Thanks Pip I have heard that too, I plan to be on all 4's as this helps when I've been having painful period cramps so far and also gravity will be even more on my side then xx J is going to be an international bi/tri lingual wizz kid!
Davies I will be so shocked if Memo is a girl! I am trying to prepare myself!! Can't believe how big all the gorgeous Marl babies are getting!
Croy thanks for all your advice hun & it's lovely to read you had a quick recovery. I am in no way dead set against a c section anyway so long as baby comes out OK! I was going to elect for one but we want to try again really soon after so in that case a natural birth is slightly better but if I need a c section then so be it. We have Leo for a boy's name, just Leo! With James as a middle name.
Kat thanks hun, I am scared about going over too. I have a scan on Wednesday at 11am to check everything out - placenta function, amniotic fluid, cord, weight whether Memo needs a blanket and bear! I'm sorry you're struggling

I really think that everyone does though.. I am a witch without my sleep, in fact change the 'w' to'b' and having a little person to suddenly care for 24/7 is stressful it MUST be!
Aww Tuckie sorry you're sick

I think babies can be more resilient than we give them credit for though. I hope you get better soon.
Hopeful I think I said this but glad you had a nice Xmas with your family

How are you feeling at the moment? How's work?
What's everyone doing today? I am being wined and dined in central London then back home for a NYE quiz with old friends via Skype at 10pm! Happy New Year everyone! xxx