My D&C experience


Mum to a miracle
Jan 9, 2015
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Hi Ladies. I am sorry that you all find yourselves here :hugs:

I found out that I lost my little bean last Tuesday 31/03/15. Prior to that I had had brown spotting with the odd few brown clots (sorry if TMI). Due to this I had a scan 11 days beforehand on Friday 20/03/15. The sonographer said that she saw a sac but at this stage was unable to tell if the pregnancy was viable. In my head I knew hat baby had stopped growing and I sobbed my heart out all the way through until the next scan. Its weird how you 'just know'. All my pregnancy symptoms seemed good at first but then they just stopped in their tracks, which made me worry a few days before the spotting started.
I went back for the scan and the sonographer said that baby had stopped growing and had been re- absorbed as nothing could be seen. I remained calm as I had cried so much before, I just wanted to thank practically and about how to end the pregnancy. This was a lot harder than I thought. We were told all the options and we went home to discuss (DH and I).
I originally chose medical management as I wanted it to all be over with ASAP. But I couldn't go through with it after researching. I wasn't prepared to see all of the blood and to have the pain. I am also a bridesmaid in a wedding this week so didn't want to worry about anything going on down below. After speaking to my Mum I opted for a D & C. They were able to book me in for Saturday 4th April, which was fab! The whole time I worried about MC naturally as the bleeding started to increase. Luckily I didn't .
When we got to the hospital we were pleasantly surprised. We had been placed in the private part of the hospital and had our own room an en-suite. It was like being at a travel lodge! I feel that this made things easier as made me feel much more comfortable and gave DH and me the privacy we needed. I know that we were very lucky to have this, I just wish that all women could have this, I really do as it was a big help,
I would say that the worst pat of the day was the waiting around as I was so nervous. My op was much later as an emergency case was dealt with first. However I was comfortable and DH and me chatted and watched TV.
Whilst waiting for the op the nurse came in and did all of my forms. A while later she gave me a drug called misoprostol which was use to soften my cervix. She also gave me two paracetamol as she said that it could cause cramps and headaches. I got a couple of pulling twinges but nothing much at all. The tablets opened my bowel more than anything, I had quite bad diarrhoea. The nurse came by and said not to worry as that was also a side effect. I had no
headaches either.
After a couple of hours the porter came down to get me for my op. I was so nervous and began to cry as I said goodbye to DH. It was a cry of sadness but also a cry of relief. Once down in the main hospital in the room where they prepare you for the op, the nurse down there was lovely, very friendly and tried her best to calm my nerves. The anaesthetist was lovely too. I asked where he was putting me to sleep as I said that last time it was in the theatre and I didn't like it much. He said that he prefers to do it in the room we are in as he said a lot of patients find the theatre scary. Phew!!! That made me feel much better. Being put to sleep wasn't bad at all. the nurse was talking to me about holidays. I closed my eyes and responded a few times but that is all I can remember.
I woke up in recovery. A bit dazed thinking oh my goodness its over. I had a very sore throat and the nurse was there right next to me and straight away got my a drink of water before I could even say anything. I had a bit of a cry when I woke up as it hit me that the pregnancy was now gone and I was no longer pregnant. The nurse and I had a good talk and she was very re- assuring. I had some aching and discomfort in the uterus area. It wasn't the worst of pain at all, more uncomfortable than anything. The nurse gave me 20mg of morphine to help. I was also given some painkillers in theatre. After 40 minutes in recovery (low blood pressure) I was taken back to my room where DH was waiting wondering why I had been so long (I took ages to wake up, probably so exhausted from lack of sleep the night before).
Once in the room I was monitored blood pressure and temperature every 15 minutes for an hour and then very half-hour for 2 hours after that. Whilst recovering I watched TV and they kindly gave me a sandwich and cup of tea. DH also bought me in some snacks as I was so hungry!
I didn't feel any pain and the bleeding was like a period. The day after I also had no pain and today 3 days on nothing, very minimal bleeding, They have given me pain pillers and paracetamol but have not used them once! It s as if nothing has happened, its so weird! It nice not to have the physical pain as its enough to cope with emotionally.
So my experience of the D& C was very positive, was over quickly, no pain and hardly any bleeding. The emotional pain will take a while but I am just trying to keep myself busy. We have been told that we can TTC after my first period post D & C , which I have been told should be in 4- 6 weeks time. I wouldn't try before as I feel my body needs time to heal and I need to heal emotionally. I am on a break from TTC as I don't feel that we are waiting to try. A break right now is what we need and we will make the decision on when to try again once AF shows
up again.
This has been an awful time, especially since I thought this would be it after my first MC, but someone up there has other plans for us.

