My laparoscopy story


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2010
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Here's an in-depth outline of my laparoscopy yesterday.
I know how useful I found reading other girls stories, so this is for those who are awaiting their op.


* I was really nervous. I had slice of toast at 7am, and my last sip of water at 10.30am. I was admitted at 11am, and until 4pm I was left alone on the ward, unsure of when I was going to be going down to theatre.
* By about 3.30pm, I was beside myself - so thirsty and week, nearly ran away just then - when they called me down. I was wearing a backless gown and these foam slippers they provided, so I shoved a dressing gown over the top to cover my decency.
* Got taken into a room with 4 anaesthetists in, all of which tried cracking jokes. One was very dishy (more about this later), and the only female one was telling me her husband has a reversed cheque book, when I was complaining about being left-handed.
* They put a mask on my face and they all said "enjoy the ride". By this point I did not feel any different and said "it's not working". They then proceeded with "in 5 seconds Emily, you'll be asleep". At this point I remember thinking "ohhhh this shit is goooooooooood".


* I am pleased to say I did not wake up during my operation, which seemed to be my biggest irrational fear.
* I couldn't even tell you how many incisions were made, as I haven't mustered the strength to lift my blood stained top up just yet.
* I know the consultant placed a gas cylinder down first and inflated me with helium, then a light, then scissors, laser and camera in various other points of my body.
* His plan was to diagnose me and laser away any endometriosis he found. I have left out any example pictures of the procedure for those who are a little queasy, but feel free to research the procedure and the condition yourself.


* As I was coming round I was screaming in agony and shouted "I'm gonna be sick".
* A lovely nurse with drugs then came and injected me with more anti-sickness and morphine
* The next thing I remember is turning to the nurse in the recovery room and saying "This morphine thing is amazing. Can you ask the dishy anaesthetist to give me more?" At this point I realise the 'dishy anaesthetist' is stood at the foot of my bed laughing away at me *smacks head*. His name was Mr Smith. Generic but oh so sexy.
* The surgeon then thought it was prime time for him to come tell me what he had discovered. This really annoyed me, as I was so woozy and not with it, I had to ask his staff later on to double check the info. Surgeon found endometriosis in my uterus, pelvic wall and on various ligaments joining my lady-bits together. I was informed that we'd talk more in 3 months time about what Stage I'm at, and what to do next.
* Back on the Ward, a lady opposite me had had a similar procedure the day before, but because they operated on her bowel, she was having to stay in. She told me her surgeon (same as mine) had taken photographs of her endometriosis so she could visualise it. I'm hoping this is true for me too, as although icky, I would be interested to see what has been causing me all this pain and discomfort for so long.
* Oh by the way, did I mention I was absolutely STARVING?! and had dry mouth like Ghandi's slipper. I was very demanding and requested lots of water, and got a cup of tea and some toast, along with another set of painkillers :D
* I attempted to get up to go to wee, but was so dizzy I fell on the bed. Next thing I know I had two nurses holding my legs. Think this is where I passed out, but details are a little fuzzy. They wheeled in this toilet chair, and asked me to sit on that till I could pee. I sat there and cried, as my dignity was completely gone. I got major stage fright, and informed them that under no circumstances was I going to pee in public on this chair. So off I was wheeled to a private toilets. WHICH I was left in, alone for half an hour. The distress button wasn't working, and I ended up shouting for a porter to go get a nurse, as I was bleeding a lot, and I hadn't been given any proper sanitary wear. This was the most degrading part of my stay. Fucking Hull Royal.
* As I got back to my bed, the nurse realised my IV bag had filled with blood, so I was yanked into a flat position and given all these various checks. My blood pressure was through the roof, and I had a temp of 38.5C. It was then they told me that I wouldn't be going home anytime soon.
* Mum arrived back at this point, and I promptly told her to get the fan blasting on me, as I was absolutely determined to get the hell out there.
* After many tests/checks/drugs, I was sent home at 10pm.
* The doctor insists I go on the only other pill I haven't yet tried, in the vain hope it does more good then harm. I start that tomorrow - we'll see how it goes.
* The drive home was hideous. I was clutching a pillow to try and cushion every pot hole and speed bump. Hull City Council should really do something about the state of their roads, I tell you!


