Miscarriage Facts & Myths

Thank you so much.
I have just had my 3rd MC, confirmed today after blood tests, pregnancy hormone levels dropped from 450 to 66 from thursday morning to saturday morning. My partner and i are very upset and i am awaiting referal to st marys mc unit...I really cant go through this again or put my partner through it again. this whole website has been helpful...i knew the minute i started bleeding it was bad, after 2 u just no but prayed and hoped for the best.. wish me luck 4 future tests. and love, hope and best wishes for every1 that has had mutiple MC'S. xxx
Thanks for this wonderful sticky - you have put together everything anyone could ask to know about this!
I misscarried last week at 11 weeks, my first time and as for everyone else who has to go through this - it was devastating!
I do want to point out though, have read it before and was told by my doctor - up to every third pregnancy ends in miscarriage. I've heard the number 30% before my doctor told me last week and then he said every third pregnancy, so that's 30-33%. Maybe there are different ways to calculate these statistics, and if chemical pregnancies are part of the statisitics, the number is more than likely to be around 30% I think. The number amazes me but I also know that Im not alone experiencing this painful loss.
My grandma who is 90 and have had her share of life said to my sister when she found out about my miscarriage "well, the saying is that it takes a miscarriage to become a pregnancy". This might sound weird to some, but I know what she means by saying that.

What she tried to say was that many many many of us will experience loss, as well as birth.
Thank you so much.
I have just had my 3rd MC, confirmed today after blood tests, pregnancy hormone levels dropped from 450 to 66 from thursday morning to saturday morning. My partner and i are very upset and i am awaiting referal to st marys mc unit...I really cant go through this again or put my partner through it again. this whole website has been helpful...i knew the minute i started bleeding it was bad, after 2 u just no but prayed and hoped for the best.. wish me luck 4 future tests. and love, hope and best wishes for every1 that has had mutiple MC'S. xxx

God bless and I wish you all the best now! :hugs:
Thank you so much.
I have just had my 3rd MC, confirmed today after blood tests, pregnancy hormone levels dropped from 450 to 66 from thursday morning to saturday morning. My partner and i are very upset and i am awaiting referal to st marys mc unit...I really cant go through this again or put my partner through it again. this whole website has been helpful...i knew the minute i started bleeding it was bad, after 2 u just no but prayed and hoped for the best.. wish me luck 4 future tests. and love, hope and best wishes for every1 that has had mutiple MC'S. xxx

Hi Sadkat, It is terrible that you have had so much loss in your life and am truly sorry, Just wanted to say that St Mary's is meant to be very good, one of the doctors there, Lesley Regan, wrote a book that I have been reading and it sounds like you'll be in the best hands possible, good luck hx :hugs:
thank you so much for posting this information, i've found it really helpful and some of it quite comforting too :)
How incredibly informative. Thanks very much.
Reading this has just been rather sobering after a crap day.

Thank you Wobbles, it is incredibly informative. x
Wow - that was the most comprehensive account on the subject that I have ever read. I've had a termination due to an abnormality with my baby and at least three miscarriages to my knowledge and it's hard. My last miscarriage was at 5 weeks and was expected cos I was using a clearblue digital test kit (not available in the USA I think but we have them in the UK and they tell you how far along you are for the first few weeks) and my hCG levels weren't rising. That was four weeks ago and my levels should be back to zero but I've just taken a test and it was positive! Don't know what to make of it cos we were using protection... but then we were using protection last time too! Can't wait to speak to my nurse tomorrow so at least I know what's going on - I think I'll be having a D & C to remove left over stuff and I'm dreading it but this article has made me feel a little better in some respects because at least someone out there has put their neck on the line and told it how it is!
Thank you for all the information, I had a mc 3 years ago & wish I had that info back then..x
Hi Wobbles,

