My New Year's Resolution: Get pregnant. Anyone else? SIX BFPs so far!!!

Nevermind about the HSG cost. I called the fertility clinic I was referred to today and they said it will be $260 for the doctor costs and $600-$700 for the actual test. That's a bit more 'friendly' than $2500+.

A little irritated though because my OBGYN said her nurse was faxing over my referral that day (which was January 4th) and that the clinic would have it by Monday, January 7th and would call me that week to discuss the test. Well, I called a little bit ago because I had not heard from them and the clinic does not have my referral. I love my OBGYN, but the one nurse who was explaining the tests and referrals and such leaves a lot to be desired! She told me all sorts of wrong information! Like the HSG would be at the hospital (and it's not), that my hubby had to do his sperm sample at home and get it to the clinic within 20 minutes (which was ALSO wrong, because they prefer it done AT the clinic!), then add to it, she never even faxed the referral! AF is due in 9-10 days and I have to have the test right after she leaves. Good thing I called to 'check' on things today or I would have had to push everything back another cycle! With close to 40 day cycles, that is a long time to wait!

Okay... end vent! :dohh:

That really stinks about your insurance. The only saving grace I have through this trying process is that my insurance is wonderful and covers everything, I, like pbl, just pay 20-30 co pay and thats it.
The HSG was ok for me, I DID take 800 ibuprophen before I went, it was a tad bit uncomfortable, but i was expecting it to be so much worse that i was excited that it was, how it was...........does that make sense?
WELL, hopefully af wont show up for you in 9-10 days and then you'll have a healthy little bean in there that you can deliver in september or so.
That really stinks about your insurance. The only saving grace I have through this trying process is that my insurance is wonderful and covers everything, I, like pbl, just pay 20-30 co pay and thats it.
The HSG was ok for me, I DID take 800 ibuprophen before I went, it was a tad bit uncomfortable, but i was expecting it to be so much worse that i was excited that it was, how it was...........does that make sense?
WELL, hopefully af wont show up for you in 9-10 days and then you'll have a healthy little bean in there that you can deliver in september or so.

I am SUPER hopeful too! We timed the BD'ing the best we ever have and I sure hope that means something! Reading all of the statistics for women 35+ in relation to how long they have been trying is quite intimidating. Losing weight could help me tremendously, but this time around (I lost 80lbs in 2009-2010, but gained it back) it has been so hard! Plus, my OBGYN has yet to mention my weight as a problem? Maybe if she would, I would get more inspired to lose it. She is all about helping me get pregnant, but has never expressed concern about my weight or my blood pressure. :shrug: I was also going to an acupuncturist who told me the main goal was getting me pregnant. That I could 'safely' lose weight while I was pregnant, it would be easier to do that way. (Apparently 'overweight/obese' women CAN have a pregnancy with little to no weight gain... even weight loss.)

Just so odd to have doctors that are not lecturing me about my weight... or my blood pressure for that matter! Maybe they figure I am already beating myself up enough? :dohh:
Elphaba, I do think lots of BD at the right time makes a big difference! Need lots of little :spermy: waiting around for the egg!

As far as other health factors go, we discussed exercise earlier in this thread, and there's something I didn't mention: if you have PCOS the evidence is very strong that exercise increases the chances of conception. Maybe you already know this. Here's a little article about it:
So, making diet and exercise the goals, as opposed to weight loss, could be really helpful. :thumbup:

Just an FYI to you ladies: I'm heading off to a conference for 5 days as of tomorrow AM, so I may not be on BnB much. Depends on my internet access. Good luck to you all!
:dust: :dust: :dust:
Thanks for the link. I did know that exercising could help, and I have tried PCOS diets in the past... for example, low amylose (which is a more restricted version of a low carb diet) and it was so complicated. Especially with no grocery stores in the area with quality produce.

What you said and the article you posted actually kind of turned a light on... so to speak. Maybe I am looking at this wrong. I am looking at losing pounds. BUT maybe I need to try looking at exercising more regularly and focusing on eating more protein. Then maybe the rest will come. I need to remind myself that 5 days a week of eating better is better than 0 days and that even 15 minutes of exercise per day (or every other day) is better than none. I seem to have this 'go hard or it doesn't matter' attitude and I need to work on ditching it.

Thanks for sharing and helping me find a 'new approach' to try. :thumbup:
FWIW, it's also great to get plant proteins, as opposed to animal ones. :flower: :flower: I'm spreading the vegetarian gospel far and wide!
FWIW, it's also great to get plant proteins, as opposed to animal ones. :flower: :flower: I'm spreading the vegetarian gospel far and wide!

What are some good plant proteins? I have heard beans And I believe broccoli... what else? Veggies can be much easier to prepare (and cheaper) than chicken!
Beans and lentils are definitely the easiest, and you can make meals like black bean burritos in minutes for super health deliciousness. I personally adore tofu and tempeh, but I know not everyone agrees. Also nuts and seeds. I can share LOTS of recipes if you like!
I just wanted to say that you can lose the weight, I know it's hard but clearly you did once before !
Nutrition is 70%, fitness is 30%.
The healthier you are, the better womb/environment you'll create for your baby :)
Drink lots of water, no white carbs/flour/pasta.

