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He's calm today phew and gone to bed on time! Must have been teething as still a little cling but I don't mind toddler cuddles are sooooooooooo lovely :)
Laura was early about 4 months. Ollie was about 6 months but with Ollie they all came at once and we had hardly any problems whereas Laura had all sorts of coughs colds rashes etc.

It's different for each but I would say the majority start about 3m. Usually red cheeks or little coughs colds give you the signs and general unhappiness in them.

Ollies back ones are coming through now so hence the unusual behaviour xx
Oh dear, I'm dreading the teeth big time! We'll barely be outgrowing colic and then the next unpleasantness hits us. Our poor babas... Still, I'd prefer J to have teeth :D
Don't worry Pip, you may have some time to wait. Maddy didn't get teeth till she was 11 months old.

We still have weird poo issues. All week has been green mucous. Now today, we've got yellow chalk like substance. Now I'm getting worried, going to take him to the doctors today. Other than the weird poo, he seems happy and healthy though - so I'm sure whatever it is, it's not that bad.
Oh no we have the tears at playgroup. We have enrolled Ollie for two mornings a week and he is very upset at going.

We made a decision 6 month ago that my hubby would be a full time stay at home dad and watch Ollie. So of course he has been spoilt rotten etc by daddy but now he needs a little bit of stimulation so we put him into playgroup. I have to get hubby to drop him off as it breaks my heart to see him upset :(

I am convincing myself its for the best but time will see...

And Round Ollies poo wasn't normal until he was at least 6 months old I had him at docs and everything and just got told I was paranoid (blush) which I probably was xx
Laura was early about 4 months. Ollie was about 6 months but with Ollie they all came at once and we had hardly any problems whereas Laura had all sorts of coughs colds rashes etc.

It's different for each but I would say the majority start about 3m. Usually red cheeks or little coughs colds give you the signs and general unhappiness in them.

Ollies back ones are coming through now so hence the unusual behaviour xx

My DD is Laura Elizabeth too :thumbup:

She started teething around 3-4months but wasn't really bothered until the back ones came. She slept right through even when teething but it gave her a terribly sore bum :(
Round, green poo can be from too much foremilk and not enough hindmilk (if you are breastfeeding, that is). It can even be frothy and green! I've had it more fibrous looking. I initially thought there was leftover meconium coming out :dohh:

When I found out I started feeding for longer on one boob. I use an app (feed baby, I think it is called, was free) to record my feeds. If J is hungry again within less than two hours I go back to the same side (unless he had a particularly long feed previously and I suspect that side is empty).

My routine isn't set in stone but in general it is one feed, one boob. I class one feed as a 2 hour time slot.
Hi ladies,
FYI- bumpy on the Parl thread is having an emergency c-section today, she's 34 weeks, for placental abruption. I bet she'd love to hear from a few of you ladies who went early for reassurance:)
Fluffyblue- I am dreading when the back molars come in. My DH is also Penny’s primary care giver. He works part time and we put Penny in nursery (a trusted friend who runs a day care/nursery) twice a week for 4 hours. I think it is good to have them exposed to other people and children. Even though Penny is an only child she is really good at sharing and pretty out going.

Hopeful- Penny started teething around 3 months but didn’t actually get teeth until 8 months. She had 2 pop through with in a week and it was rough on her and us. We used Highland’s natural teething tablets and jell. A frozen wash cloth or fruit helped and for really bad moments we used infant ibuprofen.

Jodie- how did the doctor appointment go? It was probably nothing to worry about but we can’t help it after all we have been through to get our LOs. I hope Bryce is doing well. I love seeing his sweet little face in your avatar. How was Maddy’s 1st week back at school?

Sara1- that must be so scary. I will be thinking of her and her LO.

Hi everyone! Happy Friday:D

Yesterday we took some pictures of Penny in the pumpkin hat I made for her so we can get to work on her 1st birthday invitations. I am so excited and sad at the same time for her birthday… I can’t believe my baby will be one next month! We are doing a Halloween costume party for her birthday- Penny Pumpkin Palooza!:D
Pip, thanks, I've actually always done one boob per feeding. Someone warned me about that when I was BFing Maddy, so I've always done it with Bryce.

Hoping, just got back. The doctor doesn't think it's too serious, but she wants to do a stool test. She's not so worried about the color, but more worried about the fact his frequency has increased. She's thinking it's probably some sort of viral infection.

Maddy's first day of school was great. She's in a class with all her friends. She's full day this year for the first time, so she's coming home exhausted each day!!

Can't wait to see pictures from Penny's party. What a great time of year to be born!!

