May/Early June Mommas


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Apr 16, 2013
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As exciting as it is to finally be in 3rd tri, I am not ready for labor talk! Figured we could have a thread to pass the time with some friendly banter and get to know each other before we start labor watching together down the road.

Introduce yourselves and lets get chatting!

I'm 27+3 today, due may 17th with #1 and it's a BOY!

How are you all feeling? I can tell that I'm coming out of the "honeymoon" trimester... starting to feel heavy, tired, and generally uncomfortable much of the time. Heartburn is atrocious, I get it for hours after every single meal no matter how big or small. I had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch and 5 hours later, I'm still very full and acid-y. But despite all of that, I'm feeling so lucky to be here that I feel bad even complaining. Lol

Team Blue:

Lez2688: Due April 23 - predicting April 20, 8 lbs 5 oz
Pinkbump2011: Due May 2 - predicting April 17, 8 lbs
Mayb_baby: Due May 2 - predicting May 6th, 7lbs 6oz-8lbs 2oz
Hopin4ABump: Due May 5
LivForHim: Due May 8 - predicting May 8, 8 lbs
Perseids: Due May 11 - predicting April 27, 6 lbs 7oz
Jordiedoll: Due May 11 - predicting May 15, 7 lbs
Alita: Due May 12 - predicting May 7, 7.5 lbs
Flowergirl7: Due May 13 - predicting May 7, 8 lbs 4 oz
Kelx44: Due May 14
TXJen: Due May 16 - predicting May 16, 6 lbs
Katiemckeiver: Due May 16 - predicting April 29, 7 lbs 14 oz
LiLi2: Due May 17 - predicting May 7, 8 lbs
MrsGax: Due May 17 - predicting May 3, 7 lbs
BrownlieB: Due May 17
Misscalais: Due May 18 - predicting May 15, 8 lbs, 52 cm
Leids: Due May 18 - predicting May 23, 8 lbs 1 oz, 21"
Qwerty310: Due May 19 - predicting May 17, 8 lbs 5 oz
TeeinAZ: Due May 20
Dory85: Due May 21 - predicting May 28, 8 lbs 9 oz
Nikki_lou: Due May 27 - predicting May 28
Quail: Due May 28
EloiseAndBump: Due May 28 - predicting May 17, 6 lbs 8 oz
Proudparent88: Due May 29 - predicting May 25, 6 lbs 3 oz, 17.5"
Noodles13: Due May 30
Mrs.Stefka: Due May 31 - predicting May 21, 9 lbs 9 oz
Willo: Due May 31
OwlBump: Due June 4 - predicting 8 lbs
Smurff: Due June 3
MKL073007: Due June 6 - predicting 7 lbs 1 oz, 21"
1eighty: Due June 8
Mad_but_glad: Due June 8 - section on May 28 - predicting 5 lbs 12 oz
Exmxb: Due June 12 - predicting June 8, 7 lbs 12 oz

Team Pink:

Beeka: Due May 1 - predicting May 5, 7 lbs 10 oz
BigLegEmma: Due May 2 - predicting May 9 or later, 9+ lbs
SophL: Due May 4 - predicting April 28, 6 lbs 8 oz
Chook: Due May 8 - predicting April 24, 7 lbs 6 oz
Gaves99: Due May 11 - predicting May 8, 7lbs
Schultzie18: Due May 12 - predicting May 14, 7 lbs
Buggzxxx: Due May 13 - predicting May 18, 7 lbs 6oz
Emmalou90: Due May 14
Magicwhisper: Due May 14
Mrs_Wright: Due May 18 - predicting May 14, 7 lbs
Redlemonade: Due May 19 - predicting May 25, 7 lbs 6 oz
Coffee cake: Due May 20
Moondancer101: Due May 21 - predicting May 7, 7 lbs 4 oz
Missysj89: Due May 22 - predicting May 15, 8 lbs 3 oz
RebeccaM: Due May 26 - predicting June 1, 7 lbs 11 oz, 21"
Ac2010: Due May 26 - predicting May 28, 7 lbs
Clairikins: Due May 28 - predicting June 8, 7 lbs 14 oz
Coco Tutu: Due May 28 - predicting June 10
Starry Night: Due May 29 - predicting June 3, 7 lbs 11 oz
RC86: Due June 2
Jenniferannex: Due June 2
Pinkpolkadot: Due June 6 - predicting 7 lbs 5 oz
Birdlee337: Due June 7

Team Yellow:

