Memorial Tattoo ideas...anyone have any?

:hugs:ive just read the message back...I didnt mean it to sound quite like that! hope you get what I am trying to say.
SuperKat - lol at having to "get out of that place"! I've only been to Cali once for a couple weeks, I enjoyed the visit, was in busy LA for the first week and then in some small college town that reminded me of home, I liked it in both areas. Never made it to Idaho though. I live in southern Wisconsin - and it's darn chilly here!!

LOL it is too bad you have to be at your OH's mercy, he would probably consider it a breach in loyalty if you went elsewhere :winkwink: but that would be so cool to have the tattoo done by your significant other.... losing a baby is hard enough, to be able to experience the giving and receiving of a tattoo in their memory with the one who shares in your loss, I think that's beautiful :hugs:

lol @ your OH being convinced he'll die first, such a lovely conversation, lol!

Your dragonflies and butterfly are soooooooo pretty!!! love the colors and stars!

To everyone
- I've read through all the posts and I love all the ideas and quotes, they are all so sweet and thoughtful and deep :hugs:
Lynne192- It definitely helped, thank you so much!!!

Chocciebutton- Oh no worries!! I totally understood what you were saying!! I love the idea of the hearts instead of dots, that would be really cute!!! I lost the baby at 11w 5days, but the baby stopped growing at 9w4days, so I didn't know the gender >< My hubby was convinced that it was a girl, so I would be okay with leaning towards something a little more feminine.

Aviolet- LOL, yea, there was just too much crime there, too busy, bad on, lol. It is much slower here...but I am experiencing my first winter with snow...super exciting!!! I am loving it! All the Idaho natives seem to hate it, I wonder if I will end up hating it too, lol.

Yea- being at his mercy definitely sucks!! haha, but I'll admit I am a little impatient too, lol.

hahaha, i know, such a wonderful conversation. he absolutely hates when I start talking about the death stuff..."ooh hunny, If I was going to die in a car crash, this would be a wonderful place to do it, look at hoe pretty it is over here!" lol. Does that make me morbid??:blush::haha: hahaha

Thank you!! I can't wait until it is done. I has been unfinished for a couple of years now! lol
Hi Ladies,
I've just seen this post now!
I want to get a joined memorial tattoo for my mum and my baby as I found out my baby's HB had stopped two years to the day my Mum was cremated. I was thinking of getting a flower (haven't decided which one yet) with two petals falling off. One petal for my Mum and one for my baby
Hi Ladies,
I've just seen this post now!
I want to get a joined memorial tattoo for my mum and my baby as I found out my baby's HB had stopped two years to the day my Mum was cremated. I was thinking of getting a flower (haven't decided which one yet) with two petals falling off. One petal for my Mum and one for my baby

That's a beautiful idea! I love it...what's your favorite flower or the one that makes you think of your Mum and baby?
SuperKat, I LOVE that you're excited about the snow!! Aww have a fun first winter before you become jaded by it! LOL So many people hate the snow (mostly the driving in it, the de-icing of car windows, etc) but I love it (mostly because I don't have a car! although walking to work in it sucks quite a bit). Hopefully you don't end up hating it too much ;) I always feel like a kid again when winter comes because I love to go sledding and I miss how when I was a kid me and my sister used to make huge snow forts!

LOL @ the death talk! that is too funny. It doesn't make you morbid, it makes you special :winkwink: my mom often thinks of ways she'll die and then she figures out whole elaborate scenarios in her head about how she'll make sure us kids aren't left with a lot of bills to pay and whatnot, lol.

