Mums/Moms after Recurrent Losses (MARL) - Come join us!

Thanks, Hopeful! We're just so in love with's amazing how the heart grows to love a second child as much as the first. It's crazy!

I forgot to mention how frightening this c-section ended up was planned, like Hannah's, but I went in on my scheduled date, to find that I was actually in early labor, and having contractions, once they hooked my up to the monitors before surgical prep. They had to do my spinal block twice, as the first one didn't take, which was nerve-racking as hell. Also, once they were about ready to pull Oscar out during the surgery, it was discovered that my uterus was "paper thin" and I was very, very close to rupturing. If I would have tried for a VBAC, I most certainly would have had a rupture. I was strongly advised to not have any more children, and honestly, that is fine, as we weren't planning on it anyway...we have our two kids, and that is all we were planning to have, so it worked out well! Hearing all of that was scary, however!
Congratulations wookie beautiful little boy. C section sounds scary so glad you are all ok.

AFM I'm nearly 25 weeks and this pregnancy is flying by!!

Hope everyone else is well xx
Our little family is getting settled into a nice routine but I'm still struggling with depression. Got a prescription for meds today. It's my first time going on them and I'm a little nervous but am hopeful too.
Ooh, I love ickle baby photos :cloud9:

Starry, big hugs to you. It must be so difficult dealing with depression when you have a new baby. It's a big step starting the medicine but everyone I know who took them said they helped a lot :hugs:
Starry, there is no shame in taking medicine...PPD is a MEDICAL issue, and medicine is a logical, and sensible option to treat a medical problem. It will help you be a happier mother to your kiddos, and they need that as much as you need that for yourself! So, take them, feel better, and don't give it a second thought. It's a blessing that there are things out there that can make you feel a bit more normal again! :)
I guess I'm mostly nervous about potential side effects and that I've been warned I might feel worse the first week or two. I'm planning on taking it very easy the next little while to keep the stress down and I'm following up with my doctor in two weeks to see how it's going.

I met this doctor when I was hospitalized for my anemia/blood transfusion and she sort of took over my care as she works part time at my local clinic. She's so caring and thoughtful and thorough. I like her so much better than my official GP. And she's in walking distance which helps as I don't have the car during the day.

But now I'm sick with the stomach bug and my DS has croup again so now worried about DD catching either of these. The doctor at the ER this morning warned me to be careful of her (I didn't know I was sick yet). She's had the rota-virus vaccine but still. And colds have always been so harrowing with DS and I don't know how she'll handle them especially at such a young age (3 months). So much for reducing stress!

DH is starting to complain about being sick so I almost hope he is so he can stay home and we can all be sick together and have the car in case of another medical emergency (I had to call DH back home for DS and that meant it was an hour before we could get to the hospital)
Yes, I hope you are all back to your healthy selves soon, Starry!
Congratulations Wookie, the FB pics are gorgeous x.

I'm keeping myself busy with Morgan can't believe he is now 16 months old, his personality is really coming through, he is so funny right now. Still not sleeping through the night, he is a boob monster so that's something I think I need to try and address as the lack of sleeping is really starting to take it's toll on me.
Lee, kiddos around the 14-18 month age group are hilarious, aren't they? Hannah is a stitch, and is always being a goofball!
Wookie congratulations on the safe arrival of Oscar - they really are two peas in a pod. So cute! Totally gorgeous.

Lee :wave: - Lucas is still a boob monster too but I don't let him feed between 12 and 6am and he does settle back to sleep generally. He has been a bit better lately but I feel your pain. For a long time it was 3-4 times a night. He is cutting his first molars right now so we are having a rerun, and I am currently rocking a blood blister on the left thanks to his over-enthusiasm. My mam keeps telling me to wean him but I am keen to let him stop when he wants to (particularly as I had to stip BFing DD at 12 months due to a serious illness and the meds I was required to take).

Hi to everyone else. Lucas is 15 months old today and too cute for words. He has lovely little curls, has started clapping and waving (at last!) and has developed quite a penchant for sticks. Total boy.

I have been sorting out all the really baby toys to put away and am feeling quite emotional that this is it, no more babies for me (at 45 it would be some schlepp to have another one and quite frankly, my uterus might manage it but my knees and back would definitely give out!). I shall live vicariously through all the new babies on here!
Lee, I totally get you on the nights. I night weaned J at around 18 months. I wish I had done it sooner as it wasn't that hard and we both got more sleep. He finally started sleeping right through at around 21 months, just after I fully weaned him (in order to start with the steroids again).

I'm hoping baby number two will enjoy breastfeeding but I will probably cut down on night feeds much sooner as I like having my sleep back. I can cope with one or two wake ups but J was feeding every 1.5-2h!
Yep, I really need to get on track with the night feeds, I don't want to upset him too much though and am co-sleeping too but we are about to convert the spare room to a big boys room in the hope he doesn't sense me there and sleeps through. He has started pulling at my top through the day when he wants a feed, cheeky little bugger. I'd love to see more pics in here of all the little people xx.
Here is my little princess! Cannot believe she us 2 next month the time has just flown!!

Baby #2 is my avatar. We are still team yellow!.

I agree would love to see some pics!


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Oh cazi, she's gorgeous! The 3d picture of baby #2is amazing, too! When are you due?
I'm due 11th dec! It's going to be a busy Christmas!!

When are you due?
Ooh, it might be more of a lock in cosy Christmas?

I'm due 27th of January but I think this will be another c-section a couple of weeks before.
caz - What a cutie!

I think I'm getting some of the post partum broodiness. Maybe because DD is definitely out of the newborn stage at this point (she's 15 weeks) and it's sad to think I'll never get to enjoy that again if we really are done. We haven't made any permanent decisions yet but both DH and I are nervous about trying again. I don't think I have the strength to face another m/c. I know some here have gone through more than I have but I guess we all have our own personal limits.

I am happy with the family we have though. 2 miracle rainbows. And a third child really would put a strain on our budget so we should probably be responsible.
Starry, you are right, it's impossible to compare sorrow between people :nope:
I used to think I'd like two or three children. Things changed and I've told Dh this is my last pregnancy. Even if things went horribly wrong with this pregnancy we are so happy with our son I wouldn't want to get pregnant again.

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