Thanks everyone,i am on cloud 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for xmas pressies,we get my mam and dad,my brother and sister,my niece here,and my niece and nephew in oz.
As far as dh's side go,we get his mam a pressie and thats it.It was decided between the lot of us before xmas last year,that it was getting beyond ridiculous,every year there's a couple more nieces/nephews,we're breeding like rabbits!
So we just do nice birthday gifts.The kids get that much toys from santa anyway,having 3 or 4 extra pressies from dh's family wouldn't even be noticed if i''m honest.And it definately took the pressure off last year!
Well Teagan had her3 month check up this morning.She is bang on 14lbs,and 63cm's.
She's just on the 50th centile for weight,and nearly the 91st centile for height,so she's long and slim,like her mam lol NOT!!I'm just long!
She's quite a bit lighter than the boys were at 15wks,especially considering she was a lot heavier at birth than them,but she's still healthy,and apparently has a small head
Also the creases in her thighs aren't matching,is that a sign of hip problem?they were fine at her 6 wk check.
The hv told me to take her to my gp.
She also did the nutty test on me,which i just answered the least nuttiest i could so wouldn't have to explain myself.I've had the most stressful month of my life and was feeling beyond nutty lol!!but didn't wanna have to go into it with her,I know the stress and anxiety has already gone since yesterday and i'm on top of the world!
She also talked me through weaning,as though i haven't done it twice already
Anyhow,interestingly she said they keep changing the recommended weaning age,they had put it back to 6 months,but were in the process of moving it closer to 4months.
I asked her was that the irish guidelines or the WHO guidelines.and she said the WHO.
Don't know how accurate that is,coz this woman seems a little nutty herself!
Anyway i doubt i'll be weaning at 4 months,as lil miss teagan has no interest and she's doing fine growthwise