My Little Evie's Quick Entrance! - Update at nearly 4 weeks old :)


Mum of 2 Gorgeous Girls!!
Sep 29, 2008
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Be warned, this is a long one!!

It all started on Friday 20th November.

I had a midwife appointment at 11.15am so while I was getting ready for it, I tried to go to the loo.. I'd been having some really bad constipation which had been causing me alot of back pain and pressure. While I was trying, I felt a pop in my stomach.. it was a bizarre feeling, just this wierd pop, almost like a bubble of gas had gone pop .. I thought it might have been that but I mentioned it to my OH, saying that it MAY have been my waters popping.. the strange thing was that no waters actually started coming out of me! Hmmm...

Anyways, we started walking down to my GP surgery where my MW holds her appointments. It's about a 15 minute walk and we were running a little late so it ended up being quite a brisk walk lol! I'd started leaking some fluid by then. Got to the surgery bang on time and took a sample pot to go and do my urine sample.. while I was in the loo I noticed that there was a pink stain on my sanitary towel... I was almost certain by then that my waters had broken but thought it was just a slow trickle.. till I stood up to pull my trousers up. I gushed!!! I came out of the loo and told my OH that my waters had definately broken so we headed on upstairs to where my MW's waiting area is. She came out of her room and I told her my waters had broken. Sure enough on cue, I had another gush, but a huge one! It was just pouring out of me leaving a trail wherever I walked LOL!
My MW said there was no point in her examining me and that I should go straight up to the hospital and did we have the car .. we didnt as we dont have a car lol so she kinda went into a bit of a panic asking if she should call us a cab, should she ring the delivery suite for us etc... we told her no thanks, we'll walk back home slowly to see if any contractions start and collect my bags. So that's what we did. We were laughing most of the way back because it was just so bizarre! My waters didnt break like that with my first daughter so I really had no idea what to expect!

By the time we got back home, I'd had a couple of contractions, nothing major so I pottered around the flat, getting myself cleaned up and clean dry clothes on. Meanwhile, my contractions went mad and were 3 minutes apart and very painful so We fed the cats then I rang the labour ward. They told me to come in straight away so we got a cab up there, armed with my bags. It's a 10 minute drive to the hospital and on the way there, I had 4 contractions! Eek things were going quickly!
Got to the Maternity Unit at about 12.30 and got checked in. I was asked to wait in the waiting room and while we were in there, my contractions were less than a minute apart by then and extremely painful. A MW showed me to a ward where I could be examined to see if I needed to go into a delivery room where she discovered I was 4-5cm dilated.. ALREADY! I'd been having contractions for about an hour by then lol! Got moved to our delivery room where I was hooked up to the trace monitor etc and had my blood pressure and temperature taken. We were then left on our own where I could start getting comfortable etc, but could I?! Not a chance.. the contractions were back to back by then and the urge to pee all the time was unbearable. I sat on the loo for a while to try and pee and felt the overwhelming urge to push so pushed the emergency button. The room was suddenly filled with midwives lol concerned that my urge to push was probably me being daft.
I was examined and found to be fully dilated!!! It was around 1.45pm by then and I'd been in labour for 2 hours! Nikkinoonoo had turned up by then, so I had both my birthing partners with me so I was happy.. in pain but happy lol! I was offered gas and air but refused it as I dont like the way it makes me feel. I went thru about 2 minutes of wanting an epidural when the contractions were back to back but my OH knew that I didnt want one really.

