Congrats on your

bump!!! Little boys are so sweet and that's awesome u have one of each.
It's hard not to worry about coping w 2 under 2. Especially when u don't have much help. I found myself in ur similar situation w the impending arrival of DS2. (My two boys r 17 months apart) All that u are feeling is perfectly normal

just make sure u take it one day at a time. One hour at a time on the tough days. It's not always easy but it u will adjust. You do bc you have to and before u know it you'll be a pro

things will get easier and depending on ur LOs personality it may not ever get super hard (DS2 was high needs so I for sure had my days but often times I don't think it would have been nearly half the challenge if he were lucky-go-happy like his big brother). But rest assured- no matter the personality type u will adapt and get through. Just make sure that u get some 'you time' even if its only for a
Couple of minutes Def make sure ur DH is stepping up when he isn't working. We don't have any familial support bc our family is 10 hrs away, so t can be tough but if u are in a similar situation u both will need to rely on each other more so than most couples. That is the only way we have survived, TBH but it IS doable u just gotta take it a day at a time. Some will be better than others but overall most days are enjoyable and soon Ull find that u ARE doing it and successfully (and peacefully) raising two under two.
...and now that I just have the speal I'm still anxious about the arrival of our third

(DS2 and DD will have an 18 month age gap assuming she doesn't arrive early)
If u need any moral support, feel free to message me! This forum has been great as there are ladies and threads pertaining to the very essence of a close age gap