Wishing you all the best of luck and so sorry that you are going through this too xx :flower:
Thank you so much for your story. I'm going for a D&C tomorrow. This has really helped
Your welcome Amy. So sorry that you are also going through this.
I wanted to help others who are unfortunately going through the same thing as myself.
In all honesty it is nothing to worry about (although you will naturally be nervous). Only 3 days on: i feel like I have had nothing done and have virtually no bleeding.
Wishing you a speedy recovery :flower:
I have exactly the same feelings about my D&C last week. I had a MMC and 5 days prior to surgery I was so worried that I would have a miscarriage at home as I was bleeding, not heavy but red all the same.
The day of the surgery I was so relieved that my nightmare was nearly over physically. The operation went well ( although I lost quite a lot of blood) so I was glad that it didn't happen naturally at home as I probably would have ended up in A&E anyways. I cried as I was put to sleep as I knew I would no longer be pregnant in waking up. I also cried on waking up as I was sad and relieved all at the same time.
It is now 6 days on and physically I feel fine. A little bit of bleeding but nothing really. I was coping quite well emotionally until today. Today I'm not sure how I feel, but I am guessing that's the hormone crash.
I am so glad I opted for medical management and for me this was the best option by far.
I'm sorry for your loss Trying4first but I am glad that SMM worked best for you too.
For anyone reading this thread, I am also sorry for your loss. Xx

When are you likely to TTC again Trying? My DH wants to wait about 3 months, but i was hoping to start right away. I guess I'll know for sure after further conversation but today I am really sad I'm not pregnant. I am also super scared of it happening again though. Xx
I have exactly the same feelings about my D&C last week. I had a MMC and 5 days prior to surgery I was so worried that I would have a miscarriage at home as I was bleeding, not heavy but red all the same.
The day of the surgery I was so relieved that my nightmare was nearly over physically. The operation went well ( although I lost quite a lot of blood) so I was glad that it didn't happen naturally at home as I probably would have ended up in A&E anyways. I cried as I was put to sleep as I knew I would no longer be pregnant in waking up. I also cried on waking up as I was sad and relieved all at the same time.
It is now 6 days on and physically I feel fine. A little bit of bleeding but nothing really. I was coping quite well emotionally until today. Today I'm not sure how I feel, but I am guessing that's the hormone crash.
I am so glad I opted for medical management and for me this was the best option by far.
I'm sorry for your loss Trying4first but I am glad that SMM worked best for you too.
For anyone reading this thread, I am also sorry for your loss. Xx

When are you likely to TTC again Trying? My DH wants to wait about 3 months, but i was hoping to start right away. I guess I'll know for sure after further conversation but today I am really sad I'm not pregnant. I am also super scared of it happening again though. Xx

Hi Teeny weeny

Glad that SMM worked well for you too. I definitely know it was the right choice for me. I'm just very shocked at how quickly I recovered, it's like nothing happened. I now feel as if the whole being pregnant never happened and it was all a dream. Do you feel that way?
Emotionally I am up and down. Coping a bit better today but I'm only 3 days post D&C, but am dreading the crash of hormones. My best friend had her twins today and it made me so happy. I thought I would find it hard but I didn't. I was just so overjoyed. My other best friend is getting married this week So nice that all of these positive things are happening as even though I'm having the worst time of my life, it reminds me that good things do happen and they will for me and DH again one day.
As for trying again we have been advised to wait one cycle. Did they say this to you too? We want to wait it out as feel that my body needs to get back to normal and we need time to come to terms with all that has happened. This week has been so busy with babies and weddings that we feel we will need time for us afterwards as its something we haven't really had yet.
Like you I am very scared about trying again it scares me so much as I'm worried it will happen to us again and I don't think I could handle anymore as I feel two is enough. On the other hand I think we should go for it again as it could take a few months or more to conceive again. I think we will try after post D&C AF unless we change our minds.
Does your DH want to wait for emotional reasons do you think? I think that MC can affect men more than we think. My DH took it very bad and he is finding life v hard at the moment. I guess will have to see how he feels once AF comes around as only time will tell xx
Thanks for sharing your stories girls. I am going in for a d&c on Friday due to a blighted ovum. Im nervous and scared and sad, but I want to move on from this terrible nightmare.
I think DH wants to wait as he is worried about my body not being ready because he has heard stories from others that we should wait. My problem with that is, we suffer with secondary infertility and it took us a long time to conceive. It was a very surprise BFP which followed the previous month of Clomid. By waiting it means that our journey TTC will take even longer.
I do feel fine physically now. As you say, like it never happened. I am feeling quite emotional though, but I know that is hormones. We are even able to DTD (protected) now which we didn't do when pregannt because of the bleeding and worry over the pregnancy. I feel like we can enjoy each other again which is great.
We also have a wedding this weekend and DH is best man so that is taking his mind off what happened to us. I am kind of looking forward to it, but socialising with friends that have no idea what has happened I might find tricky as obviously they will all expect me to be my usual happy self which I'm not feeling today. I guess I've got a few days to improve my mood.

