My Birth Story - Scarlett Melody Born 16.09.10


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2009
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I guess my birth story should start two days before my Princess was born on the 14th September. I went to my 40 week MW appointment expecting to have a sweep and find out whether the MW thought I would be giving birth soon. I was pleased that I was being seen by the Senior MW who had done my original booking appointment. I got ready for my sweep and lay down on the bed and the MW decided to check the baby’s position. As she started palpating I saw a very concerned look on her face and then she said the immortal words “I’m sorry Louise but I think your baby has turned back to breech”. I promptly burst into tears! With everything we had been through getting the baby to turn around I couldn’t believe the baby had found the room to move back again and I realised I was going to have no choice but to have the C-Section I had been trying so hard to avoid. My active birth classes were going to have been a waste of time and my Tens machine was never going to come out of the box. The MW went off to find the Consultant who came back with a portable scanner and confirmed that the baby was breech. We discussed my very limited options and the Consultant pulled some strings to get my C-Section booked for two days later – the 16th September. I drove home in a complete blur – my DH had been unable to attend the appointment with me but I called him as I was in such distress and he came home from work. Over the next few hours I cried, not because I was scared of having the operation but I guess I was grieving for the natural birth and labour experience I so desperately wanted but now wasn’t going to have. It took several hours of tears and talking for me to accept the situation and focus on the fact that in less than 48 hours I was going to meet my baby.

The night before the section I was quite anxious as I took my first Ranitidine tablet. DH removed the toe nail polish that had been applied at the surprise Pedicure he had booked for me the week before and off I went to bed. I slept surprisingly well but was up at 5.30 am to have a shower and wash my hair. It’s amazing how quickly you can get ready when you aren’t allowed to wear make-up! With great trepidation we arrived at the hospital shortly after 7.30 am. I handed over my notes and we were shown to a waiting room. After some time I was collected and taken to the pre-op area. I was looked after by a lovely re-assuring nurse and I got into my gown. Time passed slowly and at 10.30 I was told we would be going in shortly. At 10.50 just as we were about to be taken in an Emergency arrived so they went into the Theatre that had been prepared for me and DH and I went to sit in a quiet room to wait. By this point I was feeling very nervous and just wanted to get on with it. At 11.30am we were collected and taken back down to Theatre. The team introduced themselves to me including two MW’s from the post-natal ward. One was scrubbing in and the other would be looking after me throughout. I discussed with the MW that I was desperate for skin-to-skin and wanted to hold the baby asap. We handed over the Classical CD that we had decided to play during the birth and requested that the screen be lowered so that we could see our baby born.

The next part is somewhat of a blur and all I can say is that the Spinal Block being inserted hurt like hell. I admire anyone who can sit still long enough to have one put in when they are actually in Labour. It was by far the worst part of the procedure and the C-Section being performed didn’t bother me in the least compared to the Epidural. After what seemed like forever but was only a matter of minutes according to DH, the painkillers were in and started to work their magic. At 12.06 the Surgeon made the first cut and at 12.12 my beautiful baby daughter was born.

Scarlett Melody weighed 8lb 6oz. We were so shocked as we had been told to expect a 7lb baby and asked them to double check. Scarlett arrived into the world bum first, doing a wee and crying. The MW quickly rubbed her with a towel, weighed her and did her agpar scores in less than a minute. DH decided to cut the cord despite having said previously that he definitely didn't want to and I'm glad he did. Then finally, I got to hold my beautiful girl. I honestly can’t put into words how that moment felt and the complete and total rush of love I felt, not just for my little girl but also for my DH who I honestly thought I couldn’t love any more than I did already. I continued to hold Scarlett as they stitched me up and she actually managed to latch on despite the awkward position I had to hold her in. When the Op was complete we were wheeled into recovery and I was helped to feed Scarlett. We spent some time admiring our little bundle and then called our family with the good news. Although we knew we were having a little girl we hadn’t told any of our family and we hadn’t told anyone about our name choices. There were lots of lovely conversations and an fair few tears from my Mum and Grandmother’s.

Eventually we were wheeled up to the Post-natal ward. Scarlett and I had skin-to-skin contact for practically 10hours, I didn’t want to put her down. DH went home at 8pm ish. I only slept for 2 hours that first night -,Scarlett fed and slept like an angel, However, the two other ladies on my ward were let’s just say less than considerate and I was still filled with adrenaline and couldn’t relax. Fortunately that situation resolved itself the next day as I had a chat with the MW’s and they moved me to a room on my own. Scarlett fed well while I still had colostrum but due to the C-Section, anaemia and the fact that I lost a lot of blood during surgery, my milk was a little slow to come in. That is one thing I wish that someone had warned me could happen as it would have saved a lot of tears and heartache. I had classic baby blues over my lack of milk as Scarlett lost 12% of her body weight when she was weighed on day 3. The hospital were fantastic, they encouraged me to start expressing milk to stimulate my supply. I was discharged on Tuesday evening and it is so lovely to be home. My milk supply is increasing every day and when the MW visited yesterday we discovered Scarlett had gained 110grams in 24hours!!!! Not bad considering their expectation was 30-50grams.

The C-Section itself wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected, the only way I can describe it is like someone doing washing up in your tummy. It doesn’t hurt at all but you can feel a pushing and pulling sensation. It took a long time for the feeling to come back in my lower body, I would say that by midnight I could feel every part of my body down to my toes. The first day after the operation was the worse day, getting mobile was very difficult but I think the key is to get moving asap. I still have some pain but my scar is healing brilliantly. I am able to walk normally for the first time in months which is nice. I suspect I am not resting quite as much as I should be so I will make an effort to do so over the next few days as next week I’m keen to get out and about with Scarlett in her pram.

Without a doubt having Scarlett was one of the best days of my life and the only thing that I can compare to it, was my Wedding day. I absolutely love being a Mum and I finally think I understand the term “job satisfaction”

Finally – here are some pictures of my beautiful girl.:cloud9:


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Congratulations and well done:flower:shes gorgeous! xx
Gorgeous story MrsJ! Congrats again on Scarlett, love love love her name!! xx
Congratulations, she is just beautiful!

I'm sorry she was breech but I guess no sympathy is really needed for one of the best days of your life :)
she was born on my birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i even made a thread hoping someone would have a baby on my birthday and you did !!
well done baby scarlett fantastic choice of b day !!!
shes beautiful congrats hun x
She is gorgeous and fab choice of name, congratulations x
aww Mrs J you had me welling up at your lovely story! Congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous daughter xx
Congratulations she is absolutely beautiful xx
What a lovely birth story, well done you, and congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter xxx:hugs:
Amazing. A million congratulations, she is beautiful. And I am very glad to hear how good the hospital were :)

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