Fooled_Heart, that sounds like an absolutely beautiful tribute, so fitting :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Hi Ladies,
I've just seen this post now!
I want to get a joined memorial tattoo for my mum and my baby as I found out my baby's HB had stopped two years to the day my Mum was cremated. I was thinking of getting a flower (haven't decided which one yet) with two petals falling off. One petal for my Mum and one for my baby

Love that idea!!! Before reading the part about the flower the first thing i pictured was a portrait of an angel holding an angel baby (i.e....your mom up above holding your baby until you meet up with them). I'm so sorry for both of your losses:hugs:
SuperKat, I LOVE that you're excited about the snow!! Aww have a fun first winter before you become jaded by it! LOL So many people hate the snow (mostly the driving in it, the de-icing of car windows, etc) but I love it (mostly because I don't have a car! although walking to work in it sucks quite a bit). Hopefully you don't end up hating it too much ;) I always feel like a kid again when winter comes because I love to go sledding and I miss how when I was a kid me and my sister used to make huge snow forts!

LOL @ the death talk! that is too funny. It doesn't make you morbid, it makes you special :winkwink: my mom often thinks of ways she'll die and then she figures out whole elaborate scenarios in her head about how she'll make sure us kids aren't left with a lot of bills to pay and whatnot, lol.

hahahaha, yea, unfortunately our snow is now all much to learn about snowy weather. I suppose I was incredibly ignorant, I didn't realize this happened...hahaa. I never thought that it would start melting this soon! (it is in the 30s this week). I don't really have to drive in it either, my hubby does all the driving! (I need to learn how to drive in it though!!!) Forts sound awesome!!! I totally need to build one with the kids this weekend!!! I've never build one, and never thought about doing so until you mentioned it, so thank you for the fun weekend i'll have ahead!!! lol (the kids will love you wonder why your niece idolizes you! ;) ..nothing better then a cool auntie!!!

Walking to work in the snow??? I give you props...I am trying to discover the technique to walking in the snow without sliding, and I am only walking to the corner to take the kids to the bus stop....I keep wondering if I should get some cleats or something...hahahaha (maybe i should just get a helmet...bahahahaha

Hahaha, yea, I like to think of myself as special too, teeheehee That is so funny about your mom!!! My hubby thinks I am just overly random, lol.:haha:

to everyone- I have to say, that I am enjoying everyone contributions to this thread!! I am enjoying the distraction from the all are giving me happy thoughts! =) Thank you all!!!
LOL yes snow does melt! funny.
Awww so cool, have fun with your kiddies in the snow!!!! so glad i could give you the idea!! me and my sis had the coolest forts, we'd hollow out a big area in the yard and we'd make snow chairs and a tv, remote control, telephone, a refrigerator, bottles of milk to put in the fridge (LOL), etc, it was so much fun! And my dad always made HUGE snow animals - one year he made a horse big enough for us to ride on! (it didn't have legs, was just the upper body, otherwise it probably would've fallen apart!)
Definitely get shoes with good rubber soles!!!! and a helmet is a good idea too!! LOL I'm not looking forward to the ice, I can tell you that!
LOL yes snow does melt! funny.
Awww so cool, have fun with your kiddies in the snow!!!! so glad i could give you the idea!! me and my sis had the coolest forts, we'd hollow out a big area in the yard and we'd make snow chairs and a tv, remote control, telephone, a refrigerator, bottles of milk to put in the fridge (LOL), etc, it was so much fun! And my dad always made HUGE snow animals - one year he made a horse big enough for us to ride on! (it didn't have legs, was just the upper body, otherwise it probably would've fallen apart!)
Definitely get shoes with good rubber soles!!!! and a helmet is a good idea too!! LOL I'm not looking forward to the ice, I can tell you that!

LOL that sounds soooo awesome!!!! It seems like it would be fun to have snow around as a kid. I never had anything cool like that obviously since there is no snow in most of Having all of the seasons is really nice too! (although, we got hit by some wierd system up here and winter came on rather dramatically, which from what I hear, is not the norm here). From what I understand, the weather here is usually fairly mild, last year they only got a grand totaly of 2ft of snow the entire winter. I didn't expect it to start melting this soon, I thought for sure it would be white for a while! There is no more snow on the trees =( It was so pretty!! lol. (We seriously have a massive slushy mess crazy to see that!! lol)