Thank you for the very helpful information. I am so scared right now. Me and dh have been ttc for a very long time. With the help of Clomid, we were finally able tc (June 10th was date of conception). The only problem is (BIG PROBLEM), that the doctor can't find my baby's heartbeat!!! I went to the Doctor Monday for the first ultrasound and she could not see/hear the baby's heartbeat, although she did see the yolk sacs and fetal poles. She stated that the baby's (yes twins) are measuring at 6 weeks and 4 days and she should be able to hear the heartbeat by now, and I could have miscarried or can expect to have a miscarriage. Imagine how disappointed, sad, and scared I am to lose not only one, but two baby's at the same time. I can only pray to God that this is not the case. By the way: Since I found out I was pregnant, I have had NO SYMPTOMS at all! Could that be a negative sign? I go back to the doctor next week Friday to check for the baby's heartbeat....I am so scared and nervous.Any advice?
Hi thanks for the information

Found out i was pregnant on the 8th of september was the best day:cloud9:
then on the 12th i started with a bit of spotting so i reserched it and thought it was normal, but to make sure i made an appointment at the doctors, the made an appointment with the epau as i was only bout 6-7 weeks, so came home started to make t for the oh then had to get on to nhsdirect as i was having cramps, but to me it was like a period pain x 10 so they sent me to the hospital to see the locum doctor so i went and he was feeling my belly and my pelvis (and then he was on the phone and mentioned eptopic preg) so i burst in to tears and he sent me through to a&e straigh away was there 2 hours to see a gynocologist and he had a feel and said i may as well wait till i have my EPAU appointment,
16/9/10 i went for my EPAU appointment, she called me in to the ultrasound room, and started to do the scan, i thought i was going to see the babys heart beat :happydance: was going to be singing and dancing, then i had to go and take a wee, and she did an internal scan, and thats when i must of missed a few heart beats as she said it was about 4mm and there was no fatal heart movement seen:nope:. and i cant remember everything what happened next all i know was i broke down in tears:cry:
So now i have to go back in 7days for another one:nope:, as it says on my clinical report;
Appearances are suggestive of a missed misscarriage, however as the CRL is below 6mm, a rescan in 7 days is recommended.
the info has helped me so thank you very much xx
I just saw this post, thank you so much for posting! :thumbup:
This helps me to understand what might have gone wrong when I had my MC last month.
Thank you so much for this post and all it's information. I started my MC on Thursday and have basically been left on my own with no advice so i have no idea what to expect, this post was really helpful for me. Thank you
Thanks for this post. I had a D&C on 10th Feb after an ultrasound measured my baby as 6w6d even though it was supposed to be 10w4d with no heartbeat. Struggling with the emotions at the moment.
Thank you so much for this information,i recently miscarried at 5 and a half weeks and being able to read this has helped me understand and try and move on xxx
This is fantastic information, thank you so much :thumbup:

I have just suffered a mmc, dating scan at 12 weeks showed :baby: stopped developing around 5-6 weeks but the gestational sac had continued to grow. I had medical management of miscarriage (tablet and pessaries) 4 days ago, passed the complete gestational sac Wednesday night and am now recovering. Bleeding and pains appear to have stopped today but this seems too quick to me and your info shows this can be common and it may start up again - I also have extremely tender breasts suddenly today, which also seems normal, so this info is very reassuring.

Thank you again :hugs:
Im crying here I dont what the hell happened!! im so confused!! :'( :'( I didnt do anything and just yesturday that morning I started to bled and I texted my friend at school and she started yelling at me and shit and she was like"wtf! didnt I tell your ass to go to the doctor!!?? you dont listen! wtf is wroung with you! look now you had a damn miscarrige omg ugh!" :'( which now im not sure if I did. I'm still feeling nauseous etc... and im not bleeding much and its like all watery and pinkish. did I miscarry? I hope not someone please rely! :'(
ok thank god everything is fine. I felt the baby move today and last night so everything is ok. Im so happy now :)

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