X_amour: Due May 4 - predicting May 7, 6 lbs 7 oz, 20"
HannahGraceee: Due May 7 - predicting a boy on May 4, 7 lbs 11 oz
Islas_mummy: Due May 10 - predicting a boy on May 10, 7 lbs
ManNYellow: Due May 14 - predicting a girl on May 11, 7 lbs 9 oz
Tuppance: Due May 15 - predicting a boy on May 29, 6 lbs 8 oz
Endlessblue: Due May 18 - predicting a boy on June 1, 8 lbs 7 oz
Chickensoup85: Due May 19 - predicting a girl on June 1, 8 lbs 3 oz
Babytobe: Due May 19 - predicting a boy on May 23, 7 lbs 8 oz
Eternal: Due May 20 - predicting a girl on May 20, 9 lbs 6 oz
OnjNairne: Due May 21 - predicting a girl on May 21, 9 lbs 3 oz
Tablefor4: Due May 22 - predicting May 14, 7 lbs
Wannabe Mommy: Due May 22 - predicting May 19
Cait: Due May 23
Karigan: Due May 24 - predicting May 10, 8 lbs 2 oz
Mummafrog: Due June 6
Jenmcn1: Due June 12 - c-section on May 30
Boothh: Due June 13 - predicting a boy on June 6, 7 lbs 9 oz

Sorry team yellow, you are now team orange. :winkwink: The yellow font just wasn't legible.
No great idea. I'm 27 weeks today, due may 20th with baby number 4!!!! I'm not reach at all, about to start renovating for babies room, which means removed and replacement of wall, electrics, floor, damp proofing, plastering etc. needless to say it's probably not going to be done. We think this is a girl, our first if it is, both scans were not the best position so we really don't know, but both said they thought girl. So I have no clothes for her yet lol.

And a car, Eck, we have a 7 seater but given all mine are 4 or under it still tight with car seats and my eldest has ASD to lashes out so ideally need a new car (or mini bus lol)! But panicked where all the money will come from, but hey no it will all work out!

I'm having loads of BHs which are getting annoying, but other than that all is well. This baby is a wriggler, my most wriggly baby!
I'm due the day after you with my 3rd boy, sitting at the hospital having the glucose tolerance test :sick: it's awful lol
I'm not overly organised either but I've got the major bits and pieces.
I'm feeling ready lol my tummy feels like there's no more room left, bub gets the hiccups all the time. I'm talking 10 plus times a day and its frustrating lol I'm so tired yet too uncomfortable to sleep long at the night. I'm either waking from needing to pee or cause I'm in pain in my legs/hips/bump.
Loving the bigger moment though.
Should we all make predictions on when we will bub will come and size etc? I think that will be fun to look back on.
My prediction:
Due date May 18th, I think bub will come May 15th.
8pound ( I make big babies lol ) and 52cm long.
I agree – great thread idea!

I'm 28 w + 2 d. Due May 11 with my first child – a boy! I think it is adorable that my estimated due date is Mother's Day this year. I have a strong feeling that my little guy is going to make an appearance before his due date, though. He was measuring further along at the last ultrasound. For being a complete surprise, I'm having a pretty healthy pregnancy.

2nd trimester was far from a “honeymoon trimester for me. I had HORRIBLE morning sickness from about 6 ½ weeks until 25 ½ weeks. Now that I'm not throwing up my guts constantly things are looking much better. I've had some pretty icky Braxton Hicks but now that I'm getting used to them the initial 'shock' has worn off. Emotionally, the 1st and 2nd trimesters were horrible for me. Things are still tough but I'm trying to look at the bright sides of everything instead of feeding into the drama. So far the 3rd tri is a "honeymoon" for me. Haha.

I'm having the hardest time picking out a name for my little guy. I like a lot of names but nothing seems like the “perfect” name. It is annoying the father immensely but I might want to wait until I actually hold my son to see which of the names fit him best. I'm also in the process of trying to choose a hospital or birthing center to give birth at. I got such a bad vibe when I toured the hospital I was signed up to deliver at. I guess it is back to the drawing board!

I'm looking forward to a 3d/4d scan and maternity photos! I want to document my bump in a special way even if it is itty bitty! ...aren't baby wriggles the best?! Haha. :cloud9:

EDIT -- I see another post came in when I was typing this. Baby predictions sound great! For some reason the date "April 27" randomly popped into my head when I read that. So... I'll go April 27. 6lb 7oz. (the size is a total guess). :haha:
26+3 now, which according to my math is exactly the first day of third trimester! I'm still honeymooning, though I'm glaring at the spreading marks on my belly that appeared last week.

I'm a high risk, as I have Factor 5, translating as "clotting danger" due to a previous DVT. Belly shots of Fragmin every day for the past six months. Docs say they may want to induce me to control my levels, but we'll see...

First baby, it took 7 months to conceive and I'm so grateful that things have been going around so far. Team yellow, and so excited to find out what we're having on delivery day!