Yea, I need to get some good shoes for this weather...I am just wearing regular old sketcher sneakers...definitely not made for snow! LOL
I will be getting a tribal style heart with wings on my chest for my miscarriage. I have two hearts already on my chest, the first one I got before I met my DF and got the other after. This one will represent our loss together. It will be red with pink accents and the wings will fade out to blue
LOL that sounds soooo awesome!!!! It seems like it would be fun to have snow around as a kid. I never had anything cool like that obviously since there is no snow in most of Having all of the seasons is really nice too! (although, we got hit by some wierd system up here and winter came on rather dramatically, which from what I hear, is not the norm here). From what I understand, the weather here is usually fairly mild, last year they only got a grand totaly of 2ft of snow the entire winter. I didn't expect it to start melting this soon, I thought for sure it would be white for a while! There is no more snow on the trees =( It was so pretty!! lol. (We seriously have a massive slushy mess crazy to see that!! lol)

Yea, I need to get some good shoes for this weather...I am just wearing regular old sketcher sneakers...definitely not made for snow! LOL
Wow yeah that is pretty mild, probably the best kind of winter really... it can be overwhelming here the midwest with frequent huge snowfalls that cause so many to miss work and school because they can't travel through 8 ft of snow! (tho i loved it when i was in school of course! LOL) the slushy mess can be unpleasant though, lol, at least it's not deadly ice!! ugh that's horrible stuff.
lol nope sneakers are not winterwear! haha

August79, your tattoo/the colors sound beautiful!
August79, your tattoo/the colors sound beautiful!

Thanks. My regular tattoo has sketched up some ideas and they are all good. I'm not sure which one I should choose... I wish I could up load her sketches for opinions lol Though as ya'll have mentioned it'll come down to the one that "suits" me the most
yep, give it some time and I bet one will jump off the page as being "the one"! :D
Aviolet- LOL! I know! I definitely need to get myself some better shoes, just for the mere fact that I am tired of the bottom of my pants always being wet!! hahaha That is crazy...8ft of snow??? That is what I would call too much of a good thing...hahaha. Well...I guess it would make forts easier to build!! LOL Hitting that black ice scares me!!

I will be getting a tribal style heart with wings on my chest for my miscarriage. I have two hearts already on my chest, the first one I got before I met my DF and got the other after. This one will represent our loss together. It will be red with pink accents and the wings will fade out to blue

That sounds sooo pretty!! I actually thought about getting something similar as a chest plate! ...I haven't committed to it yet, I have too many other pieces I need to finish first!
Aviolet- LOL! I know! I definitely need to get myself some better shoes, just for the mere fact that I am tired of the bottom of my pants always being wet!! hahaha That is crazy...8ft of snow??? That is what I would call too much of a good thing...hahaha. Well...I guess it would make forts easier to build!! LOL Hitting that black ice scares me!!!
lol! Yes, mark that down for your Christmas list - SNOW BOOTS! haha yeah we get craaaaazy snowfalls, it is "too much of a good thing" sometimes! LOL it's great when you're a kid, not so much fun when you're an adult and don't get unlimited time to play in it!

So I have decided I want to get the lyrics "We can dance until we die" straight across my lower abdomen, like right above where my bikini would come, so I want it as low as it can go. I basically drew on my body all night and looked in the mirror to test out how it would look to be inked in all different spots and I just didn't like anything except that one spot. Seemed like all the places looked better without the ink on them than with it, and that one spot was the only place that looked better for being inked. So i'm 99% sure that's where I'll put it (the guy i'm seeing has already expressed that he loves my stomach and doesn't want anything to cover it up, but this is soooo low I don't really think it's a big deal, and i don't care what he thinks about this anyway LOL I mean because of its importance to me :winkwink: ) and I still want the other lyric 'Don't ever look back' on the back of my neck. so now i just have to figure out the font/handwriting and if I'm going to incorporate the bubbles at all. the words are so meaningful but I'd rather they not look boring, basic black is usually elegant, but I'm not sure that's the look I want.
lol! Yes, mark that down for your Christmas list - SNOW BOOTS! haha yeah we get craaaaazy snowfalls, it is "too much of a good thing" sometimes! LOL it's great when you're a kid, not so much fun when you're an adult and don't get unlimited time to play in it!

