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Love the pics girls! I'm still doing ok, thank you all for thinkng of me, im at work. Babies sleep through the night! 10pm to 6am.
Davies- I just ordered that same jumperoo!
My kids don't have as good of head control as it looks like the babies here do?.so not quite ready for exersaucer or jumperoo yet I don't think? But will still try it. Bought highchairs yesterday and even though dylan is close to 15 lbs, he looks tiny in it I think.
Fili- I didn't puke at all. Hope u r feeling better!

Hoping- I thought u were Asian too! U r gorgeous

what are the odds of this? i just listed 2 things for sale on our moms of multiples online board and another girl listed the same 2 things on the same day - for less money! snugabunny swing - mine is $75, hers is $40.
nursing pillow - hers is $20, mine is $25. that is just insane....
going to have to craigslist them I think!

Gotta go will check in later
And I'm freaking out a little about having to get new carseats. Infant ones are so easy! Can't imagine bringing them to the car and strap them in there. D is 27 inches and carseat up to 30 in. Anyone else going from infant seat to convertible? They were less than 5 lbs when came home so got smaller carseats.
And I backed in the garage door, from the inside! Had to get new door, it sucked.
Xmas was good finally, drove to my parents and kids got to meet relatives on my side. Both Slept for 2.5 hours in the car, just stayed there 1 night.

i only have a few christmasy pics on my phone but no christmasy clothes. Love the outfits you all have! just had to go out and buy a bunch of 9 month clothes.

but these are recent, highchair from last night. ava was sleeping so didn't get to try the highchair yet


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Such lovely photos of your beautiful children. I'm loving all of the holiday outfits!

Pip- what nationalities is your little man?

Davies- penny got that same ball for her birthday. She was terrified of it at first but now loves it.

Fili- I was nauseous for a few weeks before delivery and projectile vomited at least twice the geek before. Good luck!

Abi- that is a nice weight:thumbup:

Hopeful- we switched to a convertible one just before Penny's 1st birthday. The max for her infant one was 30 inches and I think 30lbs. Her feet were nearly hanging off! I liked the infant seats because we could transport her anywhere without taking her out which was especially nice when she was is nice not having to lug around a heavy car seat + baby and not so bad having to strap her in. She also does a pretty good job at staying asleep once we pull her out. It takes some getting used to but you will adjust just fine:thumbup:

Too bad about your garage door! I've had that happen once and it was no fun having to get it repaired.
Please tell me it gets easier. I feel so overwhelmed. Love all the darling pics.
Thanks hoping that makes me feel better!

Aww hopeful they're gorgeous! :cloud9:
Kat- it gets easier at about 4 months actual age...;) is it the sleep deprivation? How often does he eat? Is he fussy?
Kat - Yes, it gets easier, some days are just harder than others, and gradually things just become easier. They will slip in and out of routines and have some better nights. Try to sleep when he naps, I know everyone says that but until I really started to do that at least once I was a mess. It meant some days I didn't shower, but I felt so much better if I slept. I also tried to get out of the house once, even if i was un-showered I would just take a walk around the block and the fresh air seemed to be good for both of us. Thinking of you, those early days (after the honeymoon period) are tough but you will get through it. Just give your boy hugs and kisses, take comfort in the seemingly small accomplishments of the day - like keeping the baby fed.
You are doing a great job. Sending hugs your way.

Fili - exciting times ahead for you lovely!!! I didn't throw up but I did feel pretty rough at the end. Levi came at 41+2. Take care, put your feet up and get ready to meet nemo soon!!

Sarah - Levi got the same Jumperoo for Christmas from my parents. He loves it. We have to put a pillow or a book under it at the moment but he is almost tall enough. Right now he is obsessed with the little bug of the bendy stick, he sucks it to death. Of all the other flashy pieces and that's his fave. The other day he had a total blow out while he was in it, it came all down one leg and out onto the cushion at the bottom. Into the wash went the seat and everything he was wearing - what a mess!! haha!!

I cant believe how much they have grown. She is a little doll! I love her Christmas dress, so pretty.

Embo - Max looked so sweet in his Christmas outfit too, fun to see your other kids too. They must love having a little one around :) How are you doing?

