May Buds and June Bug 2012 Mummy's Club

It is VERY quiet but very hard to find the time to get on these days. Can you believe these babies are 6 months old already? 6 months since we were all praying for labour pains and hoping for the heartburn and aching backs to end!

They're at such a lovely little age at the minute. I love watching Caitlin discover new things and watching her little face light up in pleasure. She's such a mischievous little thing as well. She rolled to the pc which is hooked up to the tv the other day and bashed on the keyboard a few times and managed to delete all of our downloaded tv shows, all of our wedding pics and both of her scan photos! Little madam :)

I know Theon is sitting up now but are any of the others? Caitlin hasn't mastered it yet and I was wondering if she should be doing it by now.
Hi ladies

I know it is so quiet here now since our little ones keep us so busy!! Rose I hope your driving lesson went well, it will make a huge difference to you if you get your license!

I know Nicola it's so scary that they are 6 months already! They are all so cute!! What a wee monkey Nicola but she is so cute, you can't hold it against her. Connor can sit unaided but he prefers to be crawling about and will only sit for a while if he has toys to play with. He is exactly the same as his sister, she preferred crawling to sitting too. I wouldn't worry if Caitlin isn't stitting yet, I am sure she will do it soon an maybe she just prefers not sitting just now. Caitlin looks so cute with her teeth! Connor still has no teeth through. His sister was over 10 months before she got teeth so I think he will be the same.

I hope you are all good xxxx
Little madam hahahahahaha
Ashleigh can sit up unaided for about 10 seconds sometimes. But it's not mastered yet! She doesn't really roll about to be honest. She has just started 'walking' in her walker.
She really 'talks' alot now.
Wow when did Connor start crawling? I'm not sure if Caitlin will crawl as she gets wherever she wants to go by rolling so I think she'll just keep doing that. She slides on her tummy if she wants to go forward and rolls if she wants to get from side to side.

Megan that's exactly what Caitlin does. She sits for about 10-15 seconds and then either launches herself backwards or topples to the side. It seems to be more of a balance issue than a strength issue! I'm not using a walker but she does jump about like crazy in her jumperoo. Know what you mean about the talking, her mouth goes all day from waking up to going to bed :)

We've managed 4 nights in her own bedroom now too, it seems to be going great. Last night we got her to bed for 7pm and she was there til 8:20am this morning. She still has a feed during the night but I don't mind so much as it means we're getting our evenings to ourselves and getting up at a reasonable time on a morning! Just need to sort out her naps now and get her to take them in her pram or cot instead of in my arms :)
I'm so jealous of you all getting sleep!! I've run out of ideas for getting Theon's wind problem sorted, even the chiropractic treatment had no effect what so ever! I go back to work in February and i'm dreading it because of the sleep situation. Maybe when he goes to nursery he will be so exhausted he will sleep through the wind (clutching at straws here!). One thing is for sure, if he wakes up his usual 5-6 times a night (and that doesn't include the times where he wimpers and I stick his dummy back in his mouth before he kicks off properly) I won't be back at work for very long, they will sack me for being comatose! Plus I would love to get our bed back, he is so big now, I end up sleeping on the edge of the bed on my side and get terrible neck/back/hip ache from having to stay in that one position!

Anyway, enough of my moaning...

What are you all getting the little cherubs for christmas? I'm trying not to buy so much as he'll have no idea it's christmas at all but I can't help it! So far we have bought some big toy cars, a little kitchen thing (not one of those ones for older kids, one that is suitable from 6 months), a baby walker, a baby laptop (since he is obsessed with mine I thought he might like his own), books, a hand puppet that he seemed to love, teddies, bath toys, dvds (tweenies and timmy time!), a shape jigsaw... probably more but I cant think right now! Oh and daddy bought him a train set that he wont get any use out of for another year at least, but I think it was more for daddy than Theon!

Theon can sit up but he doesn't move about much, not even rolling! And he is so chunky I don't think he can hold his body weight to crawl lol.

Oh and can I just say, i'm incredibly broody!! A friend of mine who gave birth to her daughter Chloe in April put a photo of her 12 week scan for baby number 2 a few weeks ago and I was so jealous!!!

I love seeing everyone's photo's of our munchkins, keep them coming on facebook :)
Nicola that is great that Caitlin is getting on so well in her own room. We were away a couple of weeks ago and the kids were in the same room as us. I only got about 2 hours sleep because Connor is such a noisy sleeper! He does this tired sort of mmmmm noise in his sleep. I think that is why we moved him to his own room so long ago!

Leanne are the doctors not being very helpful regarding Theon's wind? I hope you get a solution soon, you must be exhausted :hugs:

Connor has been crawling a few weeks now, he is a bit earlier than his sister was. He is so fast now-I will leave him in the living room while I go and brush my teeth in the morning and by the time I am finished he will have crawled to the bathroom door which is a fair distance away. Once he sees me he has a massive grin on his face as if to say check me out :haha: Now that he is crawling him and Erin are interacting much more. He crawls after her and they both shriek laughing. It is the cutest thing ever and I am so glad that we decided to have them close in age. I think he will be an early walker like Erin too as he is already trying to pull himself up to stand. She was 10 and a half months when she walked alone confidently but had been walking along the furniture from about 9 months.

