Hi all! Long time lurker, first time poster... Finally made an account today!
Gonna try to make this as short and sweet as I possibly can.
I am in a committed relationship. From the beginning I had been completely honest about my reproductive issues. I have PCOS and menorrhagia, as well as cramps from hell! I've been on and off (pills, ring, patch) since I was 16. Almost all of this was in an attempt to dull the pain/slow down AF/shrink my cysts, but none of it has worked. I've been told from an early age (when my PCOS was discovered) that it would be difficult for me to conceive.
Cue shock early September 2015 when I found out I was pregnant for the first time ever. The father and I were both on the same page this time; we had only been DTD in a casual context. Both of us were heavy drinkers and narcotics abusers. I knew right away I couldn't dare to have a child in that environment especially considering I had been using VERY heavily the entire time before I got a BFP. I was also 20, he was 30. We terminated surgically Sept. 22 2015.
As my username suggests, we are currently not TTC. I am in a committed relationship with someone I know I will be marrying in the next year or two. Both of us have been very open and have had great communication in regards to what we want for the future, marriage, children, parenting, life-goals, etc.
We ended up becoming pregnant while I was on Lo Loestrin this past spring after we had been together less than a month. I conceived (no kidding) 2-3 weeks into the relationship. We agreed that neither of us were at a place in our lives to give a child any kind of life, we barely knew each other, and were both shocked as my pill-taking regime was spot-on, alarm on my phone and all. I missed a pill ONCE but ended up taking it within 2 hours of my normal time.
I did NOT want to terminate again, however the way the chips fell it was the only option. He stood by my side and did not pressure me into anything. We terminated medically on May 25th of this year.
Here's where it gets sticky. I had Mirena placed on June 30th, the day before my insurance changed over and a couple weeks before I left for vacation in a Zika-ridden environment. I bled steadily until mid-August when it finally slowed to irregular spotting. The only thing I noticed that seemed "off" so to speak, was that my strings got longer. My best friend assured me this happened to her too and my OB/GYN advised that this was normal and nothing to worry about.
Fast forward to about a week ago. I started to feel "different" and my mind immediately shot to pregnancy. I played it cool and wrote it off as season-change for a couple days, but then I started to get nausea with indigestion. Every. Day. No change in eating habits. I expressed my concern to my SO (same guy from this spring) and he agreed that obviously if I AM pregnant, then it's meant to be... With such a low chance on Mirena , I agree entirely.
If I am, we will be keeping the little one and will be filing paperwork to have his last name changed (long story short, his surname isn't the same as the rest of the family due to his mother's previous marriage) and going down to the courthouse to get married. Every night we've discussed what we would do if I am, I started taking pre-natals just in case and stopped drinking entirely. I'm working on quitting smoking ASAP.
Now, I'm not just making this grand leap from having an IUD to having a baby. This last two times I have been pregnant (finally relevant!) I knew something was up based on a couple of odd symptoms that I've only experienced with pregnancy.
1) My cigarettes start tasting sooooo different. I smoke menthols so normally I can't taste much of the tobacco but when I'm pregnant that's ALL I can taste. I noticed this switch two days ago.
2) Other smells start becoming more pronounced or pungent. I've noticed this with cooking and the smell of other people in the last couple of days as well. Earlier I almost vomited from the smell of my SO's father (which I am very used to; we all live together).
3) I. AM. EXHAUSTED. Same as last two times. Usually I'm relatively full of energy with the exception of when AF is in town. I am medicated for anxiety/depression and the medication can sometimes make me drowsy, but not like this. After being awake for only a couple hours I'm ready to go back to bed. I know that SAD can sometimes have this effect but with the meds I no longer seem to have SAD.
So has anyone here had the same or similar experience only to find out that they ARE pregnant? I don't want to sound like I'm crazy, but I know my body and this just isn't normal. I've felt the "pregnancy-like" symptoms of Mirena from day 1 and this isn't it.
Safe to say I'm freaking out. While both my SO and myself are on the same page with everything and we're both financially/emotionally now in a position where a baby wouldn't be the end of the world, we're still young and dumb and completely out of our depth. We would have the emotional and financial support from both of our families but it's not like we can talk to them about this!!