* I am sore
* These paper pants are hideous
* I look like I've been in the ring with Mike Tyson
* I need a wee, but my bladder has forgotten how to due to the catheter, so it takes like twenty minutes, and it's just a trickle
* The trapped helium in my shoulder and under my ribs takes my breath away

I'll update more within the next few days, but to all you Endometriosis ladies, I wanted to share my experience with you, as you've been so great with me.
Hi I had mine in June....docors lie! It is soooo painful afterwards. They say its only simple you will be fine in a couple of days, try weeks lol.

I was scared to take the bandages off and when I did I cried, because of the swelling everything looked so bad lol.

When I woke up I done my best to stay strong in the hope I could go home early and it worked! Weirdly I woke up staring had the nurse make me tea and biscuites and a sandwich hehe.

The first wee was the worse stung so bad.

Hope your doing well and get plenty of rest x
Sounds like you had a similar experience to mine back in September. I ended up in full urine retention (had endo lasered off of my bladder which sent my bladder into shock and it stopped functioning - I found this out at my ACU appt a couple of weeks ago). I ended up in A&E 6 time and then became an outpatient of Urology, not something I would ever like to repeat. My recovery took 6 or 7 week and I still get pains in my scars now. Oh and I'm still not pregnant, my periods are still hideous and I'm still PMT b**** from Hell!
OMG!! I have a laparoscopy booked to check for blocked tubes,scar tissue and adhesions following a previous infection. I was actually quite relaxed about the whole thing,the only thing worrying me is what they might find. Now im more worried about the presedure itself, im thinking wether to cancel and just carrying on ttc for a bit longer. how long after the op can you start ttc again?
Can i just report back and say that it wasnt half as bad as i was expecting from the horror stories. Maybe i just had a good surgeon or you guys had a bad one but apart from aching shoulders and pain in my rib area due to the gas which was taken away with extra pain killers and gone on its own by the next day there was nothing else i could complain about. My bladders been fine,i only bled a little bit for a couple of days but all in all not a bad experience,i was in day surgery friday afternoon (its now sunday) and ill be going back to work tomorrow. The results were not what i hoped for, scar tissue and adhesions all over my left tube,overy and pelvic wall,blocked left tube and flimsy adhesions to right overy but right tube normal. dont know what my chances of a natural conception are ill find out next week in the follow up . But anyone worried about the procedure itself ...dont be its not that bad xx
xsamx - as long as you have one good tube you have hope!! My cousin had PID for years; her tubes were so swollen on the ultrasound they thought at first they were her intestines! Lap showed tons of scar tissue; one tube completely non-functional, other tube only working at 50% with scar tissue. She was told her chances of concieving naturally were nil, and if she did, a high chance of ectopic. She was in so much pain with her periods she was considering just having the whole works taken out! Then a miracle happened in June of 2008 - she discovered she was pregnant! A scan a few weeks later showed the baby in the right spot! She delivered a healthy boy Feb of 2009.

PLEASE don't give up hope! I feel you have a better chance than my cousin did; you have one perfect tube! Good Luck xsamx!
I've had laparoscopies every other year since 1998 treatment for endo, it does'nt get any easier!!

Gosh am now considering cancelling my Lap schedule its all scary and seems like its doesn't really work the miracle
Don't cancel,

My miracle son was concieved 6 months after my first lap :happydance:

It's honestly not that bad, just a bit sore and period like cramps for a while, I promise!

If I had'nt of had my lap, I would never have been diagnosed with endo and it has answered many questions. You may just get the answers you need.

Please don't cancel.