So I have decided I want to get the lyrics "We can dance until we die" straight across my lower abdomen, like right above where my bikini would come, so I want it as low as it can go. I basically drew on my body all night and looked in the mirror to test out how it would look to be inked in all different spots and I just didn't like anything except that one spot. Seemed like all the places looked better without the ink on them than with it, and that one spot was the only place that looked better for being inked. So i'm 99% sure that's where I'll put it (the guy i'm seeing has already expressed that he loves my stomach and doesn't want anything to cover it up, but this is soooo low I don't really think it's a big deal, and i don't care what he thinks about this anyway LOL I mean because of its importance to me :winkwink: ) and I still want the other lyric 'Don't ever look back' on the back of my neck. so now i just have to figure out the font/handwriting and if I'm going to incorporate the bubbles at all. the words are so meaningful but I'd rather they not look boring, basic black is usually elegant, but I'm not sure that's the look I want.

LOL! I definitely need to add that to my christmas list!! (If I wait that long!! I heard it is super icey out there today, yuck! Thank goodness I don't have to go anywhere! lol We stocked up on food so I can be a bum at home for the rest of the week until DH gets home, lol.

I really love the placement idea for the quote you are getting, and that quote is perfect!!! If I ever put anything there it would have to be AFTER plastic surgery, after 3 c-sections and a 90lb wweight gain with my- I'd have to lift up the skin for anyone to see a tattoo there! lol (way TMI, I know...I thought you'd appreciate the visual though :haha::haha::haha:). It's always been my plan to do "repair" work on my body when I finish having kids, lol. I would eventuaklly like to get a rib shot, but again...after plastic surgery! Yours is going to look super cute!! I love the 'never look back' on your neck too!!! I want something on my neck, I just can't ever figure out what to get. I have always wanted to get an Irish related tattoo since my family is from Ireland, I just can't figure out what to get...all of the things I can find have been done so many times, I am having a hard time thinking up something original (which is what I LOVE about all of yours!). I haven't thought too seriously about it becasue there are a million other things I need to finish!

Have you checked out It is a website with fonts, but they have tons, and are free, and you can preview what you want tattooed. Might be a fun way to find a font you like!
LOL! I definitely need to add that to my christmas list!! (If I wait that long!! I heard it is super icey out there today, yuck! Thank goodness I don't have to go anywhere! lol We stocked up on food so I can be a bum at home for the rest of the week until DH gets home, lol.

I really love the placement idea for the quote you are getting, and that quote is perfect!!! If I ever put anything there it would have to be AFTER plastic surgery, after 3 c-sections and a 90lb wweight gain with my- I'd have to lift up the skin for anyone to see a tattoo there! lol (way TMI, I know...I thought you'd appreciate the visual though :haha::haha::haha:). It's always been my plan to do "repair" work on my body when I finish having kids, lol. I would eventuaklly like to get a rib shot, but again...after plastic surgery! Yours is going to look super cute!! I love the 'never look back' on your neck too!!! I want something on my neck, I just can't ever figure out what to get. I have always wanted to get an Irish related tattoo since my family is from Ireland, I just can't figure out what to get...all of the things I can find have been done so many times, I am having a hard time thinking up something original (which is what I LOVE about all of yours!). I haven't thought too seriously about it becasue there are a million other things I need to finish!

Have you checked out It is a website with fonts, but they have tons, and are free, and you can preview what you want tattooed. Might be a fun way to find a font you like!
LOL @ stocking up on food and being a bum, that sounds like a good plan! It's sooo cold today but no ice or snow thankfully. But all the talk I've read lately of people eating ice cream has me wanting to walk to the store in the icy cold to get icy ice cream to eat!! LOL

LOL thanks for the visual!! :winkwink: My mom had a tummy tuck post children, it's made her feel so good about herself! unfortunately when she got it done it meant they had to cut off part of the tattoo she had on her hip (OUCH! @ the thought of anything being CUT OFF, LOL).