Active babe, lots of feet and elbows so far. To be an active child I'm sure.

Glad to be here with you all!
Great idea! I felt pretty overwhelmed coming over here and seeing all the labour talk!

Hi everyone, nice to 'meet' you!

I'm 27w 1d, due May 19th. After feeling really rough for the first trimester, I had a great second. I'm still feeling pretty good but baby is def getting heavier and sits very low so that can get uncomfortable. I'm also getting tired again already and have been napping everyday since Friday. I love being pregnant though, especially the wiggles!

Oh, and I'm team yellow. Gut instinct is a girl but only time will tell!
Thanks for joining me, ladies! I don't feel ready at all, but at the same time I just can't wait to meet our little man.

Misscalais - I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like there is no more room in there already. I am actually nervous about how uncomfortable I'll be by the time I'm full term. My ribs hurt and baby is already several inches into my ribcage.

Anyone else getting painful kicks in the cervix? I love when baby is head down because I can deal with rib kicks but the bladder/cervix kicks are awful! Of course, I cherish every movement no matter how badly they make me wince. :haha:

Predictions sound fun! I'm going to go with May 7th, 8 lbs. I was a big baby and I have a feeling this guy will be big as well. Oh boy. Lol!

ETA: Karigan, when are they talking about inducing? Hoping things go smoothly for you!

Chickensoup: I've been getting tired again as well. I got through 2nd tri with a good bit of energy but the past week or so I've been just exhausted!
I see a few familiar faces from second tri :) Im 28 weeks today so due 13th May, had my anti-d jab this morning due to being Rh- but the lady was gentle with the needle lol

This is mine and OHs first baby together but we each have kids from previous relationships. We are expecting a little girl and I predict 18th May 7lb 6oz (DD was 5 days overdue which is why Ive chosen that date)
Hello all!
This is my first child and I am due may 12th so I am 28+1. I am having a girl. I did have an ectopic pregnancy before this one. I have been sick since 6 weeks so it's been rough and now have heartburn and it's getting harder to move around. Glad to be in the home stretch but not ready for labor yet! We are painting the nursery this weekend then we can start moving all the furniture in.

Exited to wait with you wonderful ladies!

I predict she will come on May 14th and 7lbs. Both my husband and I were around 6lbs.
Yay! How fun!

I am 28 weeks tomorrow! I am due May 14th but at my last scan they put the due date as the 9th. This is our very first after a year of trying and 4 IUI's. We are team yellow and I just can't wait to find out what this little baby will be.

I have had an extremely easy pregnancy so far. *knock on wood* I only had a little nausea, a little heartburn here and there and some sore hips. But even that has been getting better with regular yoga and strength training. I'm not exactly tall (5'6") but I'm not short either and have a long torso so I haven't felt like I'm bursting at the seams yet. I'm also carrying high so bending over hasn't been a problem yet either.

My prediction is a girl (for now... its keeps changing) and that I will start labor at night on May 10 and deliver on the 11th. :winkwink:
As exciting as it is to finally be in 3rd tri, I am not ready for labor talk! Figured we could have a thread to pass the time with some friendly banter and get to know each other before we start labor watching together down the road.

Introduce yourselves and lets get chatting!

I'm 27+3 today, due may 17th with #1 and it's a BOY!

How are you all feeling? I can tell that I'm coming out of the "honeymoon" trimester... starting to feel heavy, tired, and generally uncomfortable much of the time. Heartburn is atrocious, I get it for hours after every single meal no matter how big or small. I had a peanut butter sandwich for lunch and 5 hours later, I'm still very full and acid-y. But despite all of that, I'm feeling so lucky to be here that I feel bad even complaining. Lol

I figured I would participate in this thread as I will be entering third tri in 1+2! I am thoroughly excited. This is my third baby which will also be my third BOY! :happydance::cloud9:

I am not very tall as I am 5 foot even so I feel like my baby and uterus is crushing my lungs and my asthma is really bad along with it! I have horrible back pain and heartburn too. I eat tums like they are candy this baby had better have a ton of hair! :haha: Of course I also had the horrendous heartburn last time too and Tommy was bald. LOL. I feel very happy and very blessed and even though I have lost my pap last Thursday I feel very happy knowing he at least got to know about the baby and that we were using his middle name for the baby's middle name. We will be naming him Zachary Herbert. :baby:

Do you all have names picked yet and if so what are they?
Aww Proudparent, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Big hugs. I am using my grandfather's name as our son's middle name as he and I were very close. Thinking Elliot for his first name, though we are not 100% yet. :)
So so sorry for your loss... :hugs:

We are thinking Elliot James if its a boy, and Adilynn (no middle yet) for a girl. We have a couple names written down for each so that we can really feel it out once we are holding the baby, but those are our favorites for now.
Aww Proudparent, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Big hugs. I am using my grandfather's name as our son's middle name as he and I were very close. Thinking Elliot for his first name, though we are not 100% yet. :)

Ha ha Wow! Nice name Lili2 :winkwink:
Ooh I like this.

