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My babies sleep through the night. Normal?


pregnant after lttc
May 16, 2011
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My 3 1/2 month old twins sleep 8 hours a night. I feed them every 2-3 hours a day, so 7 feeds, and then they sleep all night. All i read is that breastfed babies don't sleep all night etc. but mine do. Anyone else? Is it ok?
They were waking up once before and then they started sleeping through. They are gaining well
I just had my 4th last month and all were breast fed. My first three all slept 6-8 hours by 6 weeks. As long as they are gaining its fine. So its possible. Enjoy!!!
Some women have a hard time keeping up their supply if baby slrrps at night so may want to watch that.
My first baby was like that. I didn't know he was "supposed" to be waking up and that he wasn't "normal." lol. Enjoy it!!! If they are gaining weight, then as the PP said, perhaps supply might be your only worry. But if they aren't waking to eat at night, then you don't really need to be producing at night, right? So enjoy your sleep!
My 3 month old sleeps 9 hours straight at night. I think it's great. Only problem I have is sometimes when I wake up I have leaked a bit, I'm guessing cause I'm so full after going 9 hours without feeding
My daughter sleeps from 10pm-7am, she has done since she was a week old. Even when she was fresh out she'd only wake once or twice. She's exclusively breastfed. Health visitor said as long as they're putting on weight properlu then it's fine :)
Most nights (with last night being the exception, fingers crossed it's not the start of a trend) my son has been sleeping through the night since about 2 months old. He actually slep through the night a couple times at under 1 month. My ped said after 6 weeks there is no need to wake them to feed, although sometimes I wake up so engorged I wake him just to give me some relief. My son is usually on the boob all evening then drinks 4 oz pumped milk, so I figure he just sort of stocks up for the night. During the day he rarely goes longer than 1 1/2 hours between feeds.
My first was a terrific sleeper but he was FF. Second (EBF) was a terrible, terrible sleeper. My third (BF with one bottle of formula a day) has been an amazing sleeper since day one. By a few weeks old she was sleeping 6 hour stretches at a time and now she sleeps a solid 10 hours before waking up to nurse. Sometimes 12.
I really think it's more personality than food. My exclusively breastfed boy has been cluster feeding in the evenings and sleeping long stretches from about a week old. He started at about 5 hours and has gradually gone longer, and the past couple nights he's gone about 8 before waking to eat. His doctor said it's fine if he's gaining weight well. I don't know if it will last, but I'm enjoying it for now.

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