Hopefully you'll get your bfp soon!! When will u test? Are you temping?

I am having my first iui on Friday! I can't wait!!! Please god let it work !

Pbl enjoy your trip!
I also have the same goal. 2012 is not a lucky year for me. I lost my baby at 6th week in October. Now, I moved with my fiancé in USA from Italy. I hope that the sun of Miami bring me good luck (sorry for my bad English).
Good luck for everyone
I just wanted to say that you can lose the weight, I know it's hard but clearly you did once before !
Nutrition is 70%, fitness is 30%.
The healthier you are, the better womb/environment you'll create for your baby :)
Drink lots of water, no white carbs/flour/pasta.

Hopefully you'll get your bfp soon!! When will u test? Are you temping?

I am having my first iui on Friday! I can't wait!!! Please god let it work !

Pbl enjoy your trip!

I do temp. Been temping since last April. Today I am 4dpo and my temp was the highest it has ever been this early post-ovulation. It spiked from 97.8 to 98.23. I had to look twice because originally I thought it dropped. I only noticed the .23 and was getting sad until I saw 98.23. lol My post-O temp rarely even gets higher that 98. Hopefully it is a good sign. General practitioner tried to take me off metformin last cycle and my cycle (and emotions) went crazy!!! I am back on it now, but was afraid this cycle might still be crazy. I had the flu for a week at the beginning, but now things are looking good! Luteal phase looking MUCH better now that I am back on metformin!

I do drink mostly water and am currently challenging myself to drink at least 80oz while I am at work. I am doing pretty good with that part. :)

I will try like mad to hold out on testing until the day AF would arrive which I believe is a week from tomorrow. I am usually pretty good about it because lately I haven't felt optimistic. This cycle we timed things pretty well, so it is going to be hard to hold out!!! Not looking forward to the immense disappointment I will feel if I get a bfn. I typically try not to get my hopes up so I am not too crushed!

Good luck with your IUI! FX everything goes well!!!

Have a safe trip PBL!
So we're a couple of weeks into the new year and still feeling positive!!

Have any of you been making changes?

I've upped CoQ10 and added Cod Liver Oil to my usual supps. I've also had the juice of one lemon with warm water every morning - bit bitter but ok - and been drinking plenty of grapefruit juice (which I love so easy for me!). I'm not trying to lose weight but am def eating much healthier. I've joined a Just Jhoom class and will be starting Body Balance on Friday.

Oh and the daily 'O'? Been keeping to that too - it's been tough!!:winkwink:

Also had a pelvic scan - unrelated - but she was a lovely lady and told me that my ovaries looked fine and had some follicles on them, it was cycle day 7 so it was good to hear that.

So that's the good stuff.

Not so good is we only managed to dtd 2 days before when I think I ovulate and not since grr - I'm still hoping that might give a chance, what do you think? When was was using the CBFM I ovulated on day 11/12 but I'm not using it anymore - to me it felt like more pressure - I did it for 6 months or so, each month was the same and I felt it was taking over my life!

I'm determined to be positive about it either way this month as it takes a few cycles for your body to change, so if it's not this month then all the above is still totally worthwhile.

Hope you're all doing well - keep the positivity flowing, there will be BFP's for us all very soon!! :happydance:
Hi guys
Just wanted to say that I just had my very 1st medicated IUI this morning. I was on gonalf and ovidrel and the iui was done a few hrs ago!!!!! I am so excited!

It was a little uncomfortable during the iui but nothing too bad, it was REALLY fast. I stayed there for about 10-15 minutes and thats it. Super easy, the RE said I can go about my normal living, exercise, sex, etc. are all OK> WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!

I am really excited and praying to god this works. I am VERY crampy right now, they said I can expect that today and next few days. Im hoping to bd tonight and sat/sun just for extra also.

Im feeling very positive and am scheduled for a bloodtest 2 weeks from today, 2/1 - so I may not test at home before then. RE told me not to as I could get a false positive from the ovidrel.

anyway, thats it for me! I hope you all are doing well and that those bfp's start coming soon!!!!
This was such a great thread to read. Thanks ladies! I joined BnB on Jan. 14th. I was wondering if I could join your group? I too have decided to step things up for 2013. We have been trying for a year and a half. I think the "get healthy" plan is the best. To my handful of vitamin suppliments I have added more folic acid, a fish oil capsule, and am trading my soda for water. I'm on CD6. I used to chart my BBT. I might start doing that again. I have never used OPKs, but I could start doing that too. I look for signs that I'm O'ing. I need to exercise more! I wish everyone lots of BFPs!
Hi Ladies!

I'm in the airport, flying back after my trip. Hope you are all doing well!

Shiny, it only takes once, and 2 days before O is supposed to be really good. Lots of :dust: :dust: to you!!!

Grace, glad your IUI went well. You need :dust: :dust: :dust:, too! I'm soooooo hopeful for you!

SweetMel, welcome to the thread! I'm sorry you 've had so many m/cs, but it's great that you have two LOs. We're DEFINITELY keeping the positivity up on this thread!

