May Mummies :)


Mummy & Noah <3
Sep 11, 2011
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I have noticed there are threads for March and April mummies but few or none for May mummies so thought Id create a thread for all us ladies due in May :)

How are you all feeling? This is my first. Im having a boy his name is Noah and am so ready for him. I made the 'mistake' of buying things from 5 weeks so now I have everything and am very paitently waiting for his arrival. Im due 26th May and hoping to have a water birth. Looking forward to going on mat leave on April 17th :happydance: I work in a nursery so on my feet all day. Cant wait to just sleep and rest until Noahs here :)

Feel free to add your stories, symptoms, highs and lows. We havent got long to go :)

Hi Fairydust great thinking :)

Iv not been sure where to post as im due 3rd May however will more than likely be having a section/being induced somewhere in the last 10 days of April.

Im having twins a boy and a girl and calling them Freya and Dexter, they are our first children and we cannot wait to meet them :)

On the whole I feel pretty good apart from the obvious tiredness and aches and pains but I have been very lucky with this pregnancy and not even suffered morning sickness once :) We are pretty sorted apart from a few odd bits left to get and the bedding to put in the cot beds as I don't want to do it to soon and they lose the newness ha-ha.

I look forward to going through the last stretch with the rest of the May ladies xxx

I am due 9th May. Suffering terribly with rib pain and a stiff back, apart from that I am not too bad!

I finish work 3 weeks on Friday and it couldn't come a day sooner!!

Im due on the 16th May and we gave no idea if it is a boy or a girl. We have a few names in mind but as yet we are not 100% sure. I am well so far but did suffer from morning sickness until about 17 weeks. We still have so much to buy but not knowing if baby is a he or a she it is difficult to get too many bits.
Finishing work on the 30th April so will not have long to wait when I stop.

Good luck to all May Mummies to be.... looking forward to hearing from you all:flower:

Becky xx
Owww I forgot about the rib pain, that really hurts at times. I find a trick for that is stand up for a minute and they tend to move a bit lol x
Im due may 13th! My birthday is may 11!!

Really would love to hold my baby on my birthday that's my birthday present :) a healthy gorgeous baby!!

I don't know the gender !! But I really want a boy!!
Im due May 1 so I could be either an april or may mommy We decided to not find out the gender, and I can not wait to meet this little monster!
Hi ladies :)

Yes rib pain and acid reflux are the new ones this week. Stocked up on Gaviscon. Oh the joys of pregnancy lol x
Hi!! I'm due on the same day as Jennifurball- 9th May. I'm the same as you we bought a lot of our stuff in the January sales so we are now awaiting our baby boy/ girl! Very excited although nervous about the birth too. I feel really good just have rib pain, which gets worse as I eat across the day but aside from that I feel good. I'm a teacher so am also on my feet all day and (although I will be very sad to leave my class) am also looking forward to maternity leave and being able to sort out cupboards etc. I go on maternity leave in four weeks so not too much longer left now. Our antenatal classes start next Saturday, which i'm really looking forward to and can't wait to meet some other mummies to be!! :thumbup:
Hi ladies!

I'm due may 25th with a boy, not decided on a name yet.

Starting to really feel tired and breathless now, I still have 12 weeks to go!

Im due 18th May inish work in 3 weeks:flower:

Have no problems really just an achy back now and again nothing a hot water bottle doesnt ease.

I remember the rib pain with my last baby, I found softly bouncing on gym ball helped. Not sure why but it did.

:hugs: toall may mommys not long to go now :happydance:
Hey ladies, I'm due May 21st and expecting a surprise! Got a few names on our shortlist, but nothing decided as yet. I've had an easy pregnancy so far (touch wood), had some hip pains and feel like I've been kicked between the legs if I walk a long way these days, but relatively ok. Indigestion is a new friend, especially when I'm lying down. In the middle of decorating the nursery (well, DH is anyways lol) and just so excited to meet our LO!! Don't finish work until 4th May, I work in an office so not too strenuous and I think I'd get too impatient if I was sat at home. May seems so long away!!
Hi ladies!

May 11th here... little girl called Madalyn, can't wait to hold her!! :)

I'm doing ok, bit of reflux, and achey legs every now and then, but I think I've got off quite lightly!! :)

9 weeks 5 days till due date.... yawn!!
im at the very end of may the 30th can i still join in? this is my 1st baby having a little boy his name will be robert kyle william like u i bought everything super early even have all his clothes hung up and in drawers can wait till my little man is here! feeling good apart from growing/stretching pains the insides of my legs are the worst hope ur all well xx
Hey everyone :)

We're due May 15th with a little boy. Naming him John (Johnny) after OH's dad who is no longer with us.

We're still sorting out his room so one corner of my room looks like a mini mothercare at the moment :haha: Can't wait to get it all unpacked and in his room!

I'm not the typical glowing pregnant woman haha.. kind of hate pregnancy, love the outcome!! I had MS for so long and it still creeps up now and again. Just excited for him to be here now, May needs to hurry up!
I'm due 6th May. We don't know what we're having.

I felt fine for most of the first trimester, had an awful second trimester and am bouncing with energy in this one again.

I'm a secondary school teacher and only have 4 weeks left to work and I think that is keeping me going, seeing the days and lessons going down!
Yay for May! :)

Hi Everyone! I am due may 23rd, on team yellow ,) struggling with OH to agree on names but we do have a list!

I suffered morning sickness until around 17 weeks, other than that, feel good! Though I am beginning to get puffed out quickly and heartburn has started up :(

8 weeks of work left and cannot wait to finish! Xx
Hi ladies!

May 11th here... little girl called Madalyn, can't wait to hold her!! :)

May 23rd here!
I can't wait to hold our little girl either. It's funny, as soon as I entered the third trimester I became super anxious/excited about meeting her. I absolutely love being pregnant, I've been very lucky and had a really easy pregnancy (except for some spotting/bleeding early on) but now I just want to meet her and hold her and never let go :haha:

I'm feeling great so far. Yesterday i got this pinch on my right ribs... do you think that was baby? I feel she may still be a bit small to be giving me rib pain? :shrug:
im due on the 30th may but more thn likely be induced earlier because im a type 1 diabetic. Im expecting a girl and her name is Lillie Amelia, this is my 2nd pregnancy. :) cant wait for her to be here! x
Hiya, I'm due my little boy on the 25th. The only problem I'm really having is the acid reflux and nausea/vomiting nearly every day.
Other than that I feel fine, Nico is very active and has already decided what type of music he likes (He has his daddys taste :nope:) lol.

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