Ughhh...I'm so tired. I got 3 hours of sleep total over a span of 10 hours. Poor baby had such bad tummy troubles last night, he was screaming all night.
Oh round, I'm sorry to hear B is sick :hugs: I hope he gets better very quickly!

A party with lots of little bubbas in costume - how adorable is that going to be!?!
Sorry guys not been around in a few days ive not even had time to wipe my own bum at the moment i forgot how quickly time passes with a newborn , im starting too feel the strain of things being exausted bf constantly and trying to fit house work in which is not much cause i still cant do much yet its very annoying as im so independent and i love my house in a specific way ach well its been non stop vistiors since kieran has been born and to be honest ive had enough now i feel like i have missed out on the first few weeks purely cause i dont have peace and quiet its making me feel mega guilty i wont get those first weeks back now , kieran is now 6lb9 so he has put a 1lb on in 14 days go super boobs , kieran has been quiet fussy today feeding alot more clingy and crying i dont know if its the heat or if its wind or both but currently sitting on my sofa he is lying next too me im too scared too move incase he wont settle again , i need to still do my birth story which i plan on doing it tomorrow as aarron is at his nans pauls working and its just me and my mum here me and mum said we would go for a nice walk in the park tomorrow so we can spend some quality time together , i also have my last visit from my amazing midwife tomorrow she has yet to meet kieran as she was on annual leave when i had him i feel really sad knowing that thats it now ive grown really fond of her too well maybe see her again if we decide on more kids kinda flinging the idea back and fourth at the moment i think i will see if i can make my 6 week check with my consultant if i can too discuss our options for our future so we both know where we stand well better get to bed i can feel my eyes close night girls mwah xxx
Aw Jenny, don't beat yourself up about it. Those first few weeks are so crazy. It gets much much better once you sleep a little more and have less visitors :hugs:
When is your baby fussy time? Mine is 9-midnight usually but they are in one since 6pm and still are now at 7pm

Heart- bedtime routine- we lower lights and shut off tv and take them to the co sleeper set up as separate bassinet in our room after a feed but they fuss until the next feed! Then fall sleep around 11 or 12.

I'm home alone with them, rocking the rock and play with my right foot and the pack n play by it with my left leg trying to soothe both! ;) just fed them so they should sleep soon. I'm pumping at the same time too!
Hopeful, both feet on the babies and one hand on here... your other hand must be... knitting? :rofl:
You clever multitasker!

