Might be a weird question for this board...but is anyone here not getting any scans?


Mom of 2 & pregnant!
Oct 4, 2011
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So I have my 10w ultrasound coming up in about a week and getting urges to skip this one too!!! I've already cancelled and rescheduled this appointment 3x now!!!

I don't know why I feel this way, I guess because the last two ultrasounds I got (in previous pregnancies) gave me such bad news I was traumatized!

I keep feeling like I just want to trust my body to do its thing this time around. I don't want people to put me in the unnatural position of seeing inside my uterus!

But I've had that previous MMC, so I'm wondering if I should just "play it safe" and get the scan so I know. But in each MC I've had my body figured it out eventually.

And I FEEL like this is a viable pregnancy! My INTUITION is telling me it's a good one. I feel pregnant!

So Im thinking I just gotta hang on and wait until I feel movements to know for sure...I dunno though! Random thoughts.

Is anyone here not planning on getting one?
I thought about going that route next time as so many early scans was truly nerve wracking this time. I know why they did it as I had an ectopic previously but it was still stressful. I guess I would probably break down and get one if for no other reason I would want to try again as soon as possible as I'm no spring chicken at this point lol.

I personally would just want to know it was a viable normal pregnancy as soon as possible. Heck now with the free fetal cell dna test you can check for genetic issues and determine the gender by 9 weeks! My mom and her mom never had scans tho and everything worked out so it is a personal choice. I'm sure your nugget is fine as your intuition is telling you and I am impressed you don't stress not knowing for sure :thumbup:

Happy and healthy 9 months to you!
Never, I could be dead now if it wasn't for ultrasounds! Can totally relate to how you feel tho, I'm also a bag of nerves as I've also had my share of bad news at scans. Horrible feeling. I'd rather know in case it's another molar pregnancy though! X
With my first I had no scan until 18 weeks...but I started feeling movement at 16 weeks. This resulted In my son.

With my second pregnancy I knew from the beginning something was wrong so I went to get a scan as soon as I could at the doctors office and discovered the MMC.

With my third pregnancy I felt something was wrong as my positive lines stayed faint, and a few weeks later had spotting. I went for an emergency scan and found an empty sack.

I haven't had any spotting with this one or much anxiety at all and feel like I did with my son, just a good feeling. That's the only reason why I'm thinking I may skip scans altogether, because all seems well. If I was worried at all I'd definitely go get a scan but I just don't feel worried and feel very relaxed about everything. I also feel a great psychological need to trust my intuition and body without interference this time around. ..regaining my trust in life itself and the process of pregnancy after the MC's.
My mum never had any scans with me and obviously I was fine, and only one scan at 20 weeks with my sister. I guess in the old days all they could do was wait.

The only downside for me is I really want the nuchal test done at 12 weeks because I'd like to have an idea of what I'm expecting and I'd like to know as early as possible if anything was potentially wrong with my child to prepare myself.

Same with a 20 week scan. I'd like to know if averything was ok and as it should be so I'd be prepared for the birth if it wasn't rather than having an awful shock if something was wrong with my baby.
Probably over half the population of pregnant women don't get scans. Why not just get the 20 weeks one? I find them incredibly reassuring, I'm not bothered by the various tests as I wouldn't want to make any decisions based on it.
I do feel they're great if surgery might need to be organised for shortly after birth.
Yeah I think the 20 week one tells you everything you can possibly know about the baby before it arrives and helps doctors know if the baby may need surgery when it arrives.

I personally like the reassurance of scans but I think it's a completely personal choice on whether you want one.

I really love the idea of trusting my body and believing in it. I think I'm going to try and take that attitude a little bit more.

There was a couple of one of the birth programmes I watched the other day who refused scans and were very very natural people (vegans, no medicine unless their lives were at risk etc) I really like their positive attitudes towards the whole thing.
I am having scans but I totally get being traumatized by ultrasounds! I absolutely hate lying on that table, and just the noise of the machine brings terrible memories. Crazy...but I had just bought a new pair of shoes that I loved, and wore them to my first scan (with my mmc) and now I can't wear those shoes because I link them to the deeply painful news I received that day. :(. So, do what makes you feel best!!
I like to have an early scan just to know if it's viable or not. With my MMC I asked for a scan because I wasn't sure of my dates and they told me it was fine. I went into my second appointment at 13+6 and they couldn't hear the heartbeat. Had a scan the next day and found out the baby stopped growing at 8 weeks. How do you go 6 extra weeks not knowing you weren't really pregnant anymore? With this one I told them my experience and gladly gave me a scan to make sure baby was fine. Turns out baby was measuring a few days ahead and had a heart beat of 164. It was amazing. But I won't be asking for anymore scans, because now we will listen to the heart beat each appointment starting at my next one when I'm 10+6. Of corse I'll get a scan for the gender, but overall it is your decision. I think if I never had complications I wouldn't care for the scan but I needed it to make sure baby was fine this time around
I'd like to be able to go without having scans but I can't, I can't even wait 4 weeks for one it kills me, as much as it makes me sick to my stomach going for an ultrasound and memories coming back of when I had a MMC I'd rather know if it's viable or not, I think it's better to know earlier rather than later but everyone is different.
Hi Earthmama:) I remember you from the tri boards! Congrats. I got scans with both of mine. Tbh, I'd at least get the 20 week scan.
Although scans can be stressful... when everything is ok they provide a lot of reassurance too!
I'm 10 weeks today and have had 4 scans. Both the fertility clinic and my local hospital scanned me early as I had a higher risk of ectopic and multiples. Then 2 this weekend due to bleeding. The 2 recently were so reassuring as it was the only way to know the baby is ok.

