Missed miscarriage at 12 week scan

Big hugs one tube, I hope you get sorted today, I think we all go through the w us stage :-(
Take care x
I've started to cramp and bleed. :( I hope it holds out till my op. I can't bear the thought that I may pass baby in the toilet through the night. Just gonna try and sleep and hope for the best. I will keep you updated.

Leanne I remember sweetheart. How are you?

How are you all?
Tell me your stories.
Will you try? If so, when?

I'm so glad I found this thread xxx

Sorry to hear you're in pain Onetube :flower: how are you doing today?

I'm ok, whatever that means, I'm not quite sure anymore! I've stopped bursting into tears randomly throughout the day so maybe that's a start? :shrug:

As for trying I'm not sure... I still want another baby but I feel if we try again after AF is that disregarding the little baby we've just lost? I'm quite confused at the minute about it. The pregnancy was so planned, we decided the exact month we'd start trying and conceived first month so that kind of makes me think what's the point in trying to 'plan' anything, it obviously doesn't work like that... so maybe we just might ntnp after 1st AF? But my god I don't want to go through this again and that terrifies me as well...

I'm also finding the fact that so many people know about the pregnancy quite hard. We were technically past the '12 week' mark and so a friend that we had told had assumed it was ok to tell people that we were expecting. It's like there's an awkwardness that I'm expecting the first time I see people again.

Sorry for the rant, not sure if it even makes sense... :blush:
Hi all.

Mummy hope your ok.

Leanne same for you. It was our first official month too. I guess we see it as 2 days ago we were expecting another baby and at some point we would like to get back to that.

So I've had the operation. I'm just in my room waiting to be discharged. Feel like crap. A lot of posts said I'd feel empty and I never understood that. But now I do. One part of me feels like 'omg my baby has gone' on the other hand I'm almost relieved it's all over with and we can look to the future. I might still be in shock. But that's just how I feel for the moment. I assume I will go through the motions when I come back down. Xx
Glad they got you in for the op onetube :flower: hope you're taking care of yourself x
Hi one tube,
That is exactly how I felt after my d&c and how I feel this time too, I feel empty and lost.
Today is a good day, as it our littlests 2 nd bday but still in the back of my mind are my babies I have lost and I think if I am honest they will always be there with us not too far away.
Big hugs one tube, you take care of yourself and remember its ok to feel down we have to grieve even if our bodies are better are mind just needs a little more time to catch up xx
Hi ladies. 2 weeks post op for me today. Just bleeding brown discharge now (tmi) how are you all? Have you talked about trying again? X
Hi onetube, 2 weeks post op for me today too. Feeling good physically, shaky emotionally. Very up and down. Getting back to work and normality this week has been difficult. Looking forward to the weekend and am even having a glass of wine now even though it's only Thursday :wine: had a particularly difficult day today with one thing and another.
We want to try again ASAP but OH is having spinal surgery mid march so we've only really got this first cycle before my first period and then won't be able to have sex for 6 weeks+ as it can take at least that long to recover so the decision might be made for us. How about you?
Hi everyone. It's been a while but I am officially back!

So just to update everyone on my story... But I'll do it quick so it's not an essay...

Had an ectopic December 2011 (lost my right tube)
Had my beautiful little girl September 2013
First time of trying got caught December 2014 (ended in misscarriage at 12 weeks February 2015)

Took a couple of months to myself. But me a Oh decided we would not try (been using the pull out method)

So I am on cycle day 20(of not trying lol) and today I had some spotting. I'm not due on for another week. So very very scared. I don't think my oh came inside me but hey, we can never always be 100% I've never been so scared.

You get past the stage where it's not an ectopic and you think "yay,"
Then you get to 7 weeks and see a heart beat "yay,"
But then you can't even be excited after 12 weeks...
It's heartbreaking and I actually don't even want to take a test.

I've never known a situation where it HASN'T been implantation. So I've kinda made myself believe I'm pregnant. I actually don't know what I'm looking for here. Stories? Opinions? Support? I'm really not sure x
Onetube, I understand the confusing feelings. We were ntnp this month. Af is due this week and I have no desire to take a test. I want to be pregnant, but there's fear of going for scans again and all the waiting and anxiety...trying to delay starting that cycle over again I guess.
ONe Tube - Ihave found the aftermath of a mmc so much harder than a miscarriage. I have the same fears. I am so torn with ttc. Last month was the first cycle I ovulated but I purposefully didn't encourage any bd (I don't know why as I super keen to be pregnant again). then I cried when af came.
This month I'm 5 dpo and there was soooooo much bd-ing I would be surprised if I'm not pregnant.

Anyway, I think that having an erpc has changed my cycle. The last two cycles I have had three days of ovulation spotting which I have never never felt before. I have more cramps now too though I'm not sure if that;s because I'm more aware of it.