Our fussing time is usually from 7pm.
Levi is fussy from about 8 to 11.It's tough but he had been doing better at night until last night when he was up every hour or so. So tired today and hoping for a better night tonight.
thanks hun kieran has tongue tie and we ended up in a&e with him early hours but he is ok i finally done my birth story so i thought id pop in with it xx
Kieran John Callender birth story 24th aug 2012-09-10
On Monday 20th aug I had a routine scan and clinic appointment with my diabetic consultant as I was getting fortnightly scans due too gestational diabeties and polyhydramnios , at my previous appointment my consultant was not happy too induce me cause she was concerned that it would rupture my previous scar even though it was eight years ago so she wanted me to have an elective section unless I went into labour on my own so we had got the ball rolling and booked for 31st aug which was fine so after the scan on the 20th , I felt uneasy as his weight gain was not as much as it has been it started to slow down and the blood flow from the cord I noticed started decreasing gradually so it started giving me signals too push to have him earlier as I have also antiphospholipd syndrome I also had been having strong Braxton hicks and started loosing my plug and as a few weeks went passed I had what you call an irrateable uterus lovely …… so I went into my appointment and I spoke to her I some what pleaded with her that I was so anxious also due to previous losses that I wasn’t comfy being pregnant anymore I was miserable so she agreed to bring my date forward to this Thursday 23rd aug and I would be 37+1 , so I never slept the night before I was scared and worried as the hospital had receieved bad press due too some deaths of mothers in the hospital but I know from the care that we had received it was all normal for us and cant fault them for it , so we arrive at the hospital at 7.30 on the Thursday morning waiting to be seen on the antenatal/postanatal ward we met with the surgeon and anethitist we started going over notes meds etc and something springs up steroids I had to have steroids I didn’t think I would need this as I was classed as full term but because I had gestation diabeties I needed it for him so the surgeon called my consultant and yep you guessed it I need them and I was refused the surgery gutted was beyond a statement I was so ready I had no sleep and I just wanted it done so it was worked out that I had to have an injection then and come back to the hospital that night for the 2nd dose .
24th aug so finally again after another sleepless night we arrive yet again at the hospital for our section in the waiting room there were two other couples waiting for what we were I could feel the tension and nerves in the room while we all waited we were greeted by a lovely midwife who took us to hdu recovery room to get set up for the sections and that’s where we would be for a few hours after the birth until we were moved to postnatal ward as soon as I walked into the room I seen the tiny baby beds I burst into tears I finally realised after 4 years we were finally going to have our baby our own little rainbow I could see pauls face fill with worry and excitement all rolled into one , I was then greeted by a few different people getting name bands put on I got some lovely stockings to put on to help reduce dvts lovely and then at 8.50am I was escorted to theatre I was so scared to leave paul I didn’t want him out my sight I wondered how long id have to wait till I see him again before he joined me …. In the room I was met by a big team this was rather scary so many people too do so many things I cant even remember if I had this many people in the room when I had the section with aarron but I had one nice midwife who helped keep me calm I sat on the bed while the prepared all the equipment they needed I was fitted with a canular It was also explained I was having a spinal combi with a epi cause it could take longer as I have preivious scar tissue and its so they could give me extra numbing stuff If needed so ok , while I was getting the spinal epi I felt the most horrific shooting pains down my back into my bum and in my foof I started crying because it hurt badly even when they were trying to put the catherter in my back omg never again am I getting this type it was one of the worst experiences of my life what felt like ages must have been mins trying to get it in place , once it was in it took a while too take effect but when it did I was glad so I laid down on my back I waited and waited for paul too come in , he came in and walked passed me I was like cheers lol he didn’t see where I was but yeah he saw the little head bobbing at the end lol , at this point I didn’t realise they had started the surgery and it wasn’t until they told me right your going too start feeling a lot of pressure I was like ok and boy I did feel it next min I knew he was pulled out of me and started crying the lowered the screen and we seen him omg I cried and cried so did paul we seen our boy we have done it we got our boy he was perfect and it was 09.58 he came into this world changed our life for the best … the sorted Kieran out his apgar scores were 9 at 1 min 9 at 5 and 9 at 10 min he was great they wrapped him up and brought him over to us and we had some pics taken amazing amazing is all I can say about how I felt there and then , too see tears in my husbands eyes of joy and not pain was the most amazing feeling in the world , once we had some pictures done they took him away to weigh him and stuff I started to get closed up and omg I don’t know if it was pressure but I started feeling pain I was sobbing and crying to paul I hate this I hate this I cant do this again because I don’t know what it was I felt but it wasn’t right I should of spoken out for them to top up the stuff but I didn’t I was in too much shock I kept asking when is it over when is it going to be over and paul kept saying soon soon I didn’t loose much blood abour 300mlu and they said I had 1700mlu of fluid inside me they couldn’t believe how much I was carrying , but anyway once I was closed up I was moved too recovery we just sat in amazement I was happy , aarron wasn’t allowed too join us or my mum I was upset about that but I knew id see them soon , I held Kieran and started crying again he was perfect the most beautiful little boy ive ever seen I had straight away had skin to skin which was important too me I also started breastfeeding him and he took it like a pro , after a few hours I was moved to postnatal ward to settle and my family were able too join me , aarrons face was a picture I couldn’t believe he was finally a big brother yay , kierans sugar levels were low he had to get tested before and after feeds and had to be wrapped up warm as his temp was low too but they soon sorted themselves out I had some hard time on the ward by two midwives who made me feel like shit because of his low sugar levels saying my bf wasn’t enough I needed to bottle feed him but one of them got into trouble because they done his sugar level too soon after feed well she got into trouble like I said and was moved to antenatal ward the next day I stayed in hospital two days I was just thankfull to get home because I missed paul.

Sorry ive babbled on but that’s the rough copy of my birth story lol
Even with this thread moving so slowly, I can still barely keep up! LOL!

So I'm officially not looking forward to teething. Everyone keeps talking about how awful it is. I'm waiting for things to get easier, not harder!

Croy, how is Levi's pooping? Has it gotten better? It's so hard to see them in distress. At one point we had to give Delilah a glycerine suppository as she hadn't pooped for days and was straining really hard. It was magical. It came right out and she was a very happy baby.

Sarah, I can't believe how much Lexi eats! How much does she weigh? Delilah recently weighed in at 8 lbs 14 oz. Though at this point I suspect she's a little over 9 lbs. She only eats 3 oz a feeding and sometimes doesn't finish that much. Are you still bleeding? Sorry I never responded to your question about it. I bled for about 5 weeks, though it was mainly just red spotting for about the last 2-3 weeks. I only needed a panty liner. By 6 weeks, I wasn't bleeding at all. Did you also ask about sex? We started again after my 6 week postpartum appointment. We've only done it a few times. It's so hard to find time when the baby is sleeping and I'm not pumping or doing some other chore. I don't think Tim is thrilled with my lack of motivation to DTD. But honestly, I want my body to myself! BF'ing is a lot of work and so is pumping. I feel like I never have my body to myself, and along comes DH wanting some of my body too. But I know I need to just jump in. I enjoy it in the moment. It's just trying to find the motivation that is difficult.