I was looking in the mirror last night trying to figure out how to place the quote on my neck and I realized just how difficult it is to see anything back there, LOL, so I guess that lyric is very fitting for that spot! I couldn't "look back" without at least 2 mirrors and a good twist of my head!!

Aww I like the Irish idea! We always say our family is from Ireland but we don't know (ROFL, we're probably Scottish, but I like Ireland more! haha) but I know what you mean about trying to find something along those lines without it being too overdone.

You and I are on the same wave length once again! I go to as well for tattoo fonts!! I went there a couple weeks ago and seriously no joke the FIRST font on the front page was titled "Justice" !!!! I'd like to say that was a sign from my baby.. but the font, though very nice, was not what I wanted, lol. Still, pretty cool :D
LOL! I definitely need to add that to my christmas list!! (If I wait that long!! I heard it is super icey out there today, yuck! Thank goodness I don't have to go anywhere! lol We stocked up on food so I can be a bum at home for the rest of the week until DH gets home, lol.

I really love the placement idea for the quote you are getting, and that quote is perfect!!! If I ever put anything there it would have to be AFTER plastic surgery, after 3 c-sections and a 90lb wweight gain with my- I'd have to lift up the skin for anyone to see a tattoo there! lol (way TMI, I know...I thought you'd appreciate the visual though :haha::haha::haha:). It's always been my plan to do "repair" work on my body when I finish having kids, lol. I would eventuaklly like to get a rib shot, but again...after plastic surgery! Yours is going to look super cute!! I love the 'never look back' on your neck too!!! I want something on my neck, I just can't ever figure out what to get. I have always wanted to get an Irish related tattoo since my family is from Ireland, I just can't figure out what to get...all of the things I can find have been done so many times, I am having a hard time thinking up something original (which is what I LOVE about all of yours!). I haven't thought too seriously about it becasue there are a million other things I need to finish!

Have you checked out It is a website with fonts, but they have tons, and are free, and you can preview what you want tattooed. Might be a fun way to find a font you like!
LOL @ stocking up on food and being a bum, that sounds like a good plan! It's sooo cold today but no ice or snow thankfully. But all the talk I've read lately of people eating ice cream has me wanting to walk to the store in the icy cold to get icy ice cream to eat!! LOL

LOL thanks for the visual!! :winkwink: My mom had a tummy tuck post children, it's made her feel so good about herself! unfortunately when she got it done it meant they had to cut off part of the tattoo she had on her hip (OUCH! @ the thought of anything being CUT OFF, LOL).

I was looking in the mirror last night trying to figure out how to place the quote on my neck and I realized just how difficult it is to see anything back there, LOL, so I guess that lyric is very fitting for that spot! I couldn't "look back" without at least 2 mirrors and a good twist of my head!!

Aww I like the Irish idea! We always say our family is from Ireland but we don't know (ROFL, we're probably Scottish, but I like Ireland more! haha) but I know what you mean about trying to find something along those lines without it being too overdone.

You and I are on the same wave length once again! I go to as well for tattoo fonts!! I went there a couple weeks ago and seriously no joke the FIRST font on the front page was titled "Justice" !!!! I'd like to say that was a sign from my baby.. but the font, though very nice, was not what I wanted, lol. Still, pretty cool :D

LOL that is so funny about dafont!!!! Going through there can get overwhelming. I do a bit of graphic design on the side (not seriously, mostly for fun or for trade work), but I go on there sometimes looking for fonts for things, once I go on, it is hard to get off! LOL I spend forever there browsing fonts and installing them, hahaha.

Once again, LOL @ the Irish/Scottish thing! It really is hard to know for sure- I have some story tellers in my family, lol. I have some norweigan too somewhere! Not really sure what else is there!