Beneath, good luck Friday. Xxe
Trying, I hope you have your rainbow as soon as you feel ready. Xx
I think DH wants to wait as he is worried about my body not being ready because he has heard stories from others that we should wait. My problem with that is, we suffer with secondary infertility and it took us a long time to conceive. It was a very surprise BFP which followed the previous month of Clomid. By waiting it means that our journey TTC will take even longer.
I do feel fine physically now. As you say, like it never happened. I am feeling quite emotional though, but I know that is hormones. We are even able to DTD (protected) now which we didn't do when pregannt because of the bleeding and worry over the pregnancy. I feel like we can enjoy each other again which is great.
We also have a wedding this weekend and DH is best man so that is taking his mind off what happened to us. I am kind of looking forward to it, but socialising with friends that have no idea what has happened I might find tricky as obviously they will all expect me to be my usual happy self which I'm not feeling today. I guess I've got a few days to improve my mood.

Beneath, good luck Friday. Xxe
Trying, I hope you have your rainbow as soon as you feel ready. Xx
Hi. I can definitely see where you DH is coming from as you do hear of ppl have repeat MC due to not waiting longer enough. But on the other hand I have heard of women getting pregnant straight away and things being ok. It's such a tough decision to make. Sorry to hear that you have secondary infertility. I can only imagine that it makes making the choice harder especially when getting pregnant takes a while. maybe in a few weeks time things will be different. My favourite saying only time will tell. Time is the best thing I find in situations like this.
Unsure when we can DTD again I assume once the spotting has stopped (will be protected). I just don't feel up to it right now as like you we didn't in the pregnancy due to the bleeding and worry.
Like your DH mine is also best man in the wedding so it is a very good distraction. I am also bridesmaid so a good distraction for me too. But yes I agree that it will be hard to be myself due to all of this. my close friends know understand its just others. DH didn't go to the stag at the weekend as it was the day after my op. The groom understood and aid that DH needed to be there for me. DH wasn't exactly in the party mood anyway.
Thank you so much teeny and I hope you also get your rainbow baby soon once you start trying again. I'm hoping 3rd time luckily this end but if not then at least we will be referred for testing which is something. Take good care of yourself Xx
Thanks for sharing your stories girls. I am going in for a d&c on Friday due to a blighted ovum. Im nervous and scared and sad, but I want to move on from this terrible nightmare.

Hi Beneath. Wishing you the best of luck for Friday and so sorry that you are also going through this :hugs:
Things definitely do get better after the procedure. I find that I cry less now because I have some closure. Yes I still feel very sad but I know that over time it will get much easier. I know that it will for you too x
Thanks for sharing your stories girls. I am going in for a d&c on Friday due to a blighted ovum. Im nervous and scared and sad, but I want to move on from this terrible nightmare.

Hi Beneath. Wishing you the best of luck for Friday and so sorry that you are also going through this :hugs:
Things definitely do get better after the procedure. I find that I cry less now because I have some closure. Yes I still feel very sad but I know that over time it will get much easier. I know that it will for you too x

Thank you. I hope things do get better!!

I think DH wants to wait as he is worried about my body not being ready because he has heard stories from others that we should wait. My problem with that is, we suffer with secondary infertility and it took us a long time to conceive. It was a very surprise BFP which followed the previous month of Clomid. By waiting it means that our journey TTC will take even longer.
I do feel fine physically now. As you say, like it never happened. I am feeling quite emotional though, but I know that is hormones. We are even able to DTD (protected) now which we didn't do when pregannt because of the bleeding and worry over the pregnancy. I feel like we can enjoy each other again which is great.
We also have a wedding this weekend and DH is best man so that is taking his mind off what happened to us. I am kind of looking forward to it, but socialising with friends that have no idea what has happened I might find tricky as obviously they will all expect me to be my usual happy self which I'm not feeling today. I guess I've got a few days to improve my mood.

Beneath, good luck Friday. Xxe
Trying, I hope you have your rainbow as soon as you feel ready. Xx

Thank you.

