah, the job is fine.. just boring. But if I'm going to be signed off for a while it may be easier to explain it is pregnancy related. My doctor is being great though, he understands I haven't told them yet.
Lol, sounds like the opposite to us. My OH and daughter all want a boy - twin boys at that!! Can rule twins out though lol.
And yeah we will probably have more to have a boy, if this baby is a girl.. but with a daughter each I think 3/4 babies is more than enough... my OH would keep going until we had a rugby team or I hit menopause I think :dohh:
I can't find you ff x I can't post my name on here because mil googles me and stalks me so if anyone wants to add me then inbox me x
Just had a great dr. appointment today. :) Heard babies hb on the doppler! 160bpm. Have my NT scan next Tuesday. I also got my flu shot today, I was initially thinking against it but I have a bad immune system and am around so many people every day so I took the plunge. Now I'm feeling awful and my arm hurts, ergh! :( Hopefully it goes away soon.

Hope everyone else is doing well. :hugs: I can't wait to find out what our LO is! Everyone seems to think it's a girl.
I've been absolutely lousy today! Can't even say what it is, just exhausted! Slept til gone 1pm, did not much else this afternoon, just had a bath & ready for bed again. Haven't been able to eat either, managed an omlette about an hour ago, but that's it.
Hoping I'll feel better tomorrow, don't want my poor daughter spending half term in bed with me!

Can't believe I'm 12 weeks tomorrow, and I still haven't told anyone!! So keen to get my scan done, hoping to get my appointment through in the next couple of days!

Are you other mums-to-be getting the flu jab?
I might get it in 2nd tri but didn't want to do anything to risk losing the baby so declined it when offered at booking x

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