Even with this thread moving so slowly, I can still barely keep up! LOL!
So I'm officially not looking forward to teething. Everyone keeps talking about how awful it is. I'm waiting for things to get easier, not harder!
Croy, how is Levi's pooping? Has it gotten better? It's so hard to see them in distress. At one point we had to give Delilah a glycerine suppository as she hadn't pooped for days and was straining really hard. It was magical. It came right out and she was a very happy baby.
Sarah, I can't believe how much Lexi eats! How much does she weigh? Delilah recently weighed in at 8 lbs 14 oz. Though at this point I suspect she's a little over 9 lbs. She only eats 3 oz a feeding and sometimes doesn't finish that much. Are you still bleeding? Sorry I never responded to your question about it. I bled for about 5 weeks, though it was mainly just red spotting for about the last 2-3 weeks. I only needed a panty liner. By 6 weeks, I wasn't bleeding at all. Did you also ask about sex? We started again after my 6 week postpartum appointment. We've only done it a few times. It's so hard to find time when the baby is sleeping and I'm not pumping or doing some other chore. I don't think Tim is thrilled with my lack of motivation to DTD. But honestly, I want my body to myself! BF'ing is a lot of work and so is pumping. I feel like I never have my body to myself, and along comes DH wanting some of my body too. But I know I need to just jump in. I enjoy it in the moment. It's just trying to find the motivation that is difficult.
Jen, Kieran is gorgeous! I saw that he was in the hospital last night on FB. I hope everything is ok! Oh, just saw you posted about this. I'm off to read your birth story now!
Jodi, I put Gripe water in her bottle. I've tried giving it to her like we do her medicine and she chokes on it. We give her medicine with a nipple and then squirt the medicine into the nipple with an oral syringe. I'm not sure if it's working, but she definitely seems less gassy and doesn't really have a specific fussy time anymore.
Amber, I was fantasizing about bringing Delilah camping when you said you were going. Sorry you didn't get to. But frankly, mimosa Sunday sounds even better!

So does a carpet picnic. I can't wait for Delilah to be old enough for that. I must see pics of Pumpkin Palooza.
Round I wanted to ask how you knew you had thrush? I have yeast under my breasts since they became huge with my milk and now sweat underneath. Ewww. I'm treating it with medication...the same used for thrush. I'm scared I might have thrush too. I hope you are enjoying time alone with Bryce. I hope the poo issues get sorted.
Fluffy, one getting a nursing degree and one who is teething?

You are my hero! Is Ollie still yelling at you at night?
Oooh, just read another of Croy's posts. You know, I kept thinking I was going to get my period too. It was 6 weeks post delivery. I even had the slightest bit of brown tinge on the tp one day. There were some mild cramps. But now she's 12 weeks and still nothing. Good job getting out of the house and brushing your teeth. I've had lots of time alone with Delilah now and am getting the hang of it. If I don't leave the house immediately after she feeds, then I need to wait until the next feed. She went through a phase of only napping 20 min or less. It gets better, I promise. It's stressful when you have to pump as well. There isn't always time to do it. You're doing great mama. Hang in there! Sounds like you have the swing Jodi and I have. This swing is more magical than David Blaine!
Pups, how is Samuel doing? Did I see somewhere that you said he has reflux? What are you doing about it?
Pip, how is little J doing? Someone let me borrow their ring sling and I like it, but don't love it.
I swear, if Delilah didn't have reflux, she would be the perfect baby (she's obviously still perfect...but you know what I mean.) The last 2 nights, she has slept 7 hours straight! And has taken long naps in the day. Like 2-3 hour naps. It's incredible. And when she's awake, she has been super alert and happy. Unless of course, evil reflux show it's face. She sleeps in Mr. Magical Swing fine for a few hours. Then she starts grunting, clearing her throat, coughing, crying a little, etc. Usually there are long pauses between these episodes. She usually sleeps through it, so I've trained myself to let her. If I keep picking her up, I'd never have time to do anything else. But eventually, like at night, she'll keep doing it non-stop and it is obvious she is very uncomfortable. Eventually I have to pick her up and she sleeps on me while I'm am sitting up. She stops making the noises and never fully wakes up. We sleep like that for a few more hours before she is ready to eat. I usually get 2-3 hours lying down in bed and then the rest of the night I'm propped up holding her. Lately she's been crying after every feed. BF'ing is hard because she has to lie down and that makes the acid creep up. She rarely spits up, though that just means she has "silent reflux." Her ped recommended I stop eating dairy as a test to see if that helps. This is TORTURE for me! I LOVE cheese and yogurt! But I'll do it for her. We're also switching to a new med, Prevacid, from Zantac. I really hope it helps. She is in so much discomfort when she isn't being held upright.
I'm dreading having to go back to work. I don't think anyone will hold her up like I do. Luckily, I do a lot of work from home, so I can monitor the person we hire. I asked my employer if I could go back part time and they said no. So I'm going back full time for now. It sucks.
Going to a new mom's support group tomorrow. I'm trying really hard to put myself out there. Otherwise I could easily spend my entire maternity leave in the house with my girl.
Ok, she's grunting. Need to pick her up and go get her new meds. xo