Maya abdominal therapy


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2012
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Has anybody tried this?

Since the medical profession aren't very helpful or holistic for me, I've decided to turn to alternative therapies and have made an appointment next week for a Maya therapy session.

This includes a consultation, professional treatment (abdominal massage), teaching instruction to self-massage, flower essence supply and Bajo herbal steam kit.

It's supposed to be particularly useful for women with endo and - bonus! - improves frame of mind, which I BADLY need right now as I'm expecting AF any day now and I know she'll come :(

SO! Anyone tried it?
There's nothing I dislike more than unfinished posts, so in case somebody else searches for information on Arvigo Mayan abdominal massages, I thought I would give my update :)

This will be long - you have been warned! Also, this topic might be a bit hippie dippie for some and I know there are lots of skeptics on here, so please keep responses positive :)

So my first session (This is an interesting blog on this therapy if you're interested: ) lasted 2.5 hours and started with a very thorough intake consultation looking at medical, emotional/spiritual, dietry/digestion, family history etc etc. I have suspected endometriosis and (I suspected) a tilted uterus. Interestingly, she said the fact that I have constipation before my period is indicative of a uterus that is tilted too far back. This is most likely how I was born and there's not a lot I can do about it but she did show me some exercises that can help :) Sometimes a uterus can become tilted due to an injury and even running on concrete (she told me not to run in the lead up to and during my period as it could be putting a lot of strain on already strained ligaments holding my uterus in place!). There is a technique of tying a knot with a scarf over my abdomen if I really want to exercise at this time of the month though. I can't remember the name of it!

The massage itself was strange at first - it felt kind of ticklish in parts! I felt a lot of tenderness but really got in to it. She said my abdomen is 'switched on' which is indicative of someone who has experienced a lot of chronic pain :( And she felt lots of congestion though couldn't diagnose the reason (it's most likely the endo). She showed me how to do this massage every day which I do with almond oil and lavender which is a lovely way to start the day! I must admit, I was a bit sore after the massage at first, but it felt good. She also massaged my back and checked my hips and pelvis, which were all aligned perfectly!

She gave me some herbs which I boiled to perform a bajo which is basically a vaginal steam bath (you can find out more info here: ). It was incredibly empowering!!! I felt so so good after it. This vaginal steam bath is supposed to nourish and heal 'down there' and I must admit, it felt amazing. It's weird, I know, but I loved it!

Also, because of the congestion, she showed me how to perform castor oil packs (find out more here: ) - it's time consuming but it helps me to relax! Castor oil is very important in detoxification and is supposed to be very good to support ovarian/egg/fallopian tube health :)

Interestingly, prior to undertaking the massage, my therapist informed me that the Mayans believe that we store our emotions in our abdomen, which I completely believe. I feel all my emotions there. She warned me that I might feel emotional during the massage, and afterwards. Sure enough, I did start to think about some difficulties I had since childhood, with my own mother. We haven't had the best relationship unfortunately. We never did. I wonder if my inability to become a mum myself is wound up with feelings I have about my own mother and there is some kind of emotional block? My therapist picked up on my 'mothering issues' immediately and it felt so good to talk it out. She made up a tincture, specifically designed for me, to help deal with this and my other issues. She also advised to deal with these emotions and to stop burying them, so now I'm writing everything out and then I'm going to burn it or something. I don't know, this is the hard part I guess.

Who knows if this will actually help us get our BFP but I definitely feel more relaxed and empowered! Today is CD8 and, unusually, I have LOADS of watery cm! I tend not to get a huge amount so I'm very excited! This is early in the cycle too. Who knows if this is due to the castor oil, the massage, the steam bath or the tincture (or all 4?) or what, but I'm feeling positive that all of this has helped.

I hope this helps someone! If you want to find out more, just ask!
Hi Redlemonade,

​I too am a bit skeptical about the medical professionals these days, who just miss the basics and go on to do the rest.

Good to try alternate medicines for a change. May I ask whereabouts are you located and how long have you been TTC?
I'm not too sure if such therapies are available in the UK. I have just started yoga today for this new cycle.

So sorry about your relationship with your mom. Prayers that you heal. Will be in touch with you to see how you progress and follow you too if something works out.