Jodi - So good to hear from you babe. Sucks about the identical advert for the baby stuff. Maybe that one will go quickly and you can sell yours to the next person?! I hope so. Her prices seemed low, especially for the swing thing, maybe its older than yours?
We have to return the swing we borrowed and honestly it will be nice to get that space in our living room back. Its amazing how much stuff these little people have - it must be even more like that in your house.
The pictures are darling! Oh my goodness, their smiles are just precious. Levi got a highchair for Christmas but we haven't started feeding him anything yet. Do you feed A & D "food" yet?

afm - feeling sorry for myself as I had to go to the dentist and get 2 cavities filled this morning, I am still numb and probably drooling. Nice. I have pretty good teeth, but at my check up yesterday they noticed two small cavities that they wanted to fill. At least it was during the holidays so hubs could watch Levi and I didn't have to mess around with childcare.
I always feel a bit deflated after Christmas is finished. I hate taking down decorations. I do it 12 days after Christmas but it is no where near as fun as putting them up! I need to decorate for Valentines day or something to make the house feel special when the glitter is gone!
Levi has slept 8 hours, or close to the past 4 nights! I know I shouldn't get used to it but its been a treat! He has gone down between 7 and 9 and slept through. Then he eats and goes back for a few more. Its bliss. He has also started taking longer daytime naps all of a sudden. It is nothing I have done at all but i will take it. Hope you are all getting some sleep too!!
Is anyone doing anything fun for new year?
Croy- yay for 8 hours sleep! :thumbup:

Hopeful- glad you checked in & had a good XMas :)

Kat- I know I'm only 4 weeks into this myself but right around 2 weeks was hell for us. We're pretty sure it was a growth spurt now & the lactation nurse thought so too. I don't know what Grey is doing, but Bay was crying all the time....Whenever she wasn't on the boob basically, and she wasnt sleeping much at all either. It lasted about 4 or 5 days and started the day before she hit 2 weeks old. I read growth spurts are common around 2 or 3 weeks and apparently they reappear later too. I think it's their way of upping our milk supply to meet their growing demands. I guess it was an effective way for her to up my supply because I noticed shortly after those hellish days I was making more. Also, I never intended to bed share, but that has honestly enabled us to get a lot more sleep too. I read up on the safety of bed sharing & try to make it as safe as possible for her (ie- we have blankets on us from our waists down now & don't pull them up any higher). I just switch her between boobs & change her a couple times & we sleep MUCH longer than before. We don't even have to nap with her during the day anymore. When she naps in her swing or bassinet during the day I use that time to eat, shower, or do laundry. It is still exhausting but much more tolerable this way. She still feeds a lot (shes feeding right now lol) but not as crazy as during the growth spurt.

Also, I've noticed Bay does better if I burp her half way through feedings and after rather than just after.
Thanks girls for the words of advice and wisdom. Most of you know me well enough to know that I am not usually a selfish poster, but I don't have the energy right now to respond to everyone except it is good to hear that everyone one is doing so well. I am reading all your posts.

Grey is feeding every 2 hours for 40 min each about 12 times per day per boob or more. He wants to be held constantly. We can put him in his swing for very short periods of time before he fusses (sometimes 5 min, sometimes 30). We can carry him in the Ergo and he will happily sleep. This is okay during the day, but not viable at night. I hope Tuckie is right and he is going through a growth spurt. I am also having a hard time releasing the need to keep my house tidy. DH is NOT a good housekeeper or cook. I am still cooking and cleaning. The house is a mess. DH does not care, but I hate it.

I started taking at least one nap a day while DH covers and I do feel better. I was getting out for daily walks, but I am going to do them every other day instead. I think I will feel less pressure on myself this way.

