Moi and Hello


Mum of one
Sep 28, 2008
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Hello all,

My name is April, Live in Colchester and am friends with TashaAndBump and MrTashaAndBum, which is how i was reccommended to this website.

ive always wanted children, even when i was a little girl i would look after the babies and i was always facinated with them, always asking the really embarrising questions that only a kid can ask :dohh:>.<

at the moment im tryin to talk my OH around to the fact that babies are actually cute and that they arent just a drain on recources and that if i do have a child that i will not neglect him, infact he would probably be the same with the child as i would be, completly doting on him/her :D

Welcome! :hugs:

... you know there's a babyandbump meet going on next Saturday if yer interested ;) hehe
u mean the anne summers thing??? correct me if im wrong but what they sell lacks the neccessary compoinatnt to get a person pregnant.

thanx for the hello Nicky xxx
Well neither of us is actually trying to get pregnant at this point in time, and a girl's gotta have fun :p

Besides when the time does come, they can be very useful when used with OH to get things going..... ;)
true true, if they are a voyer that is, u know they really should alter the terms of aggreement, it states that nothing sexual should be written about ....... what else would we be talking about on a website about pregnancy???
true true, if they are a voyer that is, u know they really should alter the terms of aggreement, it states that nothing sexual should be written about ....... what else would we be talking about on a website about pregnancy???

I think it means in a vulgar and unnecessarily crude manner x
I hade been trying to talk my OH in to start trying for 4 years. Always trying not to be pushy and just mentioning it every 3-5 months, and letting litle remarks as "ohh is he not cute" ore something like that.
Then his brother had his first and he started softening to the idea to have a baby.
Then suddenly this Christmas he sayd yes when I asked if we should start trying this summer. Then in april he was geting cold feet but I just tried to soth him.. he was worrying becaus he is the youngest and has no experience with babys and thought he would do everything wrong.
Then suddenly in may he said "you can stop taking BCP when ever you want to"

So dont give up hope, mine was straight NOOOOOO just a year ago and now he is talking about ovulation and stuff like that. Talk this through with your OH and see if he is not just afraid. Dont be pushy just talk to him about it in general, bring it up in conversation frequently.

Good luck and I hope I see you soon on TTC :)
thanks to all that have welcomed me and is BCP The Pill?

btw im always saying awww isnt he/she cute to OH, ill break him yet lol :D

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