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Melfy - Sounds like you hd a good talk and you have a bit of a plan. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, focus on your girls and keep on keeping on. You will get through this and be a stronger person for it.

As for being alone - you never know what will happen. Don't worry about that now, focus on the present and getting through this rough patch.
Holy shit I found you guys lol:dohh::blush:! I haven't read back more than two pages -

I am so sorry Melfy, I cant' imagine what you're going through, but this is in God's plan for you, and hopefully no matter what happens you'll heal and find yourself happier than ever, irregardless I pray for nothing but love and support for you :hug::hugs::hugs:
Hey yall, been doing pretty good! Babies are almost a year old (next week) time has flown by so fast and I am super busy cause they're crawlers now! I did close my FB, DH and I are sharing a FB right now, I had some crazy family problems (as in murderous, rapist father getting released from prison where he's been for 20 years now and searching for his kids) and just shut that one down because all my other family members were friending him because they're dumb asses, I don't want anything to do with him and I definitely don't him so much as seeing what me/dh/kids look like!!! Anyway I need to friend everyone again but can't remember last names lol!
Oh dear, you're absolutely right in keeping your kids away from such a mess. I would do, too!
Gosh, your household must be crazy right now. I bet you laugh all day long at the boys' shenanigans :haha: (between all the crazy hard work, of course)
pet - more like crying right now lol, DH had to go out of town for work Monday and doesn't come home until tomorrow, been a looooong week for me! But yeah, they are funny little monkeys, course one of my boys (the fat one Liam) likes to sit on his brothers and pull their hair which makes them scream, Holland likes to try and pull eyeballs out and shove his hands in mouths/throats and Grimm is just so sweet, he's rarely ever mean to his brothers but they all like to steal food/toys from each other...I imagine they'll be doing this until adult-hood though lol!
Haha I love it that the one with the grimmest name is the gentlest one :rofl: (btw, I have several Grims in my extended family!)

It sounds like you have quite the job keeping those boys in line. Do you feel like a kindergarden sometimes?

We had five boys playing together a few days ago and were surprised with how well it went. Being able to let them out into the garden helped! I suppose you're not quite there yet? At almost 2.5 years old they now interact much more. We had no tears at all in three hours and us mums managed to drink coffee and eat cake :D I love this stage and am dreading the baby dependency a little bit... (is it ok to say that?) At least none of the other mums are pregnant that I know of so I plan on passing my little girl around a bit :blush:
3x: welcome!!!!! :) So happy to see you here!!!

So turns out I don`t have a job in January, called my former boss again and he doesn`t really need anyone. Which made me realize I need to recycle myself into something new. Most of the jobs I could possibly get would be as a sales person (I DON'T want that hahaha) and full time (don't want that either).

So I've decided to go back to school!!!, and I'm applying to be a registered practical nurse. It's usually a 3 year program but because I've been to college already I can get it done it 2 (6 semesters, including summers). College here is really cheap (about 300$/semester). Between financial aid, federal and provincial help and a few hours of work per week we should be fine. It's about 20-25 hours/week, which will still give me plenty of time to see my girls (my mom will babysit them:happydance:) and down the road, I shouldn't have a hard time finding a job. The girls will also be older so I should be ok doing more hours a week.

Sorry for the long ''me-me post:blush:"

How is everyone else doing?
Good for you, Melfy! Congrats on your decision to go back to school, and good luck!
Pet - Grimm's also my happiest baby lol...but it means "fierce" so it does kinda fit him. Is Grim a surname of extended family? We get asked all the time if it's a family name and some ppl seems to try to change it to Grahm or Grant...Some ppl just cant seem to wrap their heads around the fact that we actually named our child Grimm! Anyways, it def feels like I'm running a day care, thank God they are all on the same schedule, I think it'll be easier as they get more independent but right now we have to be really careful about childproofing. I cant' wait until they are playing more together, they hate the grass so playing outside is a no-no, they just scream lol!
Its def not wrong to not want the newborn stage again, starting over after being out of that stage is crazy, DD was 3 when the boys were born and I had completely forgotten what it was like, now that it's almost over, I have once again forgotten...I heard somewhere that we easily forget childbirth so we'll continue to have babies, I think it's the same with the first couple of months but they'll be over before you know it so enjoy it lol!

Melfy - sounds great honey, sometimes when things happen beyond my control, I will make decisions I can control, maybe this is exactly what you need right now, something to focus on and a way to better yourself. Good luck!
Melfy - great plan!!! I have been thinking about going back to "school" as well... I am thinking about getting my Doula Certification. It is just a week long program, but I really want to do it. Only problem is that Lucy can't really be away from me for longer than two hours due to her breastfeeding schedule (she has never taken a bottle and pumping has never had good results for me) so I think I might try to do the course this time next year.