Jen, Kieran is gorgeous! I saw that he was in the hospital last night on FB. I hope everything is ok! Oh, just saw you posted about this. I'm off to read your birth story now!

Jodi, I put Gripe water in her bottle. I've tried giving it to her like we do her medicine and she chokes on it. We give her medicine with a nipple and then squirt the medicine into the nipple with an oral syringe. I'm not sure if it's working, but she definitely seems less gassy and doesn't really have a specific fussy time anymore.

Amber, I was fantasizing about bringing Delilah camping when you said you were going. Sorry you didn't get to. But frankly, mimosa Sunday sounds even better! :thumbup: So does a carpet picnic. I can't wait for Delilah to be old enough for that. I must see pics of Pumpkin Palooza.

Round I wanted to ask how you knew you had thrush? I have yeast under my breasts since they became huge with my milk and now sweat underneath. Ewww. I'm treating it with medication...the same used for thrush. I'm scared I might have thrush too. I hope you are enjoying time alone with Bryce. I hope the poo issues get sorted.

Fluffy, one getting a nursing degree and one who is teething? :shock: You are my hero! Is Ollie still yelling at you at night?

Oooh, just read another of Croy's posts. You know, I kept thinking I was going to get my period too. It was 6 weeks post delivery. I even had the slightest bit of brown tinge on the tp one day. There were some mild cramps. But now she's 12 weeks and still nothing. Good job getting out of the house and brushing your teeth. I've had lots of time alone with Delilah now and am getting the hang of it. If I don't leave the house immediately after she feeds, then I need to wait until the next feed. She went through a phase of only napping 20 min or less. It gets better, I promise. It's stressful when you have to pump as well. There isn't always time to do it. You're doing great mama. Hang in there! Sounds like you have the swing Jodi and I have. This swing is more magical than David Blaine!

Pups, how is Samuel doing? Did I see somewhere that you said he has reflux? What are you doing about it?

Pip, how is little J doing? Someone let me borrow their ring sling and I like it, but don't love it.

I swear, if Delilah didn't have reflux, she would be the perfect baby (she's obviously still perfect...but you know what I mean.) The last 2 nights, she has slept 7 hours straight! And has taken long naps in the day. Like 2-3 hour naps. It's incredible. And when she's awake, she has been super alert and happy. Unless of course, evil reflux show it's face. She sleeps in Mr. Magical Swing fine for a few hours. Then she starts grunting, clearing her throat, coughing, crying a little, etc. Usually there are long pauses between these episodes. She usually sleeps through it, so I've trained myself to let her. If I keep picking her up, I'd never have time to do anything else. But eventually, like at night, she'll keep doing it non-stop and it is obvious she is very uncomfortable. Eventually I have to pick her up and she sleeps on me while I'm am sitting up. She stops making the noises and never fully wakes up. We sleep like that for a few more hours before she is ready to eat. I usually get 2-3 hours lying down in bed and then the rest of the night I'm propped up holding her. Lately she's been crying after every feed. BF'ing is hard because she has to lie down and that makes the acid creep up. She rarely spits up, though that just means she has "silent reflux." Her ped recommended I stop eating dairy as a test to see if that helps. This is TORTURE for me! I LOVE cheese and yogurt! But I'll do it for her. We're also switching to a new med, Prevacid, from Zantac. I really hope it helps. She is in so much discomfort when she isn't being held upright.

I'm dreading having to go back to work. I don't think anyone will hold her up like I do. Luckily, I do a lot of work from home, so I can monitor the person we hire. I asked my employer if I could go back part time and they said no. So I'm going back full time for now. It sucks.

Going to a new mom's support group tomorrow. I'm trying really hard to put myself out there. Otherwise I could easily spend my entire maternity leave in the house with my girl.

Ok, she's grunting. Need to pick her up and go get her new meds. xo
Wonderful birth story Jen! Thank you for finding the time to write it. It sounds like things weren't perfect, but you got the perfect boy out of it.

How is BF'ing going? I saw on FB that you thought you might be having problems. I hope to hear the tongue tie procedure worked. I still haven't found the courage to get Delilah's snipped.

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