Thank you so much BearsMummy we talked the issue over with my husband and resolved to reschedule the Lap for end of June as we will be travelling next week hope it will work out just fine will be passing through the Doctor's office before we travel on Wednesday. Hope it works out fine
I conceived my DS 2 weeks after my lap so go for it ladies!! No horror story but not a walk in the park either but so worth it. I was booked in for lap #2 on 8th June 2011 after TTC no 2 for 18 months but got BFP a week before!!:happydance:

Good luck everyone!
reading though the messages and it helps a little to know I'm not alone!
Had mine last Friday...Was admitted at 4pm after high HCG count (it had risen after being lower the previous week), the op wasn't untill midnight! Thankfully my HB was with me all the time, made it easier.
Woke up after procedure and apart from being very thirsty, no other pains...Well a little sore where the three incisions are... They released me Sat afternoon and am home recovering. One thing that's slightly worrying is that I'm bleeding. Is that normal? Nurses didnt really tell me what should I expect after the op, just said take painkillers if needed and follow up with GP if u feel like it. No follow-up app at the hospital at all! This bleeding feels like a period, though no cramps, just bleeding. A little worried...
I just found out this week that I need to have one done. I had been told three times I didn't have endometriosis, but now apparently after years of pelvic pain I have a huge endometriatic cyst. Already have the PCOS, so really bummed about having endometriosis too. I'm a bit worried about the surgery. Is the recovery that bad? Are they able to tell beforehand how much endometriosis is there?

I had a transvaginal ultrasound and was told the cyst is on my left ovary and has caused some hemorhagging... But don't know if there could be endometriosis elsewhere? I didn't even know that was an option.

How long does it take to recover? Any positive experience having it help with the PCOS?
Stellargaze - the ultrasound showed up your cyst but only the laparoscopy will tell you how advanced the endometriosis is. I just had 2 chocolate cysts removed from my ovaries and had a lap+dye that diagnosed severe endo and 1 blocked tube. When I woke up from the lap I was a bit sore and nauseous, the first day after was a a bit painful (tummy swollen and had sore shoulders from the trapped gas) but it's getting better every day, now just sore on my belly button but I'm still a bit tired. Recovery depends on your body and how much "work" they end up doing in there, but maybe give yourself at least 1 week (which is what my Dr said)? Oh and they'll give you pain killers to take home so don't worry! I don't have PCOS though so no experience with that...
Here's an in-depth outline of my laparoscopy yesterday.
I know how useful I found reading other girls stories, so this is for those who are awaiting their op.


* I was really nervous. I had slice of toast at 7am, and my last sip of water at 10.30am. I was admitted at 11am, and until 4pm I was left alone on the ward, unsure of when I was going to be going down to theatre.
* By about 3.30pm, I was beside myself - so thirsty and week, nearly ran away just then - when they called me down. I was wearing a backless gown and these foam slippers they provided, so I shoved a dressing gown over the top to cover my decency.
* Got taken into a room with 4 anaesthetists in, all of which tried cracking jokes. One was very dishy (more about this later), and the only female one was telling me her husband has a reversed cheque book, when I was complaining about being left-handed.
* They put a mask on my face and they all said "enjoy the ride". By this point I did not feel any different and said "it's not working". They then proceeded with "in 5 seconds Emily, you'll be asleep". At this point I remember thinking "ohhhh this shit is goooooooooood".


* I am pleased to say I did not wake up during my operation, which seemed to be my biggest irrational fear.
* I couldn't even tell you how many incisions were made, as I haven't mustered the strength to lift my blood stained top up just yet.
* I know the consultant placed a gas cylinder down first and inflated me with helium, then a light, then scissors, laser and camera in various other points of my body.
* His plan was to diagnose me and laser away any endometriosis he found. I have left out any example pictures of the procedure for those who are a little queasy, but feel free to research the procedure and the condition yourself.


