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Davies lexi is my hub's fave girl's name! But we're not sure it goes with last name though, it's between lexi and Olivia on shortlist for girl!

Croy thanks Hun that makes me feel better. Not sure I want to be induced though as isn't there more chance of a c section after an induction?
Such lovely pictures! :cloud9:

Kat, I'm sorry you are going through the hard time. I'm wondering about your breastfeeding. You mention switching sides after 20 mins. Maybe you could go longer on one side before switching with the aim of using just one side per feed? That way Gray should get to the filling calorific milk faster. Saying that, there seems to be nothing nicer than falling asleep on Mummy's booby :D
We co-sleep, mostly with a co-sleeper cot attached to my side of the bed. I used to be scared when I fell asleep during a feed but it happened a lot. Our breastfeeding adviser said that lying with our knees pulled up (almost foetal position) towards the baby would stop us from being able to roll over onto our front. I'm not sure how that works for you. Do you move around a lot?
You might find that you at some point you no longer need to burp Gray. If he does need burping, there is a great feeding position I was shown where the baby can self burp. You need to be sitting. You sit your baby on your knee (opposite side to feeding boob) and lean them on your chest. They amazingly work their way to your breast and feed. Because they are in control they can let go and burp mid-feed if they want to. I was speechless when I was shown and J did just that.
Mostly, though, we fed lying down like you and J did not require burping.

Hoping, J is a European mix of English, Irish, Scottish, Hungarian, French and Swiss. To confuse things, I speak German with him :D

Fili, some say that it can be easier to birth a bigger baby as gravity helps out :shrug:
Ah fili both lovely names, Olivia was most popular girls name in 20-2 apparently!! Lexi was like 34th I think. I still think ur having a girl font no y I just have this niggle!! Bet u can't wait to find out. ( I can't lol!!) x

Croy have u check the level for you jumperoo? I wonder if u have it on the highest ? Lexi can stand N legs are bent as dh said shall we lift the height? I wonder if you have it on highest setting. The little flower my nephew snapped Boxing Day so it's still attached just limp lol! I'm going to start lexi on veg soon to I think about 24weeks tried rice sge didn't like it! She can nearly sit up if I put her on my lap sge will sit up can stay there ages but she can't pull herself up yet, she tries bless her! She has a horrible cold at the mo! All bunged up at night an sneezy in the day so up feeding at midnight probably b again at 5!! Is levi sleeping through? Le I has been doing once a night now for weeks!! Can't wait to sleep through lol! X
I think that if you are induced it can mean higher risk of c-section. I had a c-section even though I didn't want one in my perfect world, I was not progressing (after 14 hours I was only 4cm) and baby's heart rate dipped with every contraction. They got him out pretty quick, he was blue and didn't breathe for what felt like an eternity once they got him out but that scream when it happened was the best noise ever!
Honestly, I didn't care about the birth in the moment, I just wanted him here and healthy. I am sure you would feel the same way, even though its not ideal in our dream experience. Also, I had a wonderful recovery and was back on my feet much quicker than some of my friends who delivered there can be positive stores with c-sections too. I know before I had Levi everything I read about c-sections was negative.

If we decide to try again I would actually be very thankful that we would get to just know when the baby was coming. I would be praying for a second positive csection experience. Not that we are planning that anytime soon!

Do you have boy names?
davies - we posted at the same time! Yes, we just checked the level, and its on the lowest, but he is tall enough not to need the book or a pillow anymore! He has just figured out that he can jump in it and not just play with the toys! He is hilarious! ha ha

Levi got a highchair for Christmas from Hubby's parents and he is cute sitting in it. He likes to sit but he has no balance. Did you ever watch Big Breakfast? They has a game when they would go to adverts called. Baby left, baby right where they had a video of a baby sitting o the bed which they played before the commercials and then they would play the jingle ad you were supposed to guess which way the baby fell over. When they came back to the show they would play the rest of the video and you would see which way the baby fell over. I am not sure why that sticks with me but every time Levi is sitting on the couch I just keep thinking about it and guessing which way he's going to tumble!