I too have a feeling that I may have endo, my current and last cycles have been really different. I have always been having twinges in the lower abdomen although not painful just gentle mild twinges for all the days in the cycle 28-31 days usually. And also bloated and heavy feeling for all the days nearly in the cycle. Weakness & sourness in the legs. These are symptoms that i have known, not yet tested officially, probably will do when I meet the specialist next month.

keep in touch, Good luck
Hi Yippie!

I'm located in Ireland. I just googled for practitioners in the UK and found this:[]=United+Kingdom :) I completely recommend this therapy. I definitely feel that we put too much emphasis on western medicine these days, to the neglect of less intrusive and more holistic alternatives. (That said, I completely understand why couples go through medical procedures and they definitely do have their place). Yoga is great, I hope it helps you!

We're in our 8th cycle TTC. I'm feeling positive though! How long have you been TTC if you don't mind me asking?

So you have pain/twinges/heaviness every day of your cycle? I wonder if the bloated, heavy feelings might be helped by the castor oil pack? It's really good for detoxification and might help with your heavy feeling. I hope you don't have endo - it's awful. This could also be related to digestive issues perhaps?
hey redlemonade,

That's great news. I was watching the videos that you've posted regarding the caster oil packs, I'm so glad you have put all the info on here. Will definitely give it a go alongside my yoga in the coming cycles, its pretty simple and I may just do it myself.

The vagi-steam stuff also makes sense that the womb is supposed to be warm to concieve. Lol, just remembered how the hen keeps itself warm to lay eggs...haha and ofcourse, it looks like easy access for me here near london, will definitely see how you get on, I'm keeping my options open.

We have been trying unofficially/lethargically for about a year and officially/ seriously for about 6 months. So it has been about a year and half totally tbh.

yes, atleast once a day, there's a slight discomfort in my lower abdomen, from past two cycles. I have been healthy and so were my thoughts till now, but now I think things are slightly changing, so wish the specialist can confirm that it is nothing to worry. Oh I do wish that it is digestion related, but my legs feel weak along with the twinges and bloat, that's the reason my research speaks that it maybe endo.

So how long have you been with this therapy, hope it works for you. What day of your cycle are you on ?
Oh I'm glad those links have helped you! Yes the castor oil packs are very easy, not at all costly and totally helps me relax. Just with the castor oil pack, be careful not to do it after ovulation.

As for the warmth of vagi steam - well, yes, it makes total sense to keep things warm doesn't it! In fact, my therapist wears a Japanese belly wrap/warmer (can't remember the exact name of it) to keep her abdomen warm. I might just have to invest in one! Oooh another piece of advice she gave me, which might also help you, is to use a voltarol heat pack on my sacrum when I'm ovulating. She said, not only will it help with the pain, it would also help the overall process.

Have you been to your doctor? I would say at 1.5 years, even if the first year was more lethargic, they would probably check things out, if you wanted to. For me, it was useful just to get my bloods checked and DH's SA checked (both perfect). The only way to fully confirm endo, as I'm sure you know, is with a laparoscopy. It seems fairly invasive so if you can go without that, do. They told me that, since we're TTC they won't do a lap anyway, so it may be the same for you. Try keep positive thoughts going though - it's the worst when the fears set in! Try picture the end result (a beautiful baby!) and not worry too much about how you'll get there.

Well, this was my first session at Mayan abdominal massage, so we'll see. I'm on CD8 right now. Strangely, it looks like I may be ovulating early this month!
yes I totally agree. I have to invest in one too, I'm a cold jelly and my body is forever cold. I'm sure the castor oil will help too, to bring some body warmth in the UK/Ireland weather. Do let me know where you manage to find one, whatever it is called, I had gone hunting for outfits to keep me warm, but apart from the sweaters,cardigans and jumpers I did'nt manage to find one.

I have an appointment next month with the specialist. As of now just had my day2 blood work & DH's SA, no dramas with his sample. I will have another 21 day blood work shortly.

Oh, I was about to demand for them to perform laproscopy. So then how did you know that you had endo ? I'm just having a feeling due to the symptoms I'm having and yes your right it gets worse if fear sets in.