It really is a personal decision though, all medical treatment is optional.
You know, each to her own on this one, obviously, but I for one am ALLLLLLLLL about scans, for a variety of reasons. First of all, to confirm viability. Secondly, to diagnose placenta position, fluid levels, position of the baby, and any possible anatomical issues with the baby...these two things being the biggies, I guess. The 20 week scan is pretty vital, and can give your medical team some excellent information about how the pregnancy is progressing, and can also help determine if you need to be taking any extra precautions, or if any intervention is needed at that point.

As far as trusting my body goes...I don't, and I'm not really sure that any other woman should rely solely on this, either. Women's bodies (much like any other pregnant mammal, really) fail them all of the time during pregnancy, and particularly in birth. Things can progress really well, and then take an epic crap at the most vital moment in the game. This happens every day, and I thank God that we have the availability of medical staff and professionals to save our lives, and the lives of our babies, if it comes to that.

My perspective, which I'm sure some may not agree with, is that the whole "trust birth" and "trust our bodies" mantra just doesn't work in the real world of obstetrics, pregnancy, and childbirth. A more realistic mantra would be to "keep an eye on how things are going" by staying monitored, and staying open to all the possibilities. New life is one of the most unpredictable things in LIFE. And we are very fortunate to live in parts of the world where we have the technology, expertise, and professionals to foresee and diagnose issues that arise. I choose to trust science, and the people who deal with these things daily, thousands of times a month. My body? Sheesh, after 2 miscarriages, I don't trust a thing! :)
I agree on trusting your body.

Disagree with you wookie (sorry) about modern technology/obstetrics being the answer to everything. Maternal and fetal death has not only NOT gone down since all the new medical interventions, but it has actually risen. Most of the times, trusting your body is the way to go. Actual medical intervention should only be used in the less than 5% of women who may actually need it. Fetal monitors, inductions, epidurals, forceps, vacuum extractors, episiotimies, and cesareans are more often than not performed unnecessarily, and can actually hinder rather than help the birth process.

Women's bodies are not faulty. They were made for this.

But I don't like to debate just wanted to put this alternate view out there for women reading this. Of course every woman has the right to the prenatal care and birth preparation that makes her feel safe and comfortable.

As far as ultrasounds go. Their long-term effects on babies have not been well studied so I'm going to err on the side of caution with them. They definitely do have their benefits though, so I think I will be having 1 or 2 at the most being that I've had 2 previous MMC. However, the next time around, I'm definitely not getting an early scan. I will wait until baby is a little bigger and I can be more reassured of the viability of the pregnancy being as last time around I had a wonderful 8 week scan but still had a MMC.
Confuzion, I totally appreciate your point of view, and those are things I hear often, regarding trusting a woman's body. I could direct you to studies that indicate an alternate perspective on medical intervention, but like you, I don't want to turn this into a debate, and realize that we're all entitled to our own opinions, and have the right to make informed choices about how we manage our bodies and pregnancies. :)
I agree on trusting your body.

Disagree with you wookie (sorry) about modern technology/obstetrics being the answer to everything. Maternal and fetal death has not only NOT gone down since all the new medical interventions, but it has actually risen. Most of the times, trusting your body is the way to go. Actual medical intervention should only be used in the less than 5% of women who may actually need it. Fetal monitors, inductions, epidurals, forceps, vacuum extractors, episiotimies, and cesareans are more often than not performed unnecessarily, and can actually hinder rather than help the birth process.

Women's bodies are not faulty. They were made for this.

But I don't like to debate just wanted to put this alternate view out there for women reading this. Of course every woman has the right to the prenatal care and birth preparation that makes her feel safe and comfortable.

As far as ultrasounds go. Their long-term effects on babies have not been well studied so I'm going to err on the side of caution with them. They definitely do have their benefits though, so I think I will be having 1 or 2 at the most being that I've had 2 previous MMC. However, the next time around, I'm definitely not getting an early scan. I will wait until baby is a little bigger and I can be more reassured of the viability of the pregnancy being as last time around I had a wonderful 8 week scan but still had a MMC.

Agreed! Xx
I'm totally with wookie, as a very high risk pregnant lady, without medical help and scans, I wouldn't have my daughter and wouldn't have this baby.

I don't believe in trust your body, and body nos best, as mine is faulty. Without the care I get from hospitals my daughter could well have been very very unfortunate.

Iv had 2 scans and I have 6 more to come over the next 30 weeks. I had 11 with my daughter.
My miscarriages have made me feel like I don't care about confirming viability early on. I feel like viability will be confirmed when I feel movement. That's a long time to wait to know so I understand why women would want to know earlier with a scan. With my son I I felt movement before I got a scan. It was such an amazing moment being 16 weeks and laying down on my bed and feeling him unexpectedly from the outside, tapping my hand. Before this I didn't know if it was a viable pregnancy so it was a major moment.

I feel like I'm in that mental space again...my miscarriages (especially my MMC) have really made me want to withdrawal from the standard procedures vs embrace them. I know for most women it's the opposite and I totally feel why that is. I feel okay for now not knowing for sure about viability...just holding out for movements again. :) I am not in a hurry, and do appreciate the opportunity to trust my body again either way things go. I think they're going good though. <3

There are also ways to tell without ultrasound how things are going. My belly never grew beyond an 8 week belly with my MMC and even started to seem smaller...my uterus never got bigger then an orange. With my son I had a belly continuing to grow so that reassured me until I felt him give me thumps.

I def appreciate everyone's thoughts on this!

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