3x - I can't even image having three babies plus a 4 year old. When do you sleep?? At least they are on the same schedule! Are you breastfeeding at all? I am so curious as to how that would work with three - seems like pumping or formula would be the easiest route.

We had a rough patch with sleep this week, and then last night was a breeze (3 quick wake ups which is perfect in my eyes!) I am thinking it might have been a wonder week or something. I actually tried to do cry it out... lasted 5 minutes before I gave up, and she never even started her "real" crying. I can't do it with my girl. I have read that at some point it will all calm down... until then I will have to be a caffeinated zombie mom! With that said, I feel good today, so no complaining!
3x, no it is a first name. They are German although the name is pretty rare over there, too.

Melfy, that sounds like a great plan. You'll be so proud of yourself for doing it, too. I'd love to go and learn something new but it is so expensive here and I have a good education so I just can't justify it. So, I am slowly learning to sew instead.
melfy - sounds like a good plan. I forgot that Quebec has such good tuition prices. At that price I'd seriously consider going back too (once the kiddos are in school).

viet - hope the rough patch passes quickly. Even good sleepers go through phases where they have a hard time sleeping. You can make it!

pet - I sort of dreaded the newborn stage too. My first baby was a good sleeper so I hadn't had to deal with the multiple wake ups in nearly 3 years. I was spoiled and didn't think I'd cope. And even with my fears, the newborn stage was even harder than I remembered. I barely coped those first few weeks but now that we're definitely past the newborn stage (now 4 months old) I almost miss it. Darn those rose-coloured glasses! :dohh:

afm - DD had her second round of vaccinations last week. Her doctor said I could introduce solids at any time now which I find funny. She is only 4 months. Did standards change again? I don't think she's ready anyways. She is just starting to stare at us while we eat. I have put some food to her lips to see what she does but she simply doesn't care.

And I think my anti-depressents are really doing the job. I'm only on the lowest dose so I'm hoping I can wean myself off of them when my prescription runs out in 6 months or so.
Well, you know your baby best. With our son it was quite obvious when he was ready to eat. Just go with your gut feeling. I suppose your doctor meant 'from now on you can', rather than from now on you should.
Going through the period from hell! Did anyone else get horrible periods after a pregnancy? It seems every time a pregnancy ends my normally-very-heavy periods become full-on bleed out sessions. The other night I bled through a tampon every 20 minutes for about 3 or 4 hours. I was as white as a ghost and my skin was incredibly clammy. But we were in another city visiting the inlaws and I did not want to spend my night in an ER. The pain was unreal as well. Blech. Only my first miscarriage saw lighter-than-normal periods afterwards. All my other pregnancies were like this afterwards. With my son they returned to normal after about 6 months. My chest is still hurting a bit but my bleeding has slowed to a light to moderate flow so I'm hoping another day of rest will bring me back up to speed.

And I think DD is lactose-intolerant. She was colicky in the beginning so I switched her to a reduced lactose formula which seemed to help. But it's very costly and now that she's older I thought maybe she could handle a regular formula. I started it 2 days ago and she is having constant green, watery diarhea that stinks to high heaven. DH wants me to give it a few more days but I'm thinking we're going to have to go back to the expensive stuff. I know he was hoping we'd get to go on the store brand which is half the cost.
Hi ladies! Moving over (belatedly I suppose) from the PARL thread. I'm Jill, mom to 3 rainbows-DS 4.5, DD 3, and LO 3 months.

Starry-posted on PARL too but sorry to hear you are having awful periods. I didn't have heavier flow after having my kids but I did have terrible cramps for a while after. I can't report this time yet since I haven't had an actual AF yet. Spotting/light bleeding off and on til 10 weeks but nothing since so I have no clue what my periods will be like. But I hope things settle down for you in that dept sooner rather than later.

AFM-Doing good. LO is sttn, looks like she is outgrowing her reflux a bit, and she's stretching like weed. She's grown a full 4 inches since she was born and she's only 3 months old. She's my longest baby so far and the first of my 3 kids to fit into 3 month clothes at 3 months. I'm doing okay too aside from an inability to lose any sort of baby weight but I'm trying not to push too much on that as I'm steadily losing my milk supply. (I don't tend to make lots of milk anyway and I didn't make it past 6 months with my other kids so I'm not beating myself up about this.)

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