My sister did the tummy tuck thing and felt better mom on the other hand had 7 kids, and didn't get a single stretch mark. Talk about luck. I certainly didn't get her genes, unfortunately! I have a butterfly tattoo in the bikini zone...well, it used to look like a butterfly, it now looks like a butterfly that's been run over a few times...I am hopeful that they can take the whole thing off! Screw laser surgery! Ha! LOL

I love the quote you are getting on the back of your neck, it seriouslty is perfect! hahaha I love when you are just able to find that perfect spot for something!!! I have so many pieces I want to is a matter of finding how I want them done, and waiting on the hubby of course...LOL. Do you have a shop you stick to out there? We have a lot of loyal customers, but we also get a collectors (people that go all over the place for the work) once in a while.
LOL that is so funny about dafont!!!! Going through there can get overwhelming. I do a bit of graphic design on the side (not seriously, mostly for fun or for trade work), but I go on there sometimes looking for fonts for things, once I go on, it is hard to get off! LOL I spend forever there browsing fonts and installing them, hahaha.

Once again, LOL @ the Irish/Scottish thing! It really is hard to know for sure- I have some story tellers in my family, lol. I have some norweigan too somewhere! Not really sure what else is there!

My sister did the tummy tuck thing and felt better mom on the other hand had 7 kids, and didn't get a single stretch mark. Talk about luck. I certainly didn't get her genes, unfortunately! I have a butterfly tattoo in the bikini zone...well, it used to look like a butterfly, it now looks like a butterfly that's been run over a few times...I am hopeful that they can take the whole thing off! Screw laser surgery! Ha! LOL

I love the quote you are getting on the back of your neck, it seriouslty is perfect! hahaha I love when you are just able to find that perfect spot for something!!! I have so many pieces I want to is a matter of finding how I want them done, and waiting on the hubby of course...LOL. Do you have a shop you stick to out there? We have a lot of loyal customers, but we also get a collectors (people that go all over the place for the work) once in a while.
I did graphic design too! Lots of it for many years!! In the last 2 years I've fallen away from it, but it used to be my main artistic outlet! I only did a little bit of it for money, I found creating art on demand took away the "art" part of it for me since I wasn't always inspired, so I mostly did it for fun. And that website is a gold mine for fonts!!

I think we've got mostly German and Irish/Scottish, but we got some mutt in us that I'm not sure of. Like you say - storytellers! haha You never really know.

Wow! Your mom is luckkkyyyy! That's amazing. but aww lol @ at your poor run-over butterfly! :hugs: I was thinking about the placement of mine and wondering if I was going to get the speech from my family or whomever about it being in a bad place if I have more children. But I don't actually plan on having kids in the future (I would love to adopt if anything. my angel was a gift unplanned, and if it happens again then that's fate, but otherwise I hope my future hubby and I can just give love to someone who's already here and without a family) so I'm not concerned about getting tattooed down there. It's basically the same thing with all my other tattoos and people saying "do you really want to be 80 and having all those tattoos all wrinkly" or whatever the argument is with age. Age is irrelevant, all we have is now, and I'm not hurting my body by putting meaningful artwork on it :flower:

It is hard when you want so many pieces and can't decide how you want them or where to put them! I do have a shop I go to, I went there for my first 2 tattoos, but then attempted the back tattoo somewhere else - afterward I came back to the shop and had it reworked (but a different guy did it than the one who did my first two since I didn't care for him), my 4th I got done in Hollywood - paid a pretty penny to get my own hollywood star :winkwink: I SOOOO did not take good care of it while healing, so it's kinda wrong looking now, lol, but i don't want to fix it, I think it represents my crazy time in CA just fine! when I got my thumbprint done I went back to the same place I got the other 3 and had a new guy once again - but I LOVE THIS GUY! He was soooo amazing, he understood just what i wanted and that it was extremely important and he was a veteran so he knew what he was doing, so from now on any tattoos I get in this city I'm going to him for! Definite loyalty! That said, I am someone who if I did a lot of traveling would be getting a tattoo every where I went, LOL. It's probably better that I don't have the money to do that :blush:

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