Looks to me like you are already seeing results, ovulating early is good news. I'm adding you as my buddy.
Me too, I'm forever cold! I can't find the exact one that my therapist was wearing but I googled 'Japanese belly warmer' (it's actually called a haramaki!) and found these

Apparently, coldness in the womb area can be associated with infertility. :shrug:

I haven't had endo diagnosed but it is 'suspected' by my GP. She referred me to the OB/GYN who also suspects I have endo but said the only way to confirm is with a lap and he won't do that until we've been TTC for 18 months. I was pretty upset at first because I just wanted to know either way! Now I'm actually glad because it's still surgery, you know? And I just know I can do this without going to those extremes.

I added you back :)
I see ! Either way, just hope that the endo doesn't interfere with TTC. Fx and loads of sticky dust, something makes me say to you that you are getting closer to your goal of a :baby:

I see ! Either way, just hope that the endo doesn't interfere with TTC. Fx and loads of sticky dust, something makes me say to you that you are getting closer to your goal of a :baby:


Thank you and I hope so! Best of luck to you too, I hope you get your BFP too!
Hi redlemonade, thanks for posting this, it's very interesting. I looked into this Mayan massage before and castol oil packs, but decided to try acupuncture instead. There are so many different therapies out there that its hard to know what to try. So far I've found acupuncture helpful - I've had 7 sessions over 10 weeks. I've noticed a major improvement in my PMT symptoms so far.
Keep us updated as to how it helps :)
Hi redlemonade, thanks for posting this, it's very interesting. I looked into this Mayan massage before and castol oil packs, but decided to try acupuncture instead. There are so many different therapies out there that its hard to know what to try. So far I've found acupuncture helpful - I've had 7 sessions over 10 weeks. I've noticed a major improvement in my PMT symptoms so far.
Keep us updated as to how it helps :)

Hi SusieC! I was actually torn between the Mayan massage and acupuncture! I've heard great things about acupuncture actually. My friend swore it's what helped her get pregnant a few years ago.

I know, there are so many therapies to choose from! At the end of the day, you've got to go with what speaks to you the most, I think.

That's great that it's helping with your PMT so far - if I even get that much from the massage I'll be delighted I think!

Keep me updated as well? :)
Thanks redlemonade, I will keep you updated. I'm actually having some PMT symptoms currently and wondering if it's because my acupuncturist is away and I didn't have my session last Thursday. I'm currently 11DPO. I am exhausted and have really tender breasts. It has occurred to me these could be pregnancy signs, but I dare not get my hopes up as I have been disappointed so many times in the past. I'm trying to be patient! If I don't spot I will test on Friday. If it is PMT it's a good advert for acupuncture as I had hardly any last month and still much less this month than I would usually get, although the fatigue feels crippling - I want to cry! 7 more hours at work too!
BTW I find acupuncture really hurts!!! I only go because i truly believe it is helping me. The massage certainly sounds less painful and more relaxing!!
Hey Susie,

11dpo - not long until you find out either way! I hope it's a BFP for you, but well done on not dwelling on the symptoms. I see from your signature that you've had miscarriages - I'm sorry to read that. You deserve a sticky bean!

Wow I didn't think acupuncture could hurt! I had it once as an experiment, at work (one of my colleagues at the time was trained in acupuncture) but the environment wasn't really conducive to it working so it didn't do anything for me at the time. But I don't remember it hurting!

The massage was a little painful too actually, especially as I get a lot of pain during my cycle!

Keep me updated and I really hope AF stays away!
Fingers x for BFP for us both. I'm trying not to symptom spot, I actually thought I was out for this month due to only DTD once around ovulation.

I know other people find that acupuncture doesn't hurt. My acupuncturist says it hurts when she has it. Only some of them hurt - she does one in my foot that is agony! Sorry your massage hurt - it would be nice if these things were lovely and relaxing as well as therapeutic!
That's interesting; I wonder if the ones that hurt are the ones that correspond with the areas of the body that need more 'fixing' (for want of a better word).
That's interesting; I wonder if the ones that hurt are the ones that correspond with the areas of the body that need more 'fixing' (for want of a better word).

She said some hurt more than others anyway but yes for me the foot one is linked to my liver chi stagnation - which has been really bad, hence horrendous PMT. it's all quite clever really!
Ah very interesting. I wonder if the castor oil pack would help with your liver chi as it's so detoxifying? Apparently, if you have endo (which they think I do), your liver is working overtime which is why I've been told that the castor oil pack is essential for me. Might be worth trying! I already kind of feel less 'congested' down there and, somehow, I appear to be fertile on cd9 (basing on cm and cp).

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