I have been feeding Grey in bed in the side lying position (out of sheer exhaustion and being sick and tired of setting up the Boppie and Snoogle). We took off the top sheet and sleep with only the comforter at my hip. I set the iPhone timer for 20 min, burp and diaper change, switch boobs 20 min. I am afraid I will roll over him, so I set the timer so I do not fall into super deep sleep. Then I swaddle him and put him in the co-sleeper where he is much more restless. He loves sleeping on my boob, but how do you know you won't roll over Bay? I am a deep sleeper and scared to death of smothering him. My GF bed-shared with all three of her kids, but she is a light sleeper. DH is a violent sleeper so I also make him turn away from Grey when I am feeding him in the middle. Keep me updated on all the ways you are making it as safe as possible.
BTW-Happy to report that my milk supply is good. My boobs are leaking and superbly humongous. I am huge.

All other suggestions and advice welcome. Thanks for all your support.
Croy- pregnancy can wreak havoc on your teeth so maybe that's why you have cavities now. Let's hope the long periods of sleep continue:thumbup: I liked your advice to Kat about getting out of the house. I think that was what helped keep me sane.

Kat- the girls gave you some good advice. The newborn stage was a blur to me but I certainly remember a few nights when it would take us two hours to settle Penny. I also hate a messy house. A messy house=immediate bad mood for me. I kept my house manageable but lost out on some sleep because of it. Tim pitched in a lot and it helped that he was only working part time. Could you maybe get a house keeper to come in a couple times a week? Like Croy said, I made sure to get out of the house with Penny once a day, especially if the house was wreck! I still do that now. Breast feeding i think adds a lot more pressure and is time consuming but you are doing so well and im sure your little guy will thank you. It does sound like s growth spurt so hopefully the intense feeding is temporary (until the next one). The new born stage was filled with more worry and exhaustion than I bargained for but in the grand scheme of things it is such a short period of their lives. You will get through it and it really does get better and more fun!

AFM- penny is officially walking:happydance::cry: she has been cruising and walking while we hold her hands for months but would only take a step or two on her own. Today she was practically running away from me at the mall:dohh: we also got her ears pierced. She was such a trooper!

I hope everyone has a terrific weekend!
Kat- PM'd you hun

Penny- yay for Penny walking! Now the real fun begins!
Kat - I totally understand about the house. I still battle that stuff now. My OH doesn't seem as laid back as yours which is an added pressure but most of it comes from within me. I like having things just so and it honestly is stressful for me to have things disorganised. I think over the past few months I have started to come to terms with my new limits, and my new normal. I get to things when I can. Give the kitchen sink a once over as I am waiting for something to boil, or tea to brew. Right now, I hope you can have some grace with yourself and find peace with less than perfection for a little while. Trust me, I know exactly how that pull feels. I felt like a failure why couldn't I keep my house and take care of my baby and myself. But newborns are totally all consuming and once that sunk in it seemed easier. I don't know if that's helpful or not.

Hoping- Oh my goodness, walking already! I am sure that's a whole new ball game Good luck!
Kat I hope this thread helps you a bit:

Like this poem!

"Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,
Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,
Hang out the washing, make up the bed,
Sew on a button and butter the bread.
Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?
She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.
Oh, I’ve grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,Lullaby, rockabye, lullaby loo.
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due
Pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peek-a-boo
The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stew
And out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo
But I’m playing Kanga and this is my Roo
Look! Aren’t his eyes the most wonderful hue?
Lullaby, rockaby lullaby loo.
The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
But children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.
- Ruth Hulbert Hamilton"

Croy sorry about your teeth :hugs: and I hate taking decs down too :-( Glad Levi is sleeping for so long :wohoo: Memo has afternoon naps it's the only time I don't feel him / her!
Beautiful Xmas bubba pics love it!! Such beautiful babies!!

Heart hope your trip went well and D coped well with the travelling?

Abi sounds like Noah is doing great Hun!

Hopeful been thinking of you lots glad you are ok. That's brill that the kids sleep through the night now!

Kat hugs babe, the first weeks are hard but it does get easier. I'm definitely starting to enjoy it more now the last month. You are doing so well though!

Croy yuck to the fillings! I hate the dentists!

Hoping yay to penny walking! Bet she looks so cute!!

Fili not long left honey! Can't wait for you to join us!!