I have three embyros on ice. My doctor said I only had to wait a montj before I can transfer them. I thought that was really soon.
That's fab beneath. I guess if you feel ready at that time then why wait?! Xx
That's fab beneath. I guess if you feel ready at that time then why wait?! Xx

I don't know if I will feel ready, honestly. I think I'll be terrified either way whenever I decide to try again. This can really be traumatizing.
Hi, I haven't checked back since the other day. Wednesday was my d&c, I was of course nervous but ready to get on with it. I had a week to get ready for it, I was a very emotional week for myself. I have my moments and triggers but I think now that the procedure is done I can heal physically and mentally. I stopped bleeding the next day, I'm still sore but it's tolerable. My OH believes that it wasn't our time to have our 2nd child yet. After this experience I realized I can wait, we will try again when we feel it's right. I decided to take this summer and focus on my son and my health....maybe we'll be ready by the end of the year.
Hi Amy. So glad that the procedure also went well for you too. I think a little healing time is good as it is such a horrible time emotionally. Me and DH have decided to start trying again after my first AF post D&C. We are both very nervous as we have a feeling that it may happen again. However if it does then investigations will begin at least. Although I would rather prevent it from happening in the first place but i am unsure on whether my doctor will listen when I pay him a visit on Friday. I think if I had a child already I would have waited longer before trying again for sure.
Like you I also have triggers but on the whole I now cry less.
Take care and look after yourself :flower:
Hi, ladies.

I had my D&C this past Sunday at 10 weeks. It was an emergency one due to the weird location of my pregnancy and the risk of rupturing. So very scary to say the least. I'm sorry for your losses, but I'm glad your procedures went well. Mine isn't going that well, and I'm calling the doctor in the morning. I'm passing huge clots with white tissue stuff inside. Not a lot of bleeding. I had horrible cramping yesterday, but it's better. I just don't want to do another D&C, so I'm praying these last clots were it.

It's bad enough to lose your baby, but to have to deal with this other stuff is extra torture. Doctor is going to do a dye test in two months to see if my right tube is still functioning. I was told not to try to get pregnant until after the test.
Sorry to hear of your loss momwithbabies. I agree that you should get checked out as clots with tissue does sound unusual after a D&C. XX
How is everyone else feeling?
I think I'm suffering the effects of the hormone crash and I don't feel myself to be honest. Physically I'm fine, still bleeding but I guess that's normal after only 12 days. I didn't ever realise that a miscarriage would be this hard. :-( xx
Saturday I had the worst cramps of my life and was passing clots. I called and talked to my doctors nurse, she told me everything sounded normal. To call back if the clots were the size of a lemon and/or saturating a pad an hour. Everything eased after I got off the phone....go figure but I'm glad nothing bad was happening. I was cramping because I was passing clots. Today is day 7 after the D&C and I'm still lightly bleeding. Emotionally I have been crying less, as long as I don't think about a baby or see one. I've been keeping myself constantly busy. I still can't talk about it out loud or I cry. I'm also wondering if I'm having a hormone crash because I'm very emotional today. I've been feeling like I did something wrong by trying to get pregnant lately, I know that is not the case at all, I guess its some kind of guilt popping up. I'm,sure it will pass.
I go to my one week follow up this Thursday. I believe he will check my hormone levels as well
Saturday I had the worst cramps of my life and was passing clots. I called and talked to my doctors nurse, she told me everything sounded normal. To call back if the clots were the size of a lemon and/or saturating a pad an hour. Everything eased after I got off the phone....go figure but I'm glad nothing bad was happening. I was cramping because I was passing clots. Today is day 7 after the D&C and I'm still lightly bleeding. Emotionally I have been crying less, as long as I don't think about a baby or see one. I've been keeping myself constantly busy. I still can't talk about it out loud or I cry. I'm also wondering if I'm having a hormone crash because I'm very emotional today. I've been feeling like I did something wrong by trying to get pregnant lately, I know that is not the case at all, I guess its some kind of guilt popping up. I'm,sure it will pass.
I go to my one week follow up this Thursday. I believe he will check my hormone levels as well

Ugh! This just happened to me. Got home from work and was passing pretty large clots and had some intense lower stomach pain so I freaked and called my nurse. She said its actually a good sign to clot! Go figure! And same thing you were told, its only a concern when the bleeding is active and running through a pad in an hour. She also said if blood increases it probably means we are overdoing it and need to take it easy -- so currently relaxing on the couch right now!!
I just went in for another ultrasound because my pathology report came back that there were no findings of the baby. It's upsetting to think that I'm passing tissue that is part of my baby. I know you all are going through similar experiences. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I am so disheartened...I can't imagine what I'm going to be like when my hormones crash. I'm keeping you ladies in my thoughts.
Hi ladies,

Just was reading the thread and sorry for all your losses and pain. :(

I just found out today baby stopped growing at 7 weeks, and Im 9w6d. Went in for a scan because I have a SCH and had one wipe of red blood last night. The NP thought it was just bleeding out, but unfortunately the scan showed otherwise.

I'm having my D&C Friday. I had a previous one with my first pregnancy, after I had my stillbirth at 24 weeks because the placenta wouldn't come all out.

I know how you feeling OP, this was supposed to be my rainbow, and I really thought this was it.

But I'm just grateful I can get pregnant (I have PCOS) and plan to try again as soon as possible.

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