* As I was coming round I was screaming in agony and shouted "I'm gonna be sick".
* A lovely nurse with drugs then came and injected me with more anti-sickness and morphine
* The next thing I remember is turning to the nurse in the recovery room and saying "This morphine thing is amazing. Can you ask the dishy anaesthetist to give me more?" At this point I realise the 'dishy anaesthetist' is stood at the foot of my bed laughing away at me *smacks head*. His name was Mr Smith. Generic but oh so sexy.
* The surgeon then thought it was prime time for him to come tell me what he had discovered. This really annoyed me, as I was so woozy and not with it, I had to ask his staff later on to double check the info. Surgeon found endometriosis in my uterus, pelvic wall and on various ligaments joining my lady-bits together. I was informed that we'd talk more in 3 months time about what Stage I'm at, and what to do next.
* Back on the Ward, a lady opposite me had had a similar procedure the day before, but because they operated on her bowel, she was having to stay in. She told me her surgeon (same as mine) had taken photographs of her endometriosis so she could visualise it. I'm hoping this is true for me too, as although icky, I would be interested to see what has been causing me all this pain and discomfort for so long.
* Oh by the way, did I mention I was absolutely STARVING?! and had dry mouth like Ghandi's slipper. I was very demanding and requested lots of water, and got a cup of tea and some toast, along with another set of painkillers :D
* I attempted to get up to go to wee, but was so dizzy I fell on the bed. Next thing I know I had two nurses holding my legs. Think this is where I passed out, but details are a little fuzzy. They wheeled in this toilet chair, and asked me to sit on that till I could pee. I sat there and cried, as my dignity was completely gone. I got major stage fright, and informed them that under no circumstances was I going to pee in public on this chair. So off I was wheeled to a private toilets. WHICH I was left in, alone for half an hour. The distress button wasn't working, and I ended up shouting for a porter to go get a nurse, as I was bleeding a lot, and I hadn't been given any proper sanitary wear. This was the most degrading part of my stay. Fucking Hull Royal.
* As I got back to my bed, the nurse realised my IV bag had filled with blood, so I was yanked into a flat position and given all these various checks. My blood pressure was through the roof, and I had a temp of 38.5C. It was then they told me that I wouldn't be going home anytime soon.
* Mum arrived back at this point, and I promptly told her to get the fan blasting on me, as I was absolutely determined to get the hell out there.
* After many tests/checks/drugs, I was sent home at 10pm.
* The doctor insists I go on the only other pill I haven't yet tried, in the vain hope it does more good then harm. I start that tomorrow - we'll see how it goes.
* The drive home was hideous. I was clutching a pillow to try and cushion every pot hole and speed bump. Hull City Council should really do something about the state of their roads, I tell you!


* I am sore
* These paper pants are hideous
* I look like I've been in the ring with Mike Tyson
* I need a wee, but my bladder has forgotten how to due to the catheter, so it takes like twenty minutes, and it's just a trickle
* The trapped helium in my shoulder and under my ribs takes my breath away

I'll update more within the next few days, but to all you Endometriosis ladies, I wanted to share my experience with you, as you've been so great with me.

O my gosh!! I had a lap done May 20th to open closed tubes and I had the EXTREME pain you are talking about in the shoulder and under the rib cage. If I do say so myself Im pretty tough but this put you in tears becuz you couldnt lay down, sit or anything but walk and try to work it out (which is the last thing you want to do when your drugged and just had surgery). I knew it was the gas they blow you up w/ but hadn't seen anyone else have the same pain under the ribs til now. Thank you for making me not feel like an odd ball:thumbup:
Can I ask ladies what are/were your endo symptoms? I have had an internal scan which showed nothing, I have very little symptoms. But my blood flow at period is very very light suggested backward flow into tubes.

I will be having a lap within the next couple of months. But what I am wondering is, after reading your stories about where endo was found, did this all show as clear on scans and then it was found there?? Getting a bit worried particularly as it sounds incredibly painful. I felt sick reading the stories

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