He is still not rolling over but he flings himself side to side. I don't think it will be long. He can do it when he is doing tummy time on hubbys chest, he likes to roll himself over and flip off onto the cushions or bed. He laughs and laughs and then tries to sit up, to go again.

They are getting into such a fun age, aren't they!?!
Ah to cute, yes fab age I think from 7/8 weeks I enjoy everyday more an more lexi is confident with rolling now she always enjoyed tummy time an I think that helped strengthen her neck, love watching her bounce in jumperoo she loves it. Is Levi showing any signs of teeth yet?
I agree about birth my sis had 2 c sections 1st vag birth 2 3rd c sections an sge healed well was up an about in no time, I think there's fors an against both but I would say go with whatever happens on the day, they will do what's necessary to get ur safe bubba! I had most people worst nightmare ventouse forceps episiotomy but I thought it was magical!!! Would do it agsin Tom nothing will ever beat that moment that my prescious baby was born an fili trust me you will feel that!! It's amazing an I'm totally jealous knowing what an exciting time you have ahead of you, I wish I could bottle it an relive it. X
Hi Ladies,
Thanks again for your continued support and advice.

I did 20 min each side because my pediatrician told me too. Since this growth spurt I am upping it to 30 min according to la leche league advice. My pediatrician thinks after 20min it is non- nutritive sucking, but I produce a lot of milk and Grey is not a super efficient eater. He needs to be burped. He has gas.

Thanks for knees UL advice. I like that.

I didn't know you co-bedded. Thanks for the info.

Everyone says to enjoy newborn time. I'm trying and finding it hard.

No one knew my baby would be so big. Dr was shocked as I only gained 25lbs and ultrasound tech thought he was about 7lbs. I induced because I feared going overdue. That's it. Wanted my baby here and there can be risks of going over, but they are rare. I did not want to go over. Inducing makes it much more likely for c section. I was very favorable and dilated, so confidant induction would work for me. Makes labor so painful. Contractions not natural. Hope you go into labor on your own. Ultrasound measurements are off by 2lbs.
Bumpy- Alfie is adorable! Loved all the pics :)

Croy- So cute that Levi flings himself onto the cushions and laughs :D I can't wait to hear Bay laugh!

Davies- Hi hun. Glad you and Lexi are doing well and weeks 7/8 on were better for her. I'll keep that in mind! :thumbup:

When did you ladies start them in the jumperoos? What age? I've heard some ppl say as early as 12 weeks...

Peti & Puppy- Good to hear from you ladies too :wave:

Fili- I was told by 2 different u/s techs & a nurse practitioner that Bay was going to be a big baby. She was only 6lb 7oz after going 5 days overdue. I did read recently that short cords are associated with lower birth weight but it still shows you how they can be wrong.

Ladies, I feel like I'm getting sick. We were supposed to go to Oregon tomorrow to see family for the new year but now I think we will be stuck at home. My worries are mostly about Bay though. She's only 4 weeks old! Am I going to get her sick? Will my milk protect her or is that not certain? Anyone get sick with a wee LO?
Kat- is it getting any better yet? How many days have you noticed the growth spurt type behavior? I think ours lasted 4 or 5 but I read most ppl say 2-7 days.
Kat- newborns are hard work! The sleep deprivation is horrible. It will get better. That's a long time for a boob feed. D would go 20 min on 1 boob and then done and sleeping but we only nursed once a night and I pumped after.

Tuckie- the kids got me sick at 4 months. Breastmilk is supposed to help though. Hope u feel better and I would rest if you can.
Tuckie - Sorry you are feeling sick. When we were all sick the doctor told me to keep nursing. If Levi did catch whatever we had she said the antibodies in the milk should reduce his version of any bug, Sadly Levi did get sick, so sad, but it felt like a right of passage.
If you have a cold I would HIGHLY recommend getting a nose frida. It is like the bulb syringe for sucking snot but 100 times better. You have to suck the tube but the yucky gets stuck in the filter so it never makes it anywhere near your mouth. Hubs is master at it. It made our little man feel so much better, we also spent a lot of time in the bathroom with the shower going to make steam and that helped him get cleared out before we put him down at night. Just some tips we gleaned from other parents of sicky bubbas!