I am 26+6, We are team yellow, expecting our 3rd baby on May 21st, which is coincidentally my 2nd daughters birthday. We are thinking it will be a third girl, but we'll be super excited either way!

The first trimester was miserable- so sick and tired, plus worried after a loss, so I was quite pleased with 2nd trimester until the heartburn came around. It's the worst I've ever had it. I seriously didn't have enough empathy for people suffering with it before. I do now!! I also have SPD, but it's been WAY better than with my 2nd, so I can't complain much at all. Plus, weight gain has been pretty manageable.

So, I'm excited for 3rd trimester. We're just starting to get to the point of realizing it's really happening and soon, it'll be all over!! Ahh!! :happydance:

My prediction is that baby will arrive on my due date, because my first was a few days early, my 2nd a day late, and I never guess anything right, so I am hoping I am wrong, so this one isn't born on my daughters birthday!!!

I also guess 9 lbs 3 oz, because my other two were 8 lb 8 oz, and 9lb 2 oz. But seriously, they can't get much bigger, right?? :)
Hey ladies! I would love to join! I am due May 8th with our 2nd! A boy this time. We have an almost 19month old daughter who is our world! :) I am feeling somewhat ok...very different pregnancy than my first. I was more sick this time and have felt pretty sluggish but so happy to be pregnant and feel so blessed! I am predicting and hoping for my site date to be the day! My dad was born on his grandmother's birthday and my brother was born on my grandfather's birthday so it would be fun to carry on tradition as my mom's birthday is May 8th! I am guessing an 8 pounder! ;)
Great thread! I am due May 17th with our first, a little boy! His name is Gavin :cloud9:. We are so excited for him. I am LOVING the beginning of the 3rd trimester. I absolutely hated the 2nd trimester. It was the longest 13 weeks of my life. I have been carrying him VERY low, so although I have had NO heartburn or anything like that, I have had intense pelvic pressure since I was 16 weeks. My cervix is nice and long still, so no worries there... but he spent majority of 2nd tri kicking my cervix daily and he is FINALLY getting big enough to where is he moving up high toward my ribs and even though it feels yucky, I much rather prefer that feeling to the intense pelvic pressure! Sleeping is getting difficult as in I wake up about 4x per night to pee, but I am totally happy with that since the end is coming :happydance: I just cannot wait to meet my little guy and I am so excited to experience this whole situation, even though I have NOT been a for the last 3 months lol.

Oh, and my predictions are: May 3rd and I think he will be around 7 lbs. First baby, so I have no idea if I make big babies or not :)
<3 Hey ladies!! I am an early bird :) I am 26+1 and I officially have bump envy lol. I cannot wait to hold this little girl. But I absolutely can not complain, the first two trimesters have been pretty go with the flow. I am soooo ready to be on maternity leave. This 50+ hours a week stuff is for the birds.

I absolutely love you guys names!! Its nice to see them as many people on the site don't reference until birth (totally understandable). Especially the names that have family ties. We are still groveling over names. I have a few favorites, Lander Aubrey, Brynn Leigh, Leah, and Myer. But my OH is not committed to any...womp womp... :p

We are due May 26 but my predictions would be June 1st. Hopefully naturally water will break. Thinking maybe 21' long and 7'11 lbs.
This is so great! I love seeing all the early 3rds coming out of the woodwork.

MrsGax, hooray - a due date buddy!

MacNYellow - how funny! Elliot was supposed to be my name if I had been a boy so I am a bit attached to it. Love it!

Should I update the first post with our date and weight (and gender for team yellows) guesses so we can look back later and find them? :)
Hi Ladies!

Great idea for a thread!

This is my first baby, and my due date is May 19 (27 weeks +1 day). We're team yellow, but we think we're having a boy! My guess is that baby will be 7'8 lbs, and will come on May 23.

Reading a lot of your posts makes me feel normal! :flower: I felt so wonderful for the first two-third's of 2nd trimester, but now I have heartburn (this seems quite common now!), and I'm starting to get more achy and uncomfortable in general. I'm on sick leave due to an "irritable uterus", so since about 4 weeks ago I get off and on painful contractions in my uterus. It's ruining all my plans to stay active and prepare for the labor of labor! I can't even go for a walk as it's sets the uterus off into "angry mode". And suddenly lately I am craving sweets like no other! Sigh....

Excited to be in third tri, but still have a good chunk of the big "to do list" to get through. Lots of it I find is fun stuff though :) .

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