Mid-May buddies!

Baby boy is here! 8lbs 13oz
Induction went smoothly. When I came in I was a 4. After getting to a 5 my water broke on its own and I went to complete VERY quickly and painfully! Everything went well!
Congratulations everyone! Hope you are all enjoying your new little ones!
My baby was born at 10:03 PM May 25 by EMCS after a looooong induction. 8lbs 6oz

My waters had been leaking since at least the evening of the 23,possibly longer and we both got an infection from it so stayed in hospital but we are home now!!

He turned out to be a boy :)

He was very unwell at birth, APGAR of 4 and taken away before I got to see him.
Wow Mary that's so scary. Is he ok now? Did you not know gender or did you think girl? Congratulations!
Wow Mary that's so scary. Is he ok now? Did you not know gender or did you think girl? Congratulations!

He is fine now thank god.
We are both at home, I am still on antibiotics and injections as I had a PPH.
We didn't know if he was a boy or girl!
Glad all is OK now Mary. How scary.

Anyone else realllllllllllly tired? I wish this baby would sleep more at night.
Mine doesn't want to sleep in her crib lately. So I feel you.
I'm just blissfully happy over here. I adjusted to little sleep along ago :)
Mine also won't sleep in her bassinet the past 2 nights. Will only sleep on my chest or next to me. Worried that that's not the safest, but at least we are sleeping a bit. Definitely hit a level of sleep deprivation I didn't know existed!
Also, anyone else dealing with crazy cluster feeding?

On another note, I didn't know it was possible to love another being as much as this. I am COMPLETE mama bear, gonna be one protective mommy!
We are definitely cluster feeding here! He's doing pretty good sleeping 3-4 hours between feeds at night but eats all the time during the day. It's so different for me to nurse only one baby and I'm really enjoying it. With the twins it was hard, always having to put one baby down to get the other. Now I can just relax with him
Amanda - The midwife told me it's safest if you remove blankets and pillows, tuck blankets in any gaps near the wall, and the bed is firm, but if you're cold you can try tucking your blankets around your waist so they don't move around -too- much. Also be careful with your husband in the bed, as he may not be as aware of baby as you. Can't remember, but possibly best if baby is between you and the wall, if your bed is pushed against it. Supposedly breastfeeding mothers are more aware of and thus won't roll onto their baby, however I'm not sure I trust this assertion.

If you can't keep your eyes open while breastfeeding, it's definitely better to try to make an as safe as you can cosleeping environment in case you DO fall asleep than struggle to stay awake. Worse to let baby roll off the couch. Notably breastfeeding can cause drowsiness in both mom and baby, making staying awake harder.

My LO has been able to sleep in her crib last night so I feel a lot better today. I read somewhere some don't like being set down on a cold surface so I tried warming the bed with a heated blanket first. She seems to like it!
This one will not sleep the majority of the night unless next to or on me. I have an owlet monitor so I know he's ok but it isn't the best sleep for me. Plus he gets up every 1-occasionally 3 hours. I was used to my toddler sleeping so it has been pretty rough on me. Getting him places while so tired is hard.
Congratulations to all you lovely ladies who birthed your sweet babies! We made it! Whewwww!

I too had my little one, on May 15th. He was 8 lbs 10 oz, totally unmedicated labor. It was FAST and FURIOUS. My contractions STARTED at 4-5 minutes apart, and within I was 8 cm dilated. From start to finish it was 3 hours and 45 minutes from first contraction to baby boy being here. Essentially, my entire labor was transition, and boy was it excruciating. Literally yelling through contractions, which I didn't expect, I thought I'd be a quiet birther. NOPE. I couldn't even form a thought everything was so fast. I was a little bummed there was no build up so I could work my way up to delivery... it was just hit the ground running from the first contraction. I didn't even get into the hospital gown--- delivered in the stretchy dress I wore to the hospital. Lol. Was at the hospital 1 hr before he arrived. I had major internal and external tearing, requiring me to go to the OR for a repair about an hour after baby's birth. Did skin to skin and immediate breastfeeding first, thankfully. Little one is now a month old and I am adjusting to sleeplessness and major fussiness. But he's about as cute as they come, which certainly helps matters!!!

Hope you mommas are all adjusting well!!!!!!
Miss doc, wow! That's really fast for a first timer! I hear you on the sleeplessness, my little girl is extremely fussy too. Love her to death though!!
MissDoc - Wow! Ouch! I guess I'm kind of glad mine was slow and not too painful. Did they advise you to take it easy while he was crowning? My midwife asked me to try not to push through some of the contractions while she was crowning, I was only moderately successful. :haha: Supposedly that lets you stretch more and avoid damage/possibly avoid that ring of fire thing?

In other news, I keep accidentally spraying milk. :dohh: And my LO rarely fusses without a need I can address (or distract with a nipple, anyways) she just cluster feeds SO MUCH.

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