Hope you feel better soon!
Tuckie I think most babies calm down before that stage but lexi was extremely colicky do not fun!! Sorry bout ur nye Hun!! I feel we will b the same le I normally wakes once in the night sge goes down at 730-9 depending on our day an is up anything from 7-830am once In the night, so it's ok little routine well my bubs has a cold so she was awake at 845 9 sge had a bottle 1am a bottle an now 520 a third!! Bless her she has just downed another 5oz an has gone back off over my shoulder I did give her some medicine!
Croy I might try that she's do bunged up at night I just want to blow her nose poor moo! X

Kat ur doing amazing Hun don't forget that?? X
Thanks Pip I have heard that too, I plan to be on all 4's as this helps when I've been having painful period cramps so far and also gravity will be even more on my side then xx J is going to be an international bi/tri lingual wizz kid! :)

Davies I will be so shocked if Memo is a girl! I am trying to prepare myself!! Can't believe how big all the gorgeous Marl babies are getting!

Croy thanks for all your advice hun & it's lovely to read you had a quick recovery. I am in no way dead set against a c section anyway so long as baby comes out OK! I was going to elect for one but we want to try again really soon after so in that case a natural birth is slightly better but if I need a c section then so be it. We have Leo for a boy's name, just Leo! With James as a middle name.

Kat thanks hun, I am scared about going over too. I have a scan on Wednesday at 11am to check everything out - placenta function, amniotic fluid, cord, weight whether Memo needs a blanket and bear! I'm sorry you're struggling :hugs: I really think that everyone does though.. I am a witch without my sleep, in fact change the 'w' to'b' and having a little person to suddenly care for 24/7 is stressful it MUST be! :hugs:

Aww Tuckie sorry you're sick :hugs: I think babies can be more resilient than we give them credit for though. I hope you get better soon.

Hopeful I think I said this but glad you had a nice Xmas with your family :cloud9: How are you feeling at the moment? How's work?

What's everyone doing today? I am being wined and dined in central London then back home for a NYE quiz with old friends via Skype at 10pm! Happy New Year everyone! xxx
Hi everyone, I've not been on for a few days, hope everyone had a lovely Christmas.
What beautiful baby pictures, Davies, Embo, Hopeful and Pip. I just had to read back there.

Davies those jumperoos are brilliant, my niece had that one and it was the best buy ever for her, Im getting it as a hand me down for Emelia.

Kat, I read that your having quite a difficult time, well if it makes you feel any better so have I. Im realising just how difficult and 24/7 this can be. I think we were a bit naieve at first and finding it all so easy especially as we are bottle feeding so from day one Emelia has slept for 4 hours at a time and then fed and went straight back to sleep we havent had to nurse her etc. Well people were right when they told me not to get too used to it as it will probably change, she is now crying quite a lot and after each feed is crying hard and taking hours to settle her down especially during the nights. Im finding it quite difficult and last night ended up in tears as I just felt so on edge.

At times Im finding the slightest thing is bothering me and I know it shouldnt. Im the exact same when it comes to housework, as Hoping said an untidy house=a bad mood for me too, Im quite OCD I guess but I like my house on order or I just cant relax and its becoming quite difficult to keep on top of everything at times.