Afm - A has slept through the night 3 times now - 2 in the last week so I'm hoping this is the start of things to come!
A couple of Christmassy pics from me and one of my boy all dressed up in a shirt on Xmas eve!
Thanks ladies for all the support. I feel much better knowing it will get easier. Today has been better since I am just letting things go and telling DH exactly what I want done. Today he vacuumed, did laundry and followed my instructions on how to stir fry. He did it better than I usually do, lol. We also took a quick walk around the gardens next door.

I love all the Christmas pics. Everyone's LO is adorable and doing so good.

Yay for Penny walking. She is the first on the thread.

Fili, thanks for sending the link.

Thanks for the PM. Very informative.
Hoping - so precious she is walking!

Bumpy- cute pics and great he sttn

Pups- how have u been? Cute pics!

Kat- glad u had a better day. Sounds like ur dh is an awesome guy

Croy- just started rice cereal at night a couple nights ago, 1/2 to 1 tablespoon one time and put them in a highchair for it and spoon feed. They do ok with it but really didn't like it the first time, And still don't love it. Can't wait to try veggies and fruits. Going to start with sweet potato in a week or so.
Are you starting soon?
HV still banging on about switching to formula so i started Samuel with a little pureed fruit i had in from the baby show, organic ones. He loves it. He doesn't have much and only once a day but its a taster for him before BLW in a month or so.

Kat the early days are hard but they pass by so fast and ten you wonder where your newborn went
Kat were you induced because they thought you had a big baby? I'm worried memo is going to be big so I'm going for a scan next week, maybe tomorrow to check it out ( midwife and doc have said he's big).
Jodi- Levi is so interested in food when we are eating, he is starting to grab at everything. He will always drink water from our glass or cup. He has really good neck control and sits easily in the highchair. Everything I have read seems to say that these are things that can tell you when they are ready. He will be 5 months on Jan 11th so I might wait until then.
Planning to start with avocado puree, put the fresh avocado through a strainer and then mix with breast milk. I have a couple of books of recipes and they all suggest starting with fruits or veggies is ok. I guess they recommend starting with rice cereal because its fortified with iron and they need that at 6 months when the stores they had from us runs out. But talking to a friend who is a nutritionist she said to get iron in the amount they needed from the rice they would have to eat huge amounts of it. I think I am just going to get vitamin drops of iron if he starts to look tired. Otherwise starting with veggie purees. I could always mix the rice cereal into them too, I guess?

Fili - It's really hard for them to tell size, even though they say the baby is big. My friend is a midwife and she says that often doctors have told mums they are having a big baby and they are born and 7lbs and change. Its so hard to actually tell. Are you getting worried? They told me Levi was big but he was 9 days late and only 8.11 even then.
I hope they work with you so you can get the induction if you want it. Nemo will be here so soon!!
Hi guys Jodi a and d are just scrumptious wgat gorgeous bubbas an fab weight! Pleased ur ok now an u have seen ur family xx

Bumps love Alfie's shirt an I thought he was sitting up in pic!! X

Hoping penny is gorgeous an congrats on walking bless her now the running begins!! X

Kat it's tough at first like the girls said some days better than others! It got easier for me at 7 weeks she started sleeping through! I didn't put pressure on myself either, if I was tired I didn't go out if I wasn't we would! If I could do housework I would if not I wouldn't ad long as I had clean kitchen bathroom an nursery everything else could manage! I think like Croy said if you start to except ur new boundary it's easier, I have a thing about being on time, an I was starting to always b late!! I would get so stressed I would sweat!! Turn round an not go out coz I was pressurising myself!! In the end I would say I will meet but make it 1-130 as I found it easier to get the window of not being late!! X

I also think when u decide to say I'm normal I'm not super mum as we all try to b! I had days I didn't brush my hair lol!! Just go with it Hun an make the most of it as like pup said there's only few more weeks of suddenly there not newborn an ur up in the night once an ur expected to have a clean house fab memory presentable baby lol!! An get hubby to help def makes u feel better! Chin up chicken an snuggle ur lil man whilst u can!
I co slept as lexi Hated crib an I would do it again but I'm a light sleeper an also Pete was on sofa, my health visitor said 95% of mums would wake up as its a natural maternal instinct however dads don't have that so u need to b careful there but do what's right for u Hun xx

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