Any and all commentary is welcome. I just hope I don't sound crazy!
Gonna try to make this as short and sweet as I possibly can.
I am in a committed relationship. From the beginning I had been completely honest about my reproductive issues. I have PCOS and menorrhagia, as well as cramps from hell! I've been on and off (pills, ring, patch) since I was 16. Almost all of this was in an attempt to dull the pain/slow down AF/shrink my cysts, but none of it has worked. I've been told from an early age (when my PCOS was discovered) that it would be difficult for me to conceive.
Cue shock early September 2015 when I found out I was pregnant for the first time ever. The father and I were both on the same page this time; we had only been DTD in a casual context. Both of us were heavy drinkers and narcotics abusers. I knew right away I couldn't dare to have a child in that environment especially considering I had been using VERY heavily the entire time before I got a BFP. I was also 20, he was 30. We terminated surgically Sept. 22 2015.
As my username suggests, we are currently not TTC. I am in a committed relationship with someone I know I will be marrying in the next year or two. Both of us have been very open and have had great communication in regards to what we want for the future, marriage, children, parenting, life-goals, etc.
We ended up becoming pregnant while I was on Lo Loestrin this past spring after we had been together less than a month. I conceived (no kidding) 2-3 weeks into the relationship. We agreed that neither of us were at a place in our lives to give a child any kind of life, we barely knew each other, and were both shocked as my pill-taking regime was spot-on, alarm on my phone and all. I missed a pill ONCE but ended up taking it within 2 hours of my normal time.

Here's where it gets sticky. I had Mirena placed on June 30th, the day before my insurance changed over and a couple weeks before I left for vacation in a Zika-ridden environment. I bled steadily until mid-August when it finally slowed to irregular spotting. The only thing I noticed that seemed "off" so to speak, was that my strings got longer. My best friend assured me this happened to her too and my OB/GYN advised that this was normal and nothing to worry about.
Fast forward to about a week ago. I started to feel "different" and my mind immediately shot to pregnancy. I played it cool and wrote it off as season-change for a couple days, but then I started to get nausea with indigestion. Every. Day. No change in eating habits. I expressed my concern to my SO (same guy from this spring) and he agreed that obviously if I AM pregnant, then it's meant to be... With such a low chance on Mirena , I agree entirely.
If I am, we will be keeping the little one and will be filing paperwork to have his last name changed (long story short, his surname isn't the same as the rest of the family due to his mother's previous marriage) and going down to the courthouse to get married. Every night we've discussed what we would do if I am, I started taking pre-natals just in case and stopped drinking entirely. I'm working on quitting smoking ASAP.
Now, I'm not just making this grand leap from having an IUD to having a baby. This last two times I have been pregnant (finally relevant!) I knew something was up based on a couple of odd symptoms that I've only experienced with pregnancy.
1) My cigarettes start tasting sooooo different. I smoke menthols so normally I can't taste much of the tobacco but when I'm pregnant that's ALL I can taste. I noticed this switch two days ago.
2) Other smells start becoming more pronounced or pungent. I've noticed this with cooking and the smell of other people in the last couple of days as well. Earlier I almost vomited from the smell of my SO's father (which I am very used to; we all live together).
3) I. AM. EXHAUSTED. Same as last two times. Usually I'm relatively full of energy with the exception of when AF is in town. I am medicated for anxiety/depression and the medication can sometimes make me drowsy, but not like this. After being awake for only a couple hours I'm ready to go back to bed. I know that SAD can sometimes have this effect but with the meds I no longer seem to have SAD.
So has anyone here had the same or similar experience only to find out that they ARE pregnant? I don't want to sound like I'm crazy, but I know my body and this just isn't normal. I've felt the "pregnancy-like" symptoms of Mirena from day 1 and this isn't it.
Safe to say I'm freaking out. While both my SO and myself are on the same page with everything and we're both financially/emotionally now in a position where a baby wouldn't be the end of the world, we're still young and dumb and completely out of our depth. We would have the emotional and financial support from both of our families but it's not like we can talk to them about this!!
Any and all commentary is welcome. I just hope I don't sound crazy!