I find it hard to get organised to go out places aswell especially if you have to make a certain time for appointments etc. yesterday I was going shopping and my mum said that she would come and pick me up , instantly I felt stressed cos I had to be ready for a certain time, I managed to get showered and ready and just about to have breakfast when Emelia started screaming hungry so no breakfast for me.
When we'd finished shopping I struggled to get the pram collapsed down and into the car which really stressed me out aswell. I think Im feeling extremely hormonal just now as several times Ive felt crampy as though my period is going to come but it still hasnt. On top of it all Ive had the cold and flu symtpoms which just makes things ten times worse, it seems to be going round everyone.
Kat, it is important that you are doing what feels right :hugs: you are Mummy and your instincts will tell you when something is wrong. All babies are incredibly different, too. What works for one doesn't necessarily for the other. I found the first 2-3 months the hardest. After about 8 weeks, though, the rewards in terms of cooing communication and smiles from your baby will start to outweigh all the boring negative bits. You will see!
As for the house, do you think you could bear letting someone help you? I found our cleaners to be a godsend!

Fili, I'm pretty confident your scans were right about team blue. Leo is a lovely name (same as my nephew's) :cloud9:
Happy new year everyone! 2012 was a fabulous year for us all and lets hope2013 will be even better!!!

Fili love all your names!! So excited about you and mrsm!!!

Just and kat - hugs to you both. Just I was exactly the same as you - I found the first couple of weeks with Alfie fairly easy he fed every 4 hours and slept constantly in between!! But then they start to have more awake time and it gets harder. I remember a few occasions of not being able to settle him after a night feed and ending up in tears!!! But as pip says when they start smiling, cooing at you and being able to do more the rewards are amazing!!!!! Alfie settles so well now for naps and at bed times it definitely gets easier and more fun! Hang in there girls you are doing amazing x x x
Hey ladies, thanks for all the helpful comments. However, I woke up this morning and didn't feel sick :shrug: must have fought it off! Just/Kat- Hang in there :hugs: Bay has been pretty good lately but she has her days that are downright exhausting & frustrating! Last night she didn't want to sleep for us. She was fighting at my breast & whining loudly. Idk what that's about. She just started doing it lately... I hope everyone has fab New Years! :) Kiss your bubbas at midnight! We all got the best gifts ever for 2012 afterall :D
Glad it was not a cold hon. Yes, we all have something major to be grateful for this year even if the something prevents us from sleeping.
Grey is on Day 6! Wish it were the lucky ones with 2-3 days of fussiness.
Grey was doing weird nipple play after we introduced a pacifier. Tossed the pacis and now he is back to normal.

They scan you every other day here when you go over. Good you booked a private scan.

I heard at 8 weeks it gets better. I'm just holding on to that.

I remember you were able to go out on a date a few days in. Sorry you are having it rough, but thank you for sharing so I know I am not alone right now.

We are not leaving the house except for dr's appts which we have been late, but my dr is always late too.

Had no idea Lexi had colic. You never complained once. Thanks for sharing.

Thank goodnes 20 min for you since you had two.

Last night was better because DH and I took turns sleeping and one of us had to hold the baby. I cheated and just let Grey suckle at the breast for my entire 2.5 hour shift. I fell asleep and woke up and he was still suckling. switched sides and the same. I don't want to bedshare, but that is what I am doing during my shift. My nipple are so tender today. He uses me as a pacifier on top of his liesure feeds.

I fed for 12hrs of the last 24 hours since I increased my BF to 30 min each side. He did seem happier. It is good knowing it will get better and I pray this growth spurt is almost damn done. Thank goodness for DH who wore him in the Ergo all morning, so I could do laundry, workout a little and shower. Now Grey is actually sleeping on his own in the Ergo insert right in front of me, propped on the Boppie, for the first time in days. YAY!!!

Besides this, where do i get a sports bra for my 32G/H boobs?
Kat- Glad it went a little better. My OH has been invaluable too. I don't know how anyone does it alone! I was using a bra at first but I like the camisoles better. I got 4 at Target in size XL for the big boobs to fit and this way I just take off my sweater and pop a boob out of the cami or if we're going out, I wear a shirt with buttons down the front. Bay uses me as a paci too but she loves her soothie pacis for naps & they've been a lifesaver! Happy New Year :) I'm doing last minute BFing before we leave for Oregon. Luckily she loves the car and always sleeps in her car seat. We will stop for diaper changes & feeds of course. We'll see how it goes!

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