I have had a lot of losses (7 total), but only one was a true MMC. At least with my others, I could feel some sort of relief after I reached a certain point. But after the MMC, I feel like I'm forever scarred in a new way, because now, even my positive u/s (first good one in a looooong time) doesn't even relieve me much, because I know tomorrow things could change and I might not know until another u/s months down the road.
So hard.
I am trying to just trust God that all will be fine. He has brought me through so much and I know He can do it again, but it's so hard when my mind starts doing it's thing, and all the "what if's" come into play, and I question everything, and I doubt...
So hard.
I am trying to just trust God that all will be fine. He has brought me through so much and I know He can do it again, but it's so hard when my mind starts doing it's thing, and all the "what if's" come into play, and I question everything, and I doubt...