My Eventful Birth Story and Introducing Logan Riley Schofield


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Jul 12, 2011
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Well where do I start lol Things are abit blury but yeah started getting contractions on thursday 22nd March at 5 o clock in the morning! They really did come out of no where and were 5 mins apart lasting 60 seconds. So we decided to ring the birth centre and we was told to come in and they would check me over.

Went to the birth centre and she examined me i still wasn't dilating so they sent me home and told me to take some paracetemol and rest! Which is what I did. The contractions died down and started up with a vengence so at 11pm ish we rang and went back to the birth centre! The midwife did her check and I was 2 cms and had protein in my urine and abit of a high blood pressure. So she sent me to another hospital about 20 mins away as the birth centre only deal with low risk pregnancy's.

We got to Halifax hospital for 2am Friday 23rd and by the time we got seen my contractions were killing me! After they reviewed me they told me that because of the protein in my urine they would break my waters at 9! At this point i was in sooo much pain and had to endure 6 hours of it until i could get my waters broke. This is the bit when everything is abit hazy Gas and air is some good shit!!

So my waters were broken and i started being monitored and was asked if I wanted an epi which i did as I'd been in 24 hours of pain! Once the epi was in I didn't feel another contraction. It was heaven! You girls that do it naturally I take my hat off to you :thumbup:

At around 3 ish i think maybe 4 i dunno tbh lol I started feeling this pressure to push it was like there was a watermelon trying to pop out of my bum :haha: So I started on gas and air again! It was wierd as I could feel the pressure to push but not the contractions :wacko: So then apparently i was abbusive to my OH, I decided i was going to Napa with the student midwife and said the police were coming to get me :dohh: Then this doctor came in to examine me and Logan's heart rate was all over the place and he was side ways so they told me that I'd have to have a c section which i was having none of! An hour later he came to examine me again and I was fully dilated but my temp was too high and Logans heart rate was too high but i begged them not to do a c-setion so the doctor said if i could do a big push they'd consider forceps delivery. I don't know where i got the strength from but I pushed with all my might and apparently it was an excellent push and they'd proceed with the forceps to turn him around.

Anyway this bit really is a blur I was set up in theatre asked to push once and 1 min later he was out!

So yep thats it really! It's been abit traumatic as I didn't have any complications throughout my pregnancy and then got hit with all this at last minute. Oh yeah and after being at home with Logan for 3 hours I had to go back to hospital as i got a horrible stabbing pain and I couldn't move :( The ambulance people had to give me gas and air to get me out of the position i was stuck in! I actually could not move from the pain :( Anyway after spending what was meant to be our first night at home with Logan in hospital I was told I have a uterus infection and I've been given about 100 pills to take a day!

But he's so worth it... Heres Logan Riley Schofield born on Friday 23rd March 2012 weighing 7pound 4 1/2 oz. He's my world and I'm smitten. But to say he was so much trouble to get out he is an angel now who hardly ever cries and sleeps all the time :cloud9:

My baby


Daddy and Son <3

The pictures are precious!!! He is so adorable! Sorry you had complications but at least your LO is here now and all there is now is just enjoying him:flower: congratulations! !
Congratulations!! Sorry it was a bit rough :hugs: I had an epi and couldn't feel contractions just pressure in my bum too :haha: I kept shouting "I'm gonna poo" :haha: he's gorgeous btw xx
Oh he is so cute! Congratulations.
Sorry to hear you had such a complicated birth, at least you got a gorgeous little boy out of it!
Awww he is gorgeous!! Congrats. I had a forceps delivery, they're horrible :( But your little boy is so beautiful and worth it! xx
oh what a cutie, sorry you had a rough time i had a forcep delivery too x
I'm sorry you had such a complicated birth, but you did well, your little boy is gorgeous :)
Congratulations! What a beautiful baby! :)

Sorry it was a complicated birth :( Glad you said no to the c-section though! Given me courage to do the same should it come to that as I deffo do not one!

Congrats again! :) xx
Congrats hun! Sorry it wasn't the best of experiences but at least he's here! Hope you're feeling better, he's such a cutie!! Well done you :flower: xx
Congrats on your beautiful baby boy! I'm sorry you had such a hard time but i hope you heal quickly.:flower:

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