So it was pushing time... OH MY DAYS! It took 48 minutes to get her out. My SPD had caused my pubic bone to drop down slightly and with baby's head trying to get past it, things had swollen up around it and it was making it difficult for her head to come thru completely. The Midwives were proper shouting at me to push to get this baby out, or they'd have to give me an instrumental delivery.. that was all the incentive I needed to give one huge push... and bang, her head was out.... I was told to pant pant pant, then push again! I'd used up my reserves on getting her head out and I'd started shaking by then. I begged them to not make me do it again (lol! My OH said that his heart was breaking by this point cos he couldnt bear to see me in so much pain) I took a minute to collect myself and when I felt the next contraction I just started pushing.. this time her shoulder was stuck... Shoulder Dystocia they called it.... so after a few pushes, the Midwife realised that something needed doing so she tilted the bed back I was laying right back and flat and pushed my legs so far back against me that I was almost kissing my knees (let me say I havent done that in a long time lmao!!) and told me to give one big big push. I was in a right state by then, begging no more, I cant do it! Please NO MORE! And shaking... the uncontrollable shaking! But I did it... I dont know how or where that strength came from but I did it. As I felt the rest of her body slide out, the sense of relief was immense. My baby was here. She cried a little on her way out and was then taken to the little table where they do all the checks. My OH followed her there and she cried a little more but stopped. While the docs where checking her over and doing her apgar scores (1 minute - 09 and 5 minutes - 10 :happydance:)I kept asking if she was ok cos she was so quiet. They assured me she was and was probably a little shocked because of the brutal delivery. I was still shaking at this point and crying too as Nikkinoonoo had burst into tears telling me how proud of me she was :D
My placenta was delivered normally 13 minutes later and in tact!! With my first daughter, I had ragged membranes so I'd never delivered a whole placenta before.. weird feeling I gotta say! No stitches were required...I had a little grazing but no tears :D

Anyways... Little Evie was born on 20th November, 10 days early at 14.33, weighing in at 7lb 3oz after a 3 hour 16 minute labour with NO PAIN RELIEF!!! I was so proud of myself for that. Not so much as a paracetamol.... and my biggest fear of throwing up while in labour never happened! My OH was amazing, so calm and collected. I love him all the more for being there :) And Nikkinoonoo... what a privelidge to have my best friend watch my baby girl being born :D Thanks Nik :hugs:
We were discharged the next day, thank god, I just wanted to get us home!

Aside from the shoulder dystocia thing, the whole experience was brutal, fast and furious but also elating and amazing and was worth every single second of pain, blood and tears because we now have our gorgeous little girl who is the apple of her daddy's eye already. She's amazing. I cant stop looking at her. I cant stop touching her. I'm besotted :cloud9:

If you made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read.. can you tell I'm still on a high from the labour?!?!

Here's some pics... enjoy :)

Pic 1 - Evie, a few minutes old being held by Daddy :D
Pic 2 - Evie, the day after delivery
Pic 3 - Evie being winded by Daddy, bless :D


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aww congrats. she is so beautiful and well done to you.

i'm hoping for a quick labour this time too. (first one was 6ish hours)
YAY! Congrats again mumma!

and :saywhat: no labour pics? LOL

Luffs ya
I read that whole thing, and cried! :lol:

Nikki I think you should post some labour pics!! :D I wanna see!

What a great story, make sure to print it out for a memory box or baby book.

And no tearing or pain relief with that shoulder stuck, gave me a huge shiver.

Anyways, she is GORGEOUS!!! Good job Mommy <3
Congratulations!! Sounds intense but amazing.. I have to admit I have followed you a bit on here because we were due about the same time and have chosen nearly the same name! Hope my little princess won't be too much longer.

She's beautiful by the way. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations hun. She's beautiful. xxx
What a lovely story. Well done to you and congrats to you both on your gorgeous lil girl xx
Brilliant birth story hun. Bloody scary the shoulder distosia (scuse smelinng pistakes) - I watched a programme the other day where a woman in labour had this to deal with - you did bloody excellently to get her through hun. It's incredible.

And she is just beautiful. Congratulations. Xxx
what an amazing story, congrats hun x
great story! she's lovely, what does big sis think of her? congrats
great story! she's lovely, what does big sis think of her? congrats

Big sis loves her to bits! It's very sweet to watch, bless em :)

Evie's now 5 days old and we're having some breastfeeding issues, altho I am trying to persevere as much as I can, but it's so hard when you've had no sleep! Gaaah! I think I've had about 10 hours sleep since before she was born but I guess that's pretty normal lol!
great story! she's lovely, what does big sis think of her? congrats

Big sis loves her to bits! It's very sweet to watch, bless em :)

Evie's now 5 days old and we're having some breastfeeding issues, altho I am trying to persevere as much as I can, but it's so hard when you've had no sleep! Gaaah! I think I've had about 10 hours sleep since before she was born but I guess that's pretty normal lol!

Hang in there! Fingers crossed things settle down for you. Ive been told those first 4 weeks are the hardest but it gets easier after that xxx

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