AFM, I wasn't able to chart at all on my trip, but I don't think I'm gearing up to O yet. I'm going to start using my OPKs tomorrow (CD 9), but OH is out of town until Tuesday night. Then the SMEP will begin!!!! :sex: :sex: :sex: I'm excited, and very hopeful for this month.

Good luck and :hugs: to you all!!!!
oh oh can I jump in? 2013 will be my year too I can just feel it! :happydance:

I had my DS at 38, took 7 months. Though his birth was VERY hard (micro-preemie, see sig) he is doing well now. We are completely, heads over heals in love with our little guy - didn`t think it was possible to love this much. Now we desperately want number 2. I think I want another mostly because I love my son sooo much I`m afraid of smothering him, if that makes sense :blush:

SO last year after the long tests and waiting I had 2 IUIs (they were meh) and one IVF. Bad news is, I fell pregnant but the embryo stopped developing at 5 weeks - the worst day of my life. Good news is I had 22 ovules retrieved (exceptional the doctor kept saying) so I still have a few embryos frozen to try again. I`m in Quebec, we`re very lucky here, fertility treatments are all covered, no cost. Have my first FET in February. I keep being told by the fertility clinic doctors that my numbers are amazing, have the fertility of a 30 year old - yet here I am a year later, still trying... what do they know =p

What else - I take 600mg coq10, have weekly fertility acupuncture (hey I figure perhaps it helped with that bfp), pre-natal, vitamin b6 (I tend to ovulate early) and vitamin d. I have high blood pressure so I take 80mg aspirin and will have heparin shots daily if I get a bfp.

All it takes is oooone good egg ladies!

Welcome SweetMel and Vermeil!

PBL- Good luck with the SMEP! Looks like a bunch of fun is about to begin! :haha:

I saw my general practitioner last Thursday to discuss meds for high blood pressure. Since my appointment was early in the morning and I had not ate in over 12 hours, she decided to test my blood sugar, lipids/cholesterol, and my thyroid as well. A welcomed surprise, since I have been quite curious about my cholesterol and my thyroid. ALL were normal! So yay! She started me on Hydrochlorothiazide (aka water pill) for my blood pressure because she said it is safe for pregnancy. They sure weren't kidding when they called this a water pill! I don't think I have had to pee so much in my life!!! :rofl:

I am 9 dpo today. I was feeling pretty good about our odds this cycle until this weekend. Now everything is just starting to feel like the usual pre-AF stuff. Of course, this is also my typical defense mechanism. I get my hopes up too high, so I start talking myself down. :dohh: I think I have talked myself down enough that I will hold out on testing until Friday... AF should rear her ugly head on Thursday sometime... potentially even Wednesday. My luteal phase varies between 11-12 days, which my OBGYN is concerned that could be a sign of luteal phase defect. After seeing my charts for this cycle and my last cycle... I am beginning to get concerned myself. This cycle I had the flu and ear infections, so my temps have just been wonky pre-o and I did not even chart most of them.

I guess we will see!
Vermel, OMG your little one!!!! :shock::shock::shock: What a story!

Elphaba, glad your stats came back healthy! That must have been quite a relief. The vanishing symptom thing happened to me last month, too. Symptoms don't really mean that much, since they can come and go, and are sometimes mostly in our head, so I'm hoping you'll still get a BFP! Welcome to you!

AFM, I started using the OPKs yesterday, and got a faint line straight away. :saywhat: I'm not due to O for another week, although it hasn't been very reliable recently. Trouble is my OH is still out of town. He needs to get home so we can get this party started!!!! :haha: Do any of you other ladies get faint lines that early?

:hugs: and :dust: to all!
Shinyshoes, you crack me up.

Grace, FX for you!

Vermeil, miraculous story. My prayers to you. I hope bun #2 stays in the oven a while longer. WE CAN DO IT!!

Elpha, just out of curiosity, how much did the water pill make you lose? I’m glad that everything else checked out good.

I’m on CD9 today. I can already feel my ovaries gearing up for ov. I have been on my low carb diet for almost a week now. Now if I could just get out and exercise, but it has been too cold lately.

Good luck ladies!
SweetMel- I haven't bothered weighing myself since starting the water pill. It was for my blood pressure, and honestly with AF surely approaching (should be here tomorrow... surprised she wasn't today after seeing my temp dip) I get bloated and tend to not lose weight at all the week or two before she is due. Then when she is gone, I will typically drop 5lbs. Has to be water retention, but maybe with the pill that wouldn't happen? I don't know? lol :shrug:
Way to go on the weight loss! :thumbup: I lost about 10 pounds after the m/c (too much crying to eat), and haven't wanted to weigh myself since. I got weighed at the doc's, but I had on a heavy coat and boats, so I'd say it included at least 10 points of clothing. :haha: But seriously, I do not recommend m/cs for weight loss. :nope:

Are you still planing to test, Elphaba, or just wait for when AF is due?

Good luck catching the egg, Sweet Mel!

Still gearing up to O here. Faint lines continue on the new OPKs, so it's no time soon. Actually, I think I'll go pee on a stick now. Had some EWCM earlier, so who knows? :loo: :rofl:

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