My Perfect Boy born at 36+3 xxx


Mummy of 2 xxx
Nov 17, 2009
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I am a few days late in writing this as my little boy has been in Special Care for 6 days so only just got settled at home.

It started on 6th July i had a bloody show in the afternoon, I rang the MW as it was bright red blood and wanted to make sure everything was ok. I had been losing my plug for over a week and been having niggles since the weekend. I had already said to my husband that i thought i would only be a few days rather than weeks and i was right!

We got to hospital and i was put on monitor to check for contractions and HB, all was ok. I kept losing this mucus which the MW confirmed was my plug. The Dr wanted her to examine me as my 1st labour was only 3 hours and with us living 25 miles from the hospital they wanted to check i wasn't gonna have the baby anytime soon.

I wasn't suprised when she told me i was 3cm dilated, i had had a funny stretching feeling down below for a few days. They agreed to let me go home, i had a bit of tummy ache but couldn't decide if it was early labour pains or just excitement! The MW said that my cervix had about 1.5cm to shorten in length and she could feel my waters and that i would be days at the most!

We got home about 10:30pm and i bounced on my ball, couldn't be bothered for long so decided to DTD with OH. He took some persuading mind but gave in! I then went to sleep on one of those bed pads that you get in hospital just incase my waters went on my lovely new Superking bed!

I remember waking up at 2am thinking i bet my waters go at 3am, i woke again 9 mins to 3 and felt my waters go! I didn't believe it at first as OH said there wasn't anything there but it started coming out! I laid there for 10 mins waiting to see if i got any pains and they started coming every 3 mins. Not painful and lasting about 45 seconds. OH decided to jump in the shower whilst i dashed downstaires to straighten my hair and put my makeup on! (i looked a mess after having my 1st so was gonna look half decent this time round!)

We set off back to the hospital and arrived at about 4:10am. We had to go though A&E as the main doors were closed and i had 5 contractions from walking in to getting to the delivery suite (they were coming every 3 mins until i got inside and had 5 in about 4 mins!) I had an arguement with the porter as he tried to get me in a wheelchair and i was having non of it, then argued with OH has he wanted to take the lift but i point blank refused incase we got stook in it! So ran up the 4 flights and got to the top just before the next contraction. I got undressed and hopped on the bed to be checked and was 5cm. I was suprised at how easy it was at this point as with my daughter i was having painful contractions at 2.5cm! I definately think it was more the fear of not knowing with my 1st.

I had to be monitored as i was early and the Dr wanted me t have antibiotics just incase. The MW put a clip on babies head as the HB was very hard to pick up, it had been the same throughout the whole pregnancy. The clip kept coming loose so she kept having a rummage to try and put it back on. At this point the pain got much worse so i started on the G&A. The Dr had managed to get the Canula in and went to get the antibiotics, at the same time MW went to get some pethedine. I was suprised as the pains didn't seem to be getting any closer together where as with my daughter towards the end they were just one on top of the other.

So it was just me and OH waiting for the MW when i decided i wanted to push, he was horrified and told me you can't ( he ran to the door and shouted to the MW, "quick were on!" The Dr and MW came running in and i remember the MW shouting to someone outside the room, destroy that pethedine its too late... No time for the antibiotics either.

I was vertix visible at 5:20am, began pushing at 5:23am and my beautiful baby boy was born after 2 pushes at 5:25am. He really is the most perfect little thing i have ever seen! We have named him William Max Clark but we call him Will. Born on 7th July 2010.

He was screaming the second he came out and decided to wee all over me! He had a full head of dark hair, dark skin like my husband and weighed 5lbs 13oz. He is a tiny 44cm long with a 33cm head. I even managed to not tear this time which was what i was really bothered about, i had a slight graze.

We were then left for an hour for lots of cuddles before i jumped in the shower, had a wee in there (decided to get it over and done with) as it bloody stung!

All in all, i found the labour not that painful and progressed from 5cm to having him in 35 mins! I guess i am just really lucky!

To cut a long story short, when Will was 17 hours old he was admitted to Special care as his breathing was a bit fast and he was struggling to feed because of this. I had been telling them all day something was wrong but the paediatricians were too busy downstaires to come and check him. (Babies should be checked by the paediatrician at 6 hours old as procedure, my baby was 17 hours and this was down to my insistance!)

Before i knew where i was he was in an incubator, on Oxygen and at his worst was breathing 140 breaths a minute, when normal for a baby is 50-60. They ended up stopping feeding him for 50 hours so he could concerntrate on sorting his breathing out. At one point they were talking about putting him on a life support just to give him a rest as the breathing was just tiring him out. He had Pneumonia in his central part of his left lung and needed Antibiotics.

They decided to feed him 1ml of milk every hour from Saturday and reduce his drip from 13mls to 12mls. After 4 hours Will decided to scream the place down for food and they gave him 20mls of expressed Milk from a bottle which he nailed in about 3 mins! So i was able to BF him from Sat night and he has been the perfect feeder. I was terrified he wouldn't be able to BF and i was so upset about it. We had him weighed on day 5 and he had lost 4 oz, so was 5lb9oz, which i was amazed at to say he hadn't been fed for 2 1/2 days. When he was 6 days old we were allowed to come home, which felt great.

I have hardly slept since he came home as he has been feeding so much in the night, but i suppose he is catching up. He was weighed at day 10 and was 5lb12oz, so nearly back to birth weight.

All i can say is that i would never wish what i went through on my worst enemy, not been able to hold or even touch your baby is heartbreaking, esoecially when they are crying to be comforted or fed and there is nothing you can do. The hospital are baffled by his condition as they would have expected a 30 week old to have Will's problems not a baby nearly 37 weeks.

I will try and upload a few pics now, I love him so much xxxxx


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Awww! I'm sorry that he had to be put into an incubator, but at least he is at home with you now, happy, healthy and hungry.

he's beautiful! Congrats!
gosh he really is tiny! You look gorgeous in your photos so doing you make-up and hair was definitely worth while lol. I'm glad he's home and doing better now :hugs:
Aww my baby boy was born at 36 +3 too! and weighed 5lb 12 1/2!! He didnt have as much trouble as your LO, but he was a very poor feeder, has reflux and he is 8 weeks old now and it still takes him nearly an hour to finish a 5 ounce bottle (thats if he even finishes it!) Good luck hun and im glad its all worked out well!
congrats on your little boy. Sorry to hear he had to have some help with his breathing but glad to hear he is well and settling in at home now. He's such a beautiful little thing - those photos next to the ipod and toothbrush show just how tiny he is! wow!
He is beautiful! I am glad he is ok and home now. Enjoy him :) x
hiya my little boy was born at 36 weeks (so they say) he weighed 5lbs 5oz.

he had trouble breathing too and had to be ventilated, he was in SCBU for 3 weeks and was tube fed for most of tht.

he is now a happy 5yr old! (soon be 6 lol)

congratualtions on Will :hugs:
Congratulations, i love the second picture with his hands clasped lol!
Congrats hun he is absolutely gorgeous! Sorry he wasn't well but glad he's safe & sound and back home with his family :flower: x
I'm glad you are both home and doing well now. Enjoy him!
awwww he's a little beauty! congratulations, glad he's home safe and sound xx

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