I'm 5dpo and hoping that af won't show. Then if it doesn't I'll be so anxious about all those scans.

I thought about going to see a cousellor. Do you think this could help you? I still cry every day over my lost baby. I've found it so much harder seeing a properly formed baby on the scan that has no heart beat. I'll never forget that day ever.
Annie it's almost like I want to fast forward the whole pregnancy (if I am) just because I don't wanna go for scans. It's amazing what a mmc can do to you. It's horrible. And the only thing that's gonna help is time. And we all know that doesn't go quickly when yo want it to. :(

Spud, I hope you are. And then it's on to the next adventure for you. What do you mean about ovulation spotting. My Erpc has made my cycle like clock work. But never had any type of spotting mid cycle. So that's why I'm thinking its implantation. Again. Only testing will tell. But I will have a panic attack If I see two lines. It's been hard but I think I'm on the other side now. Don't worry you will get there I promise x
Hi onetube
I've had very very light spotting for three days a few days before ovulation. I googled it like mad and that seems to be the answer. Before the erpc I never had mid cycle spotting.

If I'm pregnant I'd like to fast forward it too. I have been told I can have more early scans but I'm not sure if that will be emotionally good or bad.

As the mmc was my third loss (tthough not in a row) and I'm over 35 I had lots of blood tests. It's cheap to do here in nz so I'm quite lucky. They didn't find anything wrong so I'm just hoping it was bad luck and age.

Good luck.
I'm sure it will be fine. I often think that about mine. Second loss but not in a row either.
How many months have you been ttc?
My mmc was February 4 th.

Have u had bleeding during ovulation every time. I'm not sure how I feel about it now. Reading on the Internet seems to just confuse me so much more.

I don't think a councillor would help me. I find comfort in talking to people that have experienced it. It makes me feel less alone. Like I'm not the odd one out. I get nervous talking to my oh. I know it's stupid but having an ectopic and a mmc that they originally thought was a blighted ovum makes me feel like there something wrong with me.

I'm 26 this year and pull my strength from my 2 year old DD if I can conceive and carry her with n problems. What's stopping me from doing It again?

Baby dust. Please let me know how u get on. I hate reading threads and never knowing the outcome haha xx
Onetube have you tested yet? I caught again after first AF, this time feels different - good luck x
I'm only 6dpo so I'm not sure anything will show yet. How are you getting on? Tell me your symptoms. What's your story. Remember now why I loved this group so much c
I am the queen of mid cycle spotting! I've had it just about every cycle since high school. I spot about 6 days right around ovulation. It's a pain but it helps to know when to get to bding. I was able to conceive my first in 3 months of trying. In the back of my mind I can't help but think that that could be part of the reason why I lost the pregnancy...

I'm CD8 now so we will see how things go. I hope you ladies have sticky little rainbows in there! I always look forward to hearing good news :)
Blu - Congratulations. How many weeks are you and when are you due?

Hopeful - i think we try to look at all the reasons why we lost the pregnancy. I have so many theories about mine from the virus I got around the time the baby died, to what I could eat. I decided I have to stop thinking about it because I try to see a reason everywhere. Good luck this cycle. will you be using opks?

Onetube - yes me too. I love it when a thread has an ending. I have only had ovulation spotting since my erpc, for the last two cycles. (the first one I didn't ovulate). I'm not sure about this egg. I keep reading stuff on the interent about how to tell whether the eggs good or bad. I ovulated later this cycle. I don't think there is any real evidence that that means a bad egg but I am seeing reasons everywhere. I have stopped looking now because it just made me worry.
I have also found these threads very helpful. These miscarriage forums have helped me so much.
Oooh another few days and you can start one tube. Well my story is as follows in brief:
Found out at a private can at 10 weeks thats bubs had died and after 2 weeks waiting I had a D&C 13th Feb. Had AF 16th March - bedded quite alot around fertile window but all through the month if im honest. Had slightly sore boobs about 7 days post fertile period but no other symptoms at all and only really tested last week before a glass of vino and bam! Vino back in the fridge due to two pink lines! I think im about 5 weeks give or take a bit so baby will be due just before christmas.
Since finding out my boobs are more sore the last 3 days and ive had periods of feeling a little nauseous and tired, particularly in the evening. I feel very similar to when i had DS so hope thats a good thing.
Hope you all have BFP's very soon x
Aww. congrats thats brilliant news. please keep us up to date will you. xx

I've been leaking colostrum today. Very strange.. Little sicky too. Xx
Congratulations Blu!! I wish you a happy and healthy 9 months to your beautiful rainbow baby!

Spud: no opks here, I use FF and track bbt. We've been saving everything we can for a house and that way is free ;)

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