Viet: I know the feeling. DD1 was an amazing sleeper, but DD2 still wakes up 3-4 times a night. What can I say, she likes the boob
So I need to talk to someone, but I don't want to talk to my friends and family because I know that when i do, there will be no turning back...
So last night, DH came home, and after I got out of the shower, he told me we needed to talk.
He told me that after seeing a therapist, he realized that he's gay. We had this discussion before, but he thought he was bi so it wasn't ''out of nowhere'' and we thought there was, well, hope...That hit me pretty hard...
But as if that wasn't hard enough, turns out he also had an affair...with a guy...about a year ago!!!!
Of course I'm angry and hate him at the moment, but I love him, and he's the father of my girls, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to be a single christian mom. I want a husband, I want my girls to have a father!! We haven't talked about it yet (he's crashing at a friend's place for now) but like I said I need to talk to someone, I'm totally lost

i prayed last night but how the heck are we gonna get through this. It sounds horrible, but it would have been easier if he had had an affair with a woman, because at least there would be something to fix. Now there's nothing to fix because there was never anything to begin with