Muslim Mummys to be .. ? Ramadan Update :)

OH MY! We have so much in common its freaky!

First on my side and will be 11th on his side iA. Hahaha...

I have to think about the gym, you have no idea how much I have been eating lately and its all been BAD! I don't know why I can't just be craving a salad or something healthy.

Wow you family is a mix too! Kenya huh? That's amazing! I wanted to do so much travelling with my Husband before we got tied down, but sometimes Allah SWT has other plans for us.

I am considering a babymoon. I never really got to have a honeymoon, we got married and started organising a place to live and furniture the honeymoon as going to be next. hehe oh well.

Do you miss your family? I do... maybe its because we come from smaller families, you know? I am very close with my sisters and now I feel a little lonely at times without them.

Having a husband is great but he isn't a girl. LOL girl conversations are very different. I think he gets bored when I start talking to him about girl stuff.
Lol! It is a bit freaky!!

Do you have only sisters? I'm the eldest of 3 daughters. Know what u mean about not being to talk to hubby about girls stuff. I sometimes start talking to him about hair and makeup but soon notice his eyes beginning to glaze over and the boredom setting in! Lol! Mind you, I'm the same if he tries to talk about cars with me. I really try to be interested, but I do find it all a bit boring. :shhh:

I've eaten junk all day too. I made nice healthy jacket potatoes for dinner, but before they were even done I knew I wouldn't want to eat them. Just sent hubby out to McDonald's :dohh:. I must be better tomorrow!!

Definitely try to have a little holiday with hubby before the little one comes along. Going on hol with a baby is never quite the same!
Hey! Had my scan and all went really well mashAllah. Little bub was very active doing jumps and even did a clap for us! Lol! :happydance: They did the nuchal fold measurement and I'm just waiting for the blood results now.

We announced to my youngest sis over the weekend. She was very surprised!

Good luck with ur scan!

Yes just got back... WOW it was amazing to see him/her moving around so much. Alhamdulilah.... oh gosh! So happy.

Yes I have to get the blood work done too. However my date changed... apparently I am 13 weeks today.

But i won't change anything... rather give the bub an extra two days if s/he needs it.

Funny, I have one brother and two sisters. I don't get on well with my brother we clash a lot. Guess when my baby is due... YUP on his birthday. How fitting!

I'm so happy your scan went so well. InshaAllah our children will be happy and healthy and of the mominien. Amin!

Did you get any pics??

It's amazing how much they change and grow in such a short space of time isn't it. I did get a pic and cant stop looking at it! My date got pushed forward too. I'm now due 25th Feb, but as I will probably have another c section baby will come at least a week early anyway.

Do you still think you are having a girl? I'm not sure myself, but I did notice that the placenta was on the left side so could mean I'm having a girl?
They do say that most babies don't come on their actual due date so you should be ok! All my neices and nephews on hubby's side have their birthdays in and around Feb and march so we have another one to add!
You had a c-section for your first? Why? Was that by choice? I do have the choice too and my DH thinks I should do it the traditional way. Though if I could choose I think I'd opt for a C-section. But my reasons would be selfish.

I'm off to the doctors today with my results from the scans and blood test. So inshaAllah all goes well.

Im not yet showing still but my clothes dont fit anymore. I will go buy some clothes for work on the weekend. I have a wedding to attend also, I am trying to find something a little loose just incase.

I had a dream I was having a girl.... So that would be my only reason for thinking its a girl. Though I think the majority of my family would like a boy.

Seeing as this is my first I really don't care, just hoping for a happy and healthy baby Amin!

I had no idea about placenta positioning! I wish i paid more attention now. I will have a gender scan on Sept 13th. Its an optional scan and it will be in 3D. I don't mind waiting out till 20 weeks but my hubby is dying to know so we are going to a private place where you have to pay to do it.

Gosh... I get nervous thinking about it. I am still a little pessimistic I would love to start collecting things for the baby slowly during sales and stuff but I get worried in my head its too soon especially since I am not showing yet.
Salam. Hope you are well.

