Oops, not sure what happened to my first post.
Here's our story. DH (28) me (25) have a 3 year old DD who was conceived naturally after TTC only 2-3 months. Fast forward 2 years.. We started TTC in November 2014. In May we started to get curious as to why it's taking so much longer. In June we met with an RE. He tested DH's swimmers. We got back the numbers and they were quite low. Additionally, I needed a hysteroscopy done to remove scar tissue from my C-section with DD.
We did an IUI cycle August and just this week received our negative results.
IUI was done with Femara and Trigger.
Since the numbers were quite low after the sperm wash the RE recommended we move on to IVF.
Today I am started birth control pills (seems counter productive for conceiving, but that's how it's done ) and then in two weeks we begin injections.
I'm really excited and anxious!