I can't believer our babies are at this stage already. They grow too quickly and it is sooo true that they aren't babies for long!

Hope you are all well xxx
Leanne is there no way you can pick him up and move him once he's asleep or would he just wake up? Or can you rock him to sleep in your arms and then put him down in his cot? It took us a while to get Caitlin to stay asleep once we put her in the cot and it was very frustrating for a few nights but was more than worth it to get some space in bed again. I know exactly what you mean about getting stuck in one position, it gets so uncomfortable too! She's still sleeping well in her room up to now, she still wakes for her feeds but she isn't waking me up with her constant squirming and grizzling so I'm getting more sleep than I was.

Sorry the chiropractor didn't work for you, surely the doctors have to take some notice now! Going back to work will probably be a bit of a relief for you as I've learnt from KIT days that it's a lot easier than looking after a baby all day :)

I know what you mean about being broody. Now that they're past the helpless newborn stage I'm feeling really nostalgic for it - yet at the time I couldn't wait for it to pass and for her to be more interactive. Her sitting has been getting better this week and she sat up for about a minute today before losing interest and toppling over! They grow up far too quickly, I think second time around I'm going to make a point of enjoying the newborn stage. Are you still trying for your second next year? I think we're planning on trying towards the end of next year so they're not too far apart in age.

As for Xmas presents - we have loads too! I wanted to go crazy with it being her first. I know she doesn't know what's going on but we do and we want it to be special with it being our first family one too. My MIL has bought that baby kitchen for Caitlin, it's great isn't it! We've got her books, bath toys, the Fisher Price Amazing Animals train and ark, a xylophone, a percussion mat (can you tell she likes noisy things?), a vtech hand puppet thing, new pyjamas, a my first Christmas snow globe, vtech microphone.... probably other stuff too but my mind has gone blank! My mam has bought us the next stage car seat and a few other odds and sods and Steven's mam has bought her a Trunki, the kitchen, a Snowman from Build-a-Bear, Fisher Price doll and a few other things so she is being well and truly spoilt by everyone :)

Suze it sounds like Connor's doing great! Can't believe he's crawling already and pulling himself up. Caitlin doesn't seem to have the upper body strength yet but she has the strongest legs I've ever seen! She propels herself across the floor using her feet - I should have known she was going to be trouble when she managed to kick her way across the room at 9 weeks old :) It must be lovely seeing both kids together. How old is Erin now? Is that your family complete or do you think you'll have more? As much as I'm desperate for another I'm also pretty scared after the horrible labour and haemorrhaging issues last time! Think it'll take at least another year to talk Steven around too as he's still not recovered from the ordeal of last time :)
Ooooh Nic maybe we could be bump buddies again. We want to start trying in September next year (Not August just because Theon was conceived in August and I don't want 2 birthdays to contend with in one month!). Affording to put 2 children in nursery... that is another matter!! How do you think you would cope financially Nicola?

I am putting off going to the doctors because I just know they will fob me off and make me feel silly for questioning a baby not sleeping through the night.

I can put Theon in his cot once he is asleep but he wakes up every hour or so whether he is in his cot or in bed with us, but at least if he is in bed with us I dont have to keep getting up and down, I can just feed him/settle him in bed. When his wind is really bad at 3-6am he can wake every 15 mins, so by the time I got him settled in his cot, I'd be getting up again.

Sounds like Caitlin has been a good girl this year :D I soooo want that Snowman teddy!! Think I'll ask his grandad to get it him for Christmas :) A trunki is a good idea too.

That is so lovely to hear that Connor and Erin are having fun together, that is the main reason I want to get pregnant again next year. Connor is a super baby crawling already!! x
Haha, yeah but it took us 7 months to conceive Caitlin so I'm not holding out much hope of it happening quickly! Then again they do say that once you've been pregnant your body knows what to do and conceives much quicker so you never know :)

We're quite lucky in the fact that we don't have nursery fees to contend with as my mam doesn't work and Steven's mum has just taken partial retirement so they're going to share the childcare between them. I'm not sure how it would work with a second child though as two might be a bit much for my mam to deal with as she has trouble with her hips and isn't very mobile. I guess it wouldn't really be for very long though as if I got pregnant at the end of the year then Caitlin would be 18 months so by the time it was born she would be 27 months and by the time my maternity leave finished she'd be nearly 3 and almost ready to start nursery. It's scary thinking of her being that old!

The Snowman teddy is gorgeous, it has a little thing in its tummy that plays the theme song too :) we thought the Trunki would be good for when we go on holiday next year and also to put her stuff in when she stays at her grandparents houses. We got the ladybug one, it's so damn cute!

Have you ever tried Theon on the Soy based formulas? I read a few people on here saying that they helped massively even though the doctors said the babies didn't have dairy intolerances. We started introducing Petit Filous to Caitlin's diet last weekend and she had them 3 days in a row and for the whole 3 days she had the most awful wind and screamed every time she passed any. I haven't given her any for the last 2 days and it seems to have stopped so I think I need to introduce dairy a bit more slowly. Poor little pudding was in so much pain :(

6 months old today - where does the time go?!
Hi ya. Anyone having trouble with Christmas trees and nosey babies???

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