How did the trip to the doctors go? I got my results back and it all came back low risk mashAllah. :happydance:

Had to have a c-section with my first as he was breech. This only got discovered when my waters broke and I went into hospital! It was a bit of a shock to say the least. If I had a choice and he had not been breech, I would definitely have tried the natural way. With a c-section it’s a bit weird, as you feel quite detached from the whole process and it’s not how I expected giving birth to be. But that’s how it was meant to be and we are just happy baby was born healthy and there were no other issues.

Ooh I’m really excited for you. You only have a couple of weeks before you find out the sex! The suspense is killing me, but we are waiting it out until my 20 week scan. Last time we went for an early gender scan around 16-17 weeks and they got the sex wrong! We were told it was going to be a girl, although they didn’t seem 100%. At 20 weeks we were expecting the sex to be reconfirmed as a girl, but got a shock when we were told boy! Hubby was very happy though as he had really wanted a son.

I’ve seen clothes in the sales, but I will just have to hold out until October! Feels so far away!
Alhamdulilah all is well.

Oh wow that would have been a shock! I guess I need to be prepared for something like that too. Have you started to tell more ppl now? I can still get away with not telling as I am still not showing yet. I kind of wish I was to make the experience more REAL. Lol not that being sick for 3 months wasn’t real!

Oh dear, well when I go to the early gender scan I will be nearly 17 weeks. Ah I am ok to wait to be honest it’s my Hubby that’s DYING to know… and yes he is keen for a boy too. Be to honest I really have no idea what it could be… could really go either way 50/50 LOL. I guess I’ll judge based on how confident the lady is when she tells us what we are having. Next Friday iA a good holy day, Friday the 13th hehe.

Now that I think of it you’re right a C-section would carry a distant feeling. You don’t really see anything until the baby is pulled out huh?

I am still feeling a little moody it has died down though and nothing fits me anymore. I have gained 4kgs / 8lbs I’m hoping that’s not too bad it works out to be a kilo a month so far. I’ve started walking at nights it helps me relax and feel good.
From what I've read, its best to err on the side of caution if you get told you are having a girl at an early gender scan. There is more chance of that changing then if you get told its a boy.

We have told all our family and friends now. It does make it feel more real once everyone knows. I think my boss nearly fell over in shock! LOL. Probably the last thing he wanted to hear a month after my return!

I don’t think anyone had guessed, although I felt people must have an idea as I didn’t look quite so slim anymore. I’d managed to lose all my baby weight prior to this pregnancy, but have put on half a stone too. I’m quite happy with that as I think its better to space out the weight gain among all 3 trimesters. It’s meant to be better for warding off stretch marks too! I’ve been wearing maternity trousers and jeans, as normal trousers were no longer comfy around the bump. This week I’ve noticed the material on the more fitted trousers is getting increasingly snug around my thighs! Im trying to make do with my normal tops, but I do feel quite frumpy in them. Don’t want to get the maternity tops out just yet, as they have a habit of making you look even bigger than you are.

With the c-section, I didn’t even know when the baby had been delivered. You can feel a bit of pressure, but other than that I didn’t have a clue what was happening. We eventually heard a few muffled cries, while I assume they were cleaning the blood and other gunk out of his mouth. Then they just held him up for a second to show me and off he went to get cleaned. Hubby cut the cord and was the first to hold him. I only really got to look at him and stroke him while he was in hubby’s arms. Before taking me back to the ward, they did give me one on one, skin time with him for about half hour which was great. But yes, a completely different experience from what I had imagined. I know what to expect this time though and it’s a case of better the devil you know.

I’m still feeling very tired. I’m sleeping reasonably well at night, but come 9pm ish, I feel exhausted and like I could sleep, sleep and sleep!

Have you started feeling any flutters yet? I had been feeling the odd flutter on and off, but that all seemed to change overnight this week and I’m feeling proper movement now. Only really when I’m lying still in bed or sitting at my desk at work. I don’t think I felt it this strong until 18/20 weeks last time and I’ve actually jumped a few times when its caught me off guard!

How are you finding working at the same time as the pregnancy? I’m on countdown until I leave LOL.

How are you? Im so gald to hear everyone is going well. YES!!! MY boss would die too if I came back and then told him I am preggos again. But the thing is I think I might take this opportunity for a job change. I'm in marketing at the moment as much as I enjoy it my heart isn't in the industry I am in. I am in architectural Lighting and its soooo boring.

The good thing here is that the Government gives women who give birth paid parental leave for 18 weeks. So I'll be ok for a few months or so... then rely on Hubbys pay for a bit then look for something closer to home and on a part time basis.

It's a bit hard for me to tell people because so far I don't feel pregnant anymore LOL. Im kinda showing but I assume ppl just think I am enjoying marriage and packing on the weight LOL. I don't crave much anymore either and the morning sickness pretty much gone. Breasts are looking different that’s for sure!

It still hasn't hit me yet ... no flutters yet I guess you can feel them more when it’s a consecutive pregnancy.

I often think about how my body will change after a baby. I can't help but feel a little anxious. My Mum has a lot of stretch marks but she tells me it's because she didn't exercise or eat healthy. She pretty much ate non-stop and gained 25kgs. I personally don’t care but you know being newly married I can't help but worry a little. But he is a good Muslim man and having that connection with God helps in situations like this.

Best I can do is lather the creams on my belly! LOL

Gosh I find out what I am having next Friday. Have you thought of any names yet? I hope you have a girl. :thumbup:

Ive told my husband that he is not to go near my nether region during birthing and not to hold the baby before me. He agreed, though not sure how much control I will have at that point. LOL

I'm soooo glad I have you as a Friend to chat with. OMG have I even asked you your name? Do you check your emails often? Maybe I can send you my email and we can chat away freely!
Hi there! :hi:

I'm good thanks. Hope all is good with you too.

I can empathise with the job situation. I'm really bored of my field too. I work in leasehold property, which was great at first, but would much rather be working for myself now. Hubby has his own business and although it can be hard when he wants to take time off, it also has lots of pros too like not answering to anyone! I'm not sure what I would do though, but I guess I've got the next year to think about it. I'm going to take a year's maternity leave and don't plan to go back to work after. The maternity leave in the UK is pretty good. We get 39 weeks paid, although this isn't full pay.

Give it another month or so and people will probably start to wonder if you are pregnant. I've only told my team at work and I'm just waiting for people to start wondering if I'm over indulging or pregnant! I have noticed a few glances at my tummy, but perhaps they think I haven't lost all my baby weight?

I'm not craving too much either, although today I woke up wanting a fresh cream dessert! LOL. My energy seems to be coming back too and I can stay up until 11pm without falling asleep on the sofa! LOL. Tell me about it - my breasts are feeling very heavy and sometimes they are so sore and the soreness radiates into my armpits. Not nice :nope:.

As the weight piles on, in a way it feels nice to see a growing bump, but you can't help feeling self conscious too. It's best to just embrace it, as its the only time we get to put weight on and have a proper valid excuse for it! Don't worry, inshAllah the weight will come off for both of us with no probs. I put on 3 stone with my first and within 6 months it had gone. I also have friends that pinged back to their pre-pregnancy weight within a couple of weeks. Lucky cows! I think breast feeding really helps to burn the extra fat.

Ha ha! That conversation you had with your other half sounds very similar to one I previously had with mine! I had heard all these stories about women pooping in labour and gave hubby very clear instructions about only staying around my top half LOL.

I had an appointment with my midwife this week. She mentioned I would be getting an appointment at the hospital to discuss my options for birth - either repeat c section or natural birth. I told her I had previously wanted a water birth and she said there was no reason why I couldn't this time. That has made me a bit more open to the idea of possibly trying a natural birth. Recovery would be quicker and easier and I wouldn't need to stay in hospital for long either. I'm going to keep my options open and decide closer to my due date.

Aww its lovely to chat to you too! So nice to have someone at same stage of the pregnancy as me. Would definitely be better to talk via our own emails. I'll send you a private message with my details.

Take care hun! x

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