May Buds and June Bug 2012 Mummy's Club

I'm thinking of taking Izzy out of the moses basket too as she pushes herself around in the night with her feet and often wakes up with her head up against the end at an angle. Only problem is i've still got to buy a mattress for the cot lol. As for rolling, she gets on her side (usually accompanied by lots of noise,squealing etc) but hasn't gone completely over yet. Looking for a nice stroller at the mo, anyone got any recommendations? XxX
just bought mattress of ebay so thats one problem solved :) XxX
Oh brilliant! Ashleigh is really loving her cot :) she gets all round it! Hahahahahaha
I got her weighed today and she is 10lb 14oz now. She went down a centile but that would be because of of her dioreah last week.
aww bless, i'm sure she'll soon make that centile up again. Well Izzy appears to have joined the 3am club too, i've been up feeding her since 3 and now shes wide awake 'talking' and smiling. At least shes in a good mood lol XxX
Oh no! She is Probobly having a growth spurt too.
I had a crap nights sleep :( ashleigh keep rolling over so I keep lookin at her and putting her back on her back. :(
Yeah I can see how that would worry you in the night, that'll be the next thing here. Izzy eventually dropped off to sleep again, I wouldn't mind but she'd only just got into a routine in the last couple of weeks. She's a monkey! XxX
Just sorted out a bag of all Izzy's clothes that are too small for her, shes growing up too fast :-( On a happier note shes having a lie in the cot for the first time and is all smiles and yesterday her aunty bought her the cutest babygrow back from america :) XxX
Took Izzy for her outpatients appointment yesterday at children's hospital and she's been discharged, yay! Hospital were really pleased with her, said developmentally she was fantastic which is always nice to hear :happydance: Izzy 'chatted' all the way through appointment to doctor and in the end doctor couldn't stop laughing,said it was most interesting conversation she'd ever had with a baby in her entire career. Izzy also smiling at all the nurses and talking to them, she had a crowd round her at one point- at least she doesn't seem shy lol. Izzy is now 11lb 4 and 57.6 cm long :) She did have a 'sicky' day though,sick before i took her after a bottle and sick at hospital before i bought her home, made the bus journeys even more fraught as she was strapped to me in the baby carrier and i didn't know if i was going to be covered again by vomit at any point, made it home without further incident luckily lol XxX
Hi ladies,

Sorry I haven't posted on here for so long. Our laptop finally went caput a few weeks back and I just cant be doing with typing on my phone, it takes me ages! How are you all? Love seeing all your gorgeous photos on facebook of the wee ones! What a bunch of cuties. I think its fair to say that Theon is the biggest of the all - nearly 17lb now!! He's killing me when I have to carry him in his car seat! He's almost sitting up now though so its easier carrying him around like that. Don't think I'm going to last til 6 months on the weaning front, he'll be chewing my arm off before then. He still doesn't sleep very well either - has me up at about 2am, 5am and 7am ish. Its all to do with him needing to pass wind/poo, he still has a massive problem with that. I'm hoping once he gets on solids, things will improve. Very jealous of you all getting to sleep through the night!

Give your LO's a kiss from me! x
Theon looks lush in his photos! Sleep through the night? Well that went out the window a couple of nights ago. Amber suggested to look up 4 month sleep regression and she was spot on! It's getting better now though I get 1 lot of 4 hours then it's 1-2 hours the rest of the night. Just for settling.
Blimey its quiet on here, hope everyone's ok? :) Hows the sleeping going? Izzy's been quite unsettled but I think thats due to us taking her away last week for a few days. She refused to sleep in the travel cot so we had to put her on her changing mat on the floor with a sheet over it. Not ideal but at least she did get some sleep. She spent her first night in the cot bed last night which went quite well. Only woke up twice, once with her legs through the bars and second time for a feed. I think she enjoys the extra space to stretch out :) Got second lot of jabs on thurs so fingers crossed they go as well as the first lot did. I finally came on last week too,was expecting something horrendous but it was fine. Hope everyone's doing well :) XxX
Sleep is. Very unsettled here too. She's not hungry just hard to get her to settle :( so I'm ashamed to say I've had her sleep with me a fair few times just to get some sleep!!!!
Not come on yet myself. But I don't expect too as I'm still breast feeding. X
Hi girls,

Hope you're all ok. Good thinking with the changing mat!

Theons been a nightmare the last few nights sleeping, he's awake every hour!! Im like a zombie!! He's still in our bed at the moment... I keep trying with his cot and he will sleep in it no problem until it gets to about 2am when his wind really starts to kick in and he is then irritable until 6am when he has he daily poo! He will sleep on me in short bursts, but if he falls asleep on me and then I try to put him in his cot he immediately kicks off so for my own sanity I have to have him in bed with me just to get some rest myself!

Think ive had 2 periods now, one in July and one in August. Bloody hell my ovulation hurts these days! I never had period pain before, but now I have to take pain killers. It feels like early stages of labour! Oooh ive got some more photos from Theons professional photoshoot... i'll post them here!
My favourite two...


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Sometimes you have to resort to having them with you just to get some sleep don't you? I was ready to pull my hair out at butlins the first night, walking round the site at 2.30 am trying to get her to go off to sleep. By the end of the stay she was really chilled out just in time to come home and mess it all up again lol. Oh forgot to say, took her for her first swim, she was so relaxed she fell asleep bobbing around in her inflatable seat! I had been dreading it but she was great :) Hope Ashleigh settles soon for you Megan :hugs: XxX
Awww Leanne, the photos are fab! Izzy isn't very cooperative where photos are concerned. Sorry to hear Theons not sleeping well :-( Hope things get easier soon :hugs: As for periods, i never used to have any pain etc until I had my eldest. I was in quite a lot of discomfort leading up to this one but the bleeding itself has been quite light thankfully :) XxX
Aww glad she enjoyed her swim! We took theon a few weeks back and he loved it. Well, he didnt love the kids with water guns shooting water in his face (ggrrrrr!!) but loved bobbing around in his inflatable.

Hope you had a good time at butlins despite the sleeping issues! x
Annoyingly Ashleigh will sleep in her car seat, Wth??? Lol
I get period cramps but no period. Can't say il
Missing them hahahahahaha
Can't believe our girls/boys are coming up 4 months!
Have you managed to keep theon off the food Leanne?
Yeh I have so far Megan, hes nearly 18lb now though so deffo wont last til 6 months. We have a weaning class next Wednesday so looking